v6 Chapter 73: Only one can be selected (first)

Elena said firmly: "If you want to think that way, there is no problem, no matter whether you are a devil or any evil person, in my eyes, you are just my man, I am your woman."

Wu Yang asked, "Oh, even so frankly, didn't you kill and admit it before? Did you hate to kill me?"

"I still hate you now, but I love you more. Love overcomes hate. What more can you care about? Although you are a rotten man and have done shameless things to me, but you care about me, for me What I did let me get into it. Women are so stupid sometimes. "Elena shook her head.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I really dare to love and hate, Elena, I admire you."

"Don't say such hypocritical words, if you admire me, you won't do those hateful things to me." Elena glared at Wu Yang.

"Don't say this, as long as the result is good, the process is a bit worse, it is completely acceptable. Is there a sentence that says this, the process is tortuous, and the result is beautiful. Is it good? "

"You made this excuse," Elena scorned.

"This is no excuse, I think so." Wu Yang smiled.

There was a hint of regret in Elena's eyes, "Hurke, that's how he died. He shouldn't have died."

Wu Yang raised a brow. "Why, you can't bear him?"

Elena immediately said: "Don't think too much, I have no other meaning, just think that he should not die, he is a good man, but just used."

Wu Yang took a bit of disdain, "There are no **** people, only stupid people, being used, can only show that he is stupid enough to take you to Brian. Want to be by my side Take you away, even if Brian didn't kill him, I'll kill him. "

After hearing these words from Wu Yang, Elena was dissatisfied: "How can you say that?"

"If you have bad ideas for you, I can only kill him." Wu Yang's face was cold.

"You rotten guy is so overbearing, can't you let me?"

"This doesn't need to make you, well, we don't need to argue for a dead person, are you right?" Wu Yang smiled.

Elena snorted. "You think I want to argue with you."

"Yes, you don't want to." Wu Yang smiled toward Elena's face, ready to kiss.

Elena immediately blocked Wu Yang's mouth with her hand. "You make the problem clear, otherwise don't touch me."

Wu Yang froze, "What do you want me to say? What else do I have to say clearly."

"Is that Brian killed by you?" Elena asked.

Wu Yang shook his head slightly. "I don't know much about this. I'm dead. I don't know yet."

Wu Yang did not know if he had killed Brian, but he hoped that Brian was not dead. If he died, the system's additional tasks would not be completed. Devour? How exactly is it swallowed? Wu Yang hasn't figured it out till now.

"Well, I don't care about these. I don't care if you become a robot, can fly, fly eaves walk around the wall, these messy things. I just want to know, who is that Mia?" Elena looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

auzw.com Wu Yang is haha, "Mia."

"Don't lie to me, tell me, what is the relationship between you?" Elena asked.

Wu Yang nodded. "Mia, it's my woman."

Elena's eyes widened, and her eyes were filled with disappointment. "Sure enough, I thought you would make excuses and say no."

"You are my woman, I will not deceive you." Wu Yang said in "sincere".

Elena sat up, with a hint of irony, "I'm also your woman? That Mia is your woman, I'm just a latecomer, the object you play with."

Wu Yang also sat up, ready to hug Elena.

Elena blocked Wu Yang's hand, "Don't touch me."

"Elena, calm down."

"I'm calm, Wu Yang. Now that you have a woman, I have no need to stay with you, I will forget all this, you scumbag, go with that Mia." Elena Took his hand toward the clothes and was ready to get dressed.

Wu Yang hugged Elena, "You woman, what do you want?"

"Let me go, don't touch me, go to your Mia, I'm just a latecomer, I don't want to be said to be a junior, shameless woman." Elena called, teeth biting Open your mouth * lips.

"No one will say you like that, you are my Wu Yang's woman." Wu Yang said irresistibly.

"Well, Mia is your woman. Do you want me to be your underground lover? I'm not that cheap." Elena's eyes were unyielding.

Wu Yang felt a little funny and shook his head. "Elena, do you really think of me as a scumbag?"

"You are," Elena called. "Let me go."

"You and Mia are both my women. There is no underground lover, Xiaosan, who is with me together. Do you understand that?" Wu Yang explained.

Elena froze, "You want to open the harem, take it all ?!"

"That's the meaning, polygamy, you are all my wives, sleeping with me on a big bed." Wu Yang's face was evil.

Elena stared at Wu Yang. "You really think so wonderfully, this is impossible."

"What do you say then? You and Mia, I want both." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"No, you can only choose one, either me or that Mia, I can not care about you and that Mia before," Elena said firmly.

Wu Yangxie smiled. "I choose both."

"No woman can tolerate sharing the same man with another woman. I can't, that Mia certainly can't. It's hurting the hearts of two women." Elena called.

Wu Yang shook his head. "Elena, I won't let any woman be sad. The perfect solution is to let you know my super powerful fighting power." ..