v6 Chapter 62: Don't want you to be in danger (fourth more)

Elena took a deep breath and silenced for a moment: "He appears."

Wu Yang frowned slightly. "He? Who is this you referring to? I can't figure it out."

"He was the man who was going to marry me, but was killed by the priest at the wedding. His name was Hulke, do you understand what I said?" Elena said lightly.

Wu Yang nodded. "I see. A man who had died appeared in front of you. When did you meet him?"

"Yesterday afternoon, I really couldn't believe that a person who had been dead for two years turned up in front of me." Elena was still a little unacceptable.

Wu Yang said lightly: "Is there any change in him?"

"He's not what he used to be, he's groomed, but it's him," Elena affirmed.

"Cosmetology, these are not the key points. The key is you. Is there anything between you?" Wu Yang looked into Elena's eyes.

Elena stared at Wu Yang fiercely, exclaiming excitedly: "Wu Yang, what kind of woman do you think of me? Don't you know shame?"

Wu Yang hugged Elena and smiled, "Don't be excited, don't be excited. In my heart, you are the purest."

"Speak less of this hypocrisy, you just want to possess me forever and treat me as your belonging." Elena said coldly.

"How can you think so? I love you so much." Wu Yang said shamelessly, "I don't touch a woman I don't love."

"Huh." Elena snorted coldly, but judging by the "look" in her eyes, she no longer seemed angry.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "So what did he say to you?"

"He ..." Elena flashed complex emotions such as blame and guilt. "I'm sorry for him, I'm really sorry for him, I can't go on wrong, Wu Yang, let me go."

Wu Yang said lightly, "What did he say to you?"

"He told me that at the wedding that day, he was not killed, but was seriously injured. But he was afraid that his reappearance would put me in danger, so in the past two years he has remained anonymous and even went for cosmetic surgery. He secretly collected evidence from Reyes and others, and protected me secretly. "Elena shook her head.

Elena continued: "I really owe him too much. He has endured so many dangers. I can't do anything more sorry for him, I ..."

Wu Yang sneered and said, "What a great man, what a great man, I admire him. Then why didn't he keep secretly, now he's out again?"

"There have been too many changes during this time. Your appearance has disrupted his plan. He said that there is no need to hide it anymore. He already has enough power to protect me and protect those. Weak people. "

Wu Yang frowned slightly. "What a touching story, how strong is he?"

"Very strong, Wu Yang, I know you're great, but don't underestimate him." Elena's eyes were a little concerned.

Wu Yang nodded. "What else did he say?"

"He asked me to follow him. He was going to complete a wedding that was not completed two years ago. He also said that he didn't care what happened to me and other people, he didn't care anything, as long as I returned to him." Elin Na had a difficult road, with deep guilt and sadness in her eyes.

Wu Yang clenched his fists and smiled, "It's such an infatuated man, really infatuated, it's rare in the world."


"Now he is back, but I have done that kind of thing with you, and he has endured so much in secret, I am really sorry for him. Wu Yang, I can't go on like this, so I will feel guilty for life, let Let me go. "Elena looked at Wu Yang with a pleading look.

Wu Yang asked, "Where are you going? Go back to that Hulk."

"I don't know." Elena shook her head. "I didn't think about it."

"What did you tell him then?"

"I asked him to give me a day and let me think about it. He also said that he knew you robbed me, and if you knew him, let me go, or he would make you pay a heavy price. "Elena whispered.

There was a flash of tyranny in Wu Yang's eyes, "Don't let me go? I'd love to see how he doesn't let me go? I'm looking forward to it."

"Wu Yang, don't you like this?" Elena looked at Wu Yang.

"Why? Give me a reason," Wu Yang said lightly.

"He really became very powerful. I saw with his own eyes that he interrupted a street lamp post with a punch, and it was very easy. I don't want to ..." Elena did not continue.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "What do you want?"

Elena looked into Wu Yang's eyes. "I don't want you to be in danger."

"So you're going to do what Hulk said, don't you want me to be in danger?" Wu Yang said with a smile.

Elena turned her face aside and didn't speak.

"Tell me." Wu Yang put one hand on Elena's chin, so Elena couldn't escape her eyes.

Elena called with a strong anger, "Yes, that's what you said, you're satisfied."

Wu Yang laughed, stroking Elena's face, "I'm very satisfied, you are such a cute stupid woman."

"You're stupid," Elena called, and slapped Wu Yang's hand away. "Wu Yang, let me go, so that you will be fine, and I won't be sorry for him anymore."

Wu Yang shook his head. "How can I let my woman make a sacrifice for my safety."

"It's not for you." Elena moved her face away.

"You just keep talking hard, but you really look down on me, and you don't want to go anywhere, let me settle everything." Wu Yang suddenly clenched his fists.

Elena shook her head. "Wu Yang, I know you're great, but Hulk is now ..."

"Don't say anything, I just ask you a little, do you still have feelings for him?" Wu Yang said lightly.


"Tell me," Wu Yang said undeniably.

Elena looked at Wu Yang, "Why did you meet this rotten guy? You must be forced to" force "me to death, are you happy? You want to know, I tell you, I have no **** with him, Some are just guilty and sorry. "..