v6 Chapter 53: Transform again (fifth)

After three days.

On the bed, Wu Yang and Elena lay together, and Elena pillowed Wu Yang's xiong mouth.

"Do you want to go?" Elena asked in a low voice.

"If you don't want me to go, I can stay with you here." Wu Yang laughed.

"Let's go and do what you want to do." Elena drew a circle on the xiong mouth of Wu Yang. "Don't worry about me, I will stay here."

Wu Yang looked into Elena's eyes. "Aren't you going to run away?"

"Was it useful? No matter where I fled, would you let me go? You won't, so what am I going to do?" Elena said lightly.

"It makes sense. In this case, I'll leave for a day." Wu Yang got up from the bed, jumped down, and quickly put on his clothes.

Wu Yang opened a drawer, and the drawer was full of dollars. "If you want to go for a walk, relax, the money is here."

"I know, I won't be polite with you." Elena even "showed" a smile.

Wu Yang walked to the bed, hugged Elena, and kissed Elena's mouth until she couldn't breathe.

"Don't die." Elena gasped.

"I can't bear to keep you alive." Wu Yang stood up and walked outside.

Elena looked at Wu Yang's back, her eyes were very complicated, what should she do?


On the road in the slums, three cars were driving fast, destined for Rio de Janeiro Airport.

On the Hummer in the middle, Hobbs, the orangutan sitting in front, with a tape on his nose, looked a bit funny, and the bridge of his nose was broken by Wu Yang.

Behind the car, sat Dom, Han, Santos, Leo, and Vince, each of them wearing handcuffs. Yes, Hobbs found them today and arrested them all.

Dom and Hobbs fought fiercely, the two sides tied, but Dom eventually gave up resistance.

Hobbs didn't ask Wu Yang's whereabouts. If that guy didn't want to be arrested by him, he couldn't catch Wu Yang. Hobbs had already recognized this.

As the three cars passed a slope, Hobbs's gaze reached a man in a black hood on the second floor of a broken building in front.

"Be careful, there is an ambush here," Hobbs yelled.

But it was too late, a shoulder-mounted rocket came over, hitting the front of a car with precision.


A loud explosion sounded, the flames burst, and the car in front was blasted out, rolled over, and fell to the side of the road.

Bang bang ...

From the surrounding dilapidated buildings, a large number of armed men wearing black hoods appeared and shot with guns.

"Ah ..." Hobbs yelled, got out of the car with a gun, "shot" around him, and quickly killed a few.

In the car, Dom looked around, "We can't sit here waiting to die, we're leaving here."

"What do you want to do?" Han asked.

Dom's hand smashed towards an iron pillar, and the handcuffs that locked him were broken in this way.



Another rocket "shot" down and bombarded a car next to Hobbs. The powerful flames and air currents that burst out spread out. The nearest Hobbs was blown out and lay on the ground. When it is on the ground, it cannot move.

"Boss." One of Hobbs's men ran towards Hobbs and was hit by several shots, lying in the middle of the dead road.

Hobbs looked at all this and could only scream weakly, "No ..." He couldn't stand up now.

The car that was initially bombarded by the rocket crashed out of the roadside and crawled out of two Hobbes's hands, but waiting for them were two bombs from the sky.

Boom, boom ...

Two huge explosions, the flames devoured everything around the car, an arm was blown out, and landed beside Hobbs.

"No ..." Hobbs yelled in pain, and by now, his men had been killed.

A large number of armed men in black hoods rushed out of the surrounding buildings and walked towards Hobbs, preparing to kill Hobbs. Of course, their main purpose is to catch Dom, after all, Reyes wants that chip.

A roaring sound came from a distance. On the slope, a super-cool Lamborghini concept car, ankonian, jumped out, rose to a height of seven or eight meters and flew down the slope.

Hearing the roar, the militants wearing black hoods looked back, but it was too late.

The car flew down and hit the three men directly. In the sound of roar, flesh and blood flew across.

The car fell to the ground and continued to hit. Another four or five people were hit and flew dozens of meters.

The remaining people quickly hid on both sides of the road, and "shot" at a cool luxury car they had never seen before.

A rocket blasted down from the air and blasted toward Lamborghini.


Bombing on it, Flame IV "shot" and wrapped the car.

In the flames, the sound of mechanical friction continued, and a metal human figure stood up.

The five Dom who came down from the car, as well as those armed men wearing black hoods, were shocked to watch all this. What is this?

The ten-meter-high body has black "color" metal, and a domineering human body shape.

"What is that?" Santos called.

"It looks like a robot, a domineering robot," Leo exclaimed.

"What does he want?" Vince asked.

Dom shook his head. "It's not time for us to care about this. It is the most important thing to escape from here. Pick up the gun and let's get on."

"it is good!"

The five Dom picked up their guns and "shot" at the militants wearing hoods.

"Kill them, don't let them run away." A man in a black hood shouted.

"What about that monster?"

"Kill them together, with bombs, with rockets."

Suddenly, the tall black robot jumped up, jumped more than 50 meters high, and opened his hands in the air.

This is Wu Yang, that's right, he transformed into a Transformer form again.

Wu Yang's metal hands suddenly clenched. I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time. It's really been a long time. I want to vent, vent!

"Ah ..." Wu Yang yelled violently. ..