v6 Chapter 78: Pregnant (second)

"Dom!" Mia shouted happily and ran towards the front.

"Mia." Dom smiled and hugged Mia.

Wu Yang, Giselle and Elena walked over and looked at the small wooden house in front of them. Wu Yang smiled and said, "Dom, how is your life here?"

Dom said with a smile: "Life here is very good, leisurely, just change the car and drive."

Giselle looked around, "The scenery here is pretty good."

"Wu Yang, I didn't expect you to come so soon, and brought Mia."

"I'm a very honest and trustworthy person? Don't you know?" Wu Yang boasted.

"Seeing it, don't stand outside, just go in and sit." Dom went into the cabin in a good mood.

Elena whispered to Wu Yang: "In the future, when you don't want to do it, let's find a small island country to retreat."

"Why, have longing for Dome's life now?" Wu Yang asked.

"It's really good here," Elena said.

Dom said to the four of Wu Yang: "Sit down, you're welcome."

"Dom, we won't be polite with you. You are a multi-millionaire now." Mia smiled.

Dom looked at Wu Yang and raised a brow. "This is thanks to Wu Yang. Wu Yang didn't bully you. This guy is very bad."

"Look at what you said, he didn't bully me." Mia looked at Wu Yang with a touch of sweetness in her eyes.

"That's all right, or even if I can't beat Wu Yang, for my sister, I will have a fight with Wu Yang." Dom joked.

Wu Yang shook his head. "I don't dare to bully Mia with an older brother like you."

Dom thought for a while and thought, "Wu Yang, now your news is everywhere. Even this small island country where I live knows your name. Are you okay to come out like this, is it all right?"

Wu Yang said indifferently: "If anyone wants to catch me, if they have the ability, then come."

"You're still so bullish and coquettish, in other words, what caused you to make so much noise in Rio de Janeiro?" Dom asked, "that metal giant, you."

Wu Yang said lightly: "Because of one person."


"Brian O'Connor."

Dom stood up directly from his chair, his eyes sharp, "Wu Yang, what did you say?"

"Dom, Brian is resurrected, and he's changed."

Dom talked after a while, "If someone else said it, I definitely don't believe it, but you say it, I believe it."

"Dom, this is actually a difficult thing, because Brian is going to get revenge, he is going to kill me, and Mia, and what will you do?" Wu Yang asked.

Dom frowned. "I'm sorry for him."

Wu Yang waved his hand, "Then this problem is everywhere, you can be clear in your heart, I don't want to ruin our mood because of this."

Dom nodded. "I understand. No one will mention it, so Wu Yang, let's have a barbecue together."




After two days in Tonga, an island nation in the Pacific, Wu Yang left here and went to the Maldives.

On the sunny beach of the Maldives, Wu Yang wore a pair of large pants, lying on a chair, wearing sunglasses, holding a straw on his mouth, and sipping orange juice aside.

Giselle, Elena, and Mia all wore swimwear, playing in the sea water in front.

"Mia, do you have any thoughts, you are not comfortable playing, I think it is necessary for you to talk to Wu Yang, if you are in your heart, you will get sick." Giselle looked at some absent Mia .

"Uh? I didn't, I didn't mind." Mia denied immediately.

Elena shoved Mia. "Even I see it, go."

"you guys……"

"Go." Giselle and Elena said together.

"Okay." Mia walked towards Wu Yang on the beach.

Giselle affirmed: "It must be related to that Blaine."

"Well, Mia should be guilty. It's a bit like me." Elena sighed.

Giselle smiled and said, "The fault is not with you, everything is made by Wu Yang."

Mia walked beside Wu Yang, "Wu Yang."

Wu Yang looked lazy, "Mia, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Looking at Wu Yang's appearance, what Mia wanted to say was instantly absent.

Wu Yang took off the sunglasses, dragged Mia over, held Mia in her arms, "I know what you're thinking, from when I told you Brian wasn't dead, you came these days Uneasy. "

Suddenly Mia hugged Wu Yang, "Wu Yang, I'm really scared ..."

"Don't be afraid, no one can hurt you with me." Wu Yang patted Mia's back.

"Wu Yang, you killed Brian, I don't blame you. But now he is resurrected, full of hatred, I am very disturbed, I feel really guilty, I feel that he is like this now, I caused it ..." Mia shook her head.

Wu Yang thought for a while: "I killed Brian because I had to do that, but if you are indifferent to Brian's death, it only shows that Mia is a cold-blooded person, but Mia you are not People like that, you are a good woman, so your emotions are normal. "

"Wu Yang ..."

"Mia, let me solve everything, you really don't need to think so much." Wu Yang comforted.

"I know, Wu Yang, what would you do if Brian came to us?" Mia looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Mia, he seriously threatened our lives, so ..." Wu Yang didn't say any more.

Mia nodded slightly. "I see."

"Blame me?"

"No wonder, although you feel guilty, but you are more important, vomit ..." Mia hadn't finished speaking, but she had retched, but she didn't spit out anything.

Wu Yang looked at Mia with an uncomfortable face, and froze, "Your sign, you won't."

"I, I'm fine ..." Mia shook her head.

Wu Yangxi put the orange juice in Mia's mouth. "Come, take a sip."

After taking a sip, Mia felt better. "Wu Yang, I'm fine. Don't worry."

Wu Yang looked at Mia's belly, "Mia, you are pregnant." ..