v6 Chapter 44: Mask person (fourth more)

Wu Yang smiled, "What if I don't do this?"

"If you think you have choices, you are wrong." Hobbs exclaimed, holding up the gun in his hand and pointing at Wu Yang.

Several men behind Hobbs, and Elena all raised their guns, facing Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled and looked at Elena. "Elena, I missed you last time, but I missed you so much, but now I draw my gun to each other, but it makes me sad."

"Don't talk to me, guys like you, I can't wait to shoot you." Elena shouted, a hint of shame flashing in her eyes.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Is it?"

"Of course." Elena called. "I know all the things you do in America."

When Wu Yang wanted to say something, the orangutan Hobbs shouted, "Wu Yang, you take it seriously, you have been arrested."

Dom came over, "Hobs, have you made a mistake?"

"Dominic Toledo, I don't need to say right or wrong, you just need to know that you have been arrested." Hobbs yelled.

"Arrested, I don't feel that way at all." Dom laughed with disdain.

"Can you still run? Let me see," Hobbs exclaimed.

Wu Yang laughed, and everyone who passed the car around Wu Yang laughed. As a result, those who didn't know why laughed.

"Hahaha ..."

Hobbs's expression froze, "Dutum shut up."

Wu Yang continued to laugh, and said, "Gorilla, you are a bit wrong. This is not the United States, this is Brazil. Am I right? Brothers, can you tolerate this Yankee and be mad? Here are all. Pick up your handle for Lao Tzu. "

The man who lost the match with Wu Yang raised his gun and yelled, "Brothers."

Brush ...

A gun was raised and aimed at Hobbs and his men.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "What about this? Orangutan!"

"Wu Yang." Hobbs's nose trembled and he was already extremely angry.

One of Hobbs's men walked beside Hobbs, "Let's go, boss, someday."

Seeing that Hobbs ignored him, he continued to say, "Boss, the murderous force here is too heavy to fit, let's go."

Hobbs gritted his teeth. "Wu Yang, Toledo, we will meet again."

"I look forward to it, orangutan." Wu Yang smiled.

Hobbs turned and left, and several of his men followed.

Elena glared at Wu Yang and turned to follow.

"Elena, I will go to you. Be careful at night," Wu Yang said loudly.

Elena's body trembled, turned around, looked at Wu Yang, and wanted to say something.

"Sergeant Nevis, hurry." Hobbs's voice passed.

auzw.com Hobbs got into the car angrily, and three cars drove towards the front. After one of the cars drove away, Han was lying on the ground alone.

Han sat up and took out a walkie-talkie. "The tracker is already installed. We can control where they are now."

Among the crowd, Wu Yang walked in front of the man who lost his car and patted him on the shoulder. "Thank you, man."

"Thanks, you didn't take my car. These are the things I should do." The other laughed.

"Handsome guy, do you want to play?" A few Brazilian hot girls came to Wu Yang, all in a frivolous manner.

Wu Yang laughed. "Don't you see, am I really a serious person?"

"Handsome guy, really? It doesn't look like anything." A few hot girls smiled.

Dom came over, "I can assure you that what he said is true, he didn't" make mess ", Wu Yang, go."

"It's really boring," several hot girls said.

Wu Yang and Dom walked towards the front. Han came over. "The tracker is installed."

"The goal has been completed, do you not want to be here for a while? There are many hot girls here, and there is always one for you." Wu Yangjian smiled.

Both Dom and Han shook their heads. "Go back. Santos and Leo are still waiting."

Wu Yang's face "color" changed, looking in one direction, "You go back first, I have something."

Dom frowned. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"You know my skill, I'll do it on my own. Go back with Han." Wu Yang walked towards the left.

Han asked, "Dom, what is he going to do?"

"There is something, let's go back first."

Wu Yang walked into an alley. The alley was quiet. There was no one, giving a strange feeling.

Wu Yang's fingers were clipped in front of him, and a bullet was caught in his hand. "The silenced bullet, come out. Want to kill me, now it's a chance."

A person wearing a mask came out from the front, and looked at Wu Yang coldly.

"The person who" shot "me last time is you too. Why don't you tear off the mask? Let us have a good communication." Wu Yang laughed.

"Wu Yang, I want to kill you." The mask man said coldly.

Wu Yang smiled, "Know me? Want to kill me, I'm here, come on."

The mask man walked step by step towards Wu Yang, Wu Yang also walked towards the other side, and then rushed towards the other side at the same time.


The fists of the two sides collided together, making a banging sound, and an air stream radiated around, knocking down a damaged wall.

Under the collision, Wu Yang's feet slipped on the ground, and the ground was slid with a clear mark, and it stopped until it was backed up two meters.

The mask man only backed up one meter and stopped his body.

Wu Yang raised his fist, looking at the **** fist, an incredible flash of light flashed in his eyes, "In this world, there are people who can hurt me, it really surprised me."

In fact, Wu Yang was not a little surprised, but a bit shocked. Even though the t cell was only half awake, the metamorphic cell and the x cell were completely asleep, but his own powerful body was still there, and it exceeded human limits 10 times the body, even suffered a loss in the collision.

"I want to kill you, not just to say." The mask man roared and rushed towards Wu Yang. ..