v6 Chapter 81: Decatur Shaw (first)

Early morning in Los Angeles.

Dom opened the door of the house and stood on the steps. A glimmer of loss flashed in his eyes. Letty left, saying he was going to retrieve the lost memory, and now he was alone.

Dom looked away, and there was a box, a courier, with the delivery address written on it.

"Did Han send it to me?" Dom said to himself in confusion.

Jingle Bell……

Dom's cell phone rang and Dom connected the phone. "Who?"

A man's voice came over, "Dominic Toledo, you know me, but you will know me soon."

Dom's expression turned cold, and he looked at the mobile phone, which said: Private number, Tokyo!

Dom's gaze looked at the courier, his face "stained" and he ran quickly towards the front.


The express delivery exploded, the blazing flames spread around, the roof was lifted to the sky, and building debris was blown up everywhere.

Dom was shocked by the airflow and was more than meters high. He fell heavily on the ground, but there was no problem.

Dom stood up and looked towards his own home. The flame was still burning and the house had been blown into ruins.

Dom's fist clenched, his eyes were killing, his home was blown up, and no matter who he was, he had to pay him a heavy price.

A street in Tokyo in the eastern hemisphere, a car overturned in the middle of the road, the men in the car were struggling, blood was flowing, and the people in the car looked like Han.

The man who had had a fight with Hobbes stood by the car, hung up the phone, and with a cold face, threw something from his hand and threw it into the overturned car.

The man walked forward, "You are only the first, and someone will come to accompany you soon."


The overturned car exploded, the flames blasted around, and fragments of the car body exploded everywhere.

The man walked towards the front without turning his head back. The exploding flame at the back made him look as if he had stepped out of the fire of hell.

In a Los Angeles hospital.

Dom walked down the corridor in this hospital, and a policewoman came over. "You're Mr. Toledo, Sergeant Hobbs asked me to show you to him."

"How is he now?" Dom asked.

"There were two scratches on the leg and a broken arm. I woke up only this morning. The first thing I want to do is see you," the policewoman replied.

Led by the policewoman, Dom was taken to a ward.

In the ward, Hobbes was on his upper body, and his body was covered with bandages, especially his left arm. Hobbs was watching TV with a hint of fruit on the side.

Dom went in and smiled, "What are the rewards you have risked to save all beings? Fruits, and these 70-year TV shows?"

"Well, this is only part of ..."

A voice came, "orangutan, what's the matter with you? How did you make this hang? What a wolf."


"Orangutan ?!" Hobbs's face "color" changed instantly upon hearing this title.

Dom turned back and smiled, "Wu Yang, you're here. It's been a long time."

Wu Yang took off his sunglasses, "Dom, Mia misses you so much."

"Wu Yang, how dare you come here?" Hobbs yelled at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's gaze looked at Hobbs. "Gorilla, don't get excited. I'm here to fight with you, not to fight with you."

"Do you think I don't know? Now you are" **** "all the underground transactions in the United States? You better be careful." Hobbs stared at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I have been very careful. If the" government "of the United States wants to catch me, then it will be fine. But I know, Hobbs, you can't catch me."

"You ..." Hobbs exasperated, his face "colored" for a while, touching the wound on his body.

Dom immediately hit the field, "Wu Yang, are you here now?"

"I heard that the orangutan was almost killed, so come and see me."

Hobbs almost spurted his breath. "That shameless thing, use a bomb, otherwise he'll be killed by me."

"Don't make excuses for your failure. If you lose, you lose." Wu Yang shook his head.

Hobbs was unhappy, there was no reason to refute, he did lose.

"I also heard that your home was bombed by Dom and Han was also killed." Wu Yang said lightly.

Dom clenched his fist. "I will never let go of that bastard, I will break him into pieces."

"Orangutan, tell me about that guy." Wu Yang looked at Hobbs.

Hobbes said in spite of his discomfort, "Dom, do you remember Owen Shaw? We ran more than half of London in order to kill him, and now it is his brother who troubles us. Look at this.

Dom took the information Hobbs passed and looked at it. "De Carter, from the British professional killer organization."

"A unique organization does not belong to any" government. "Hobbs explained.

"Secret operation," Dom said.

"What's more troublesome is that they cultivated a demon. When they found that Dekateshaw had become a demon, the group finally decided that he no longer needed to exist. In addition, Dekateshaw knew too many secrets. The upper management decided to kill him. They sent more than 20 elites, but they failed. For six years, De Cartershaw's whereabouts have been erratic. "

Wu Yang uttered a wicked smile, "It sounds like a hang."

"Dekatshaw, how can I find him?" Dom asked.

"Don't be impulsive," Hobbs said.

"He killed Han and ruined my home, you know I can't do it without impulse," Dom said lightly.

"I know, he almost killed me too. All I want to do now is hit him. He regrets his mother for giving birth to him. Dom, give you a brotherly reply: once you find that dog **** , Promise me, knock him out! "

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It seems to be a very interesting thing, Dom, orangutan, goodbye." Wu Yang walked towards the front.

Hobbs looked at Wu Yang's back, and said unpleasantly, "This bastard, just come and laugh at me?"

"I think so, but he may have his own ideas," Dom said lightly. ..