v6 Chapter 83: Eye of God (third more)

Dom followed the militants to a base.

A man in a suit, looking like a man in his fifties, stood in front of a beer barrel, took a glass of beer, and took a sip.

"Mr. Anonymous, you asked me to come with you. Did you just watch your beer?" Dom standing opposite said. The old man in a suit refused to say his name to Dom, and asked Dom to call him Anonymous.

Wu Mingshi said to Dom: "Of course not, do you want a drink too?"

"I prefer Corona beer," Dom said lightly.

Anonymous picked up an iron bucket from the ground, which contained cold Corona beer, and Anonymous gave Dom a bottle.

Dom took it, took a sip, "Do you know where De Carter Shaw?"

"The reason why Xiao is fascinated by ghosts is because he is special in shadows. He is very good at sneaking into a place and waiting for you to find nothing except seeing the body of a place. But to be honest, I can see that you are right He dismissed it. "Anonymous said to Dom.

"So what?" Dom said lightly.

Anonymous smiled and said, "As long as you cooperate with me, we will all get what we each want."

"Do I listen?"

"Come with me." Anonymous took Dom to a digital control room.

A black avatar appeared on a large screen, and Anonymous introduced: "Jia Kande Moses, the leader of a terrorist group, kidnapped a hacker called 'Ramsey'. The United States has been annoyed by this. Because Ramsey has made something interesting. "

"Place it on the screen." Anonymous said to one of his men.

"Yes, sir."

A large number of data images appeared on the screen, and Anonymous said, "Let me introduce, Eye of God, this data network from your location, including mobile phones, satellites, computers, ATMs, and if you have a camera Or the microphone, the Eye of God can find you. "

"You just invited me to see a tracking system?" Dom said lightly.

"Of course not, there are others, let me explain. It took them many years to find Osama bin Laden. If there is this, we can find anyone in a few hours. This device is almost invincible, but in the wrong hands, It's a disaster. Any US department or army is abolished. That's why I need you. "Anonymous looked at Dom.

Dom smiled slightly. "But why do I need you? I can leave here and enjoy the rest of the beer, waiting for Xiao to come to me."

"Of course you can do that, but what's going on? One friend has hung up, the other is already in the hospital, and your own home has been bombed. Do you know how to wipe out the shadows? Expose him to the light if you can Help me regain the eye of God, and I authorize you to use him, help you find Shaw, and you will become a hunter. "

Wu Mingshi said with a smile: "You retrieved Ramsay, you recovered the eye of God, and you found Xiao. You and your friends don't have to go to the funeral."

Dom shook his head. "I can't refuse."


"But it has to be my way, with my team," Dom said.

"I knew you would say that, please allow me to find them without permission." Anonymous looked at the front hall, and two black "color" cars drove in.

auzw.com Dom looked at the three men who came down from it, and one of them flashed excitement in his eyes, "Letti."


A large plane is flying over the Caucasus Mountains, Azerbaijan.

The rear hatch of the large aircraft opened, and then a car slid out of it, falling from a height of 10,000 feet and falling quickly down.

However, this is only the first, followed by the second, and then the third.

Of the three cars that fell, the first was Dom, the second was Letty, the third was Teggie, the fourth, and the fourth had not yet arrived, staying in a large aircraft. Scared not to come out.

Dom shouted through the intercom: "Pierce, hurry down."

"I will never come down, brothers, I should stop you from going to death." Pierce came from the intercom.

Taiji yelled, "Pierce, you can do it. How exciting it is. Come together."

"I can't, I'm afraid I'm high."

The three of Dom's car was still falling fast and getting closer to the ground. Dom shouted, "Tage, let Pierce come down."

"OK!" Taiji laughed loudly and pressed a button.

Pierce, who was in a large airplane, suddenly blasted a parachute behind the car he was in, the parachute opened, and huge traction pulled towards the back, pulling the car toward the rear hatch.

Pierce slammed on the brakes and yelled, "What are you doing, Tagui?" No, no, I don't want to go out, ah ... "

Eventually he was pulled out and fell quickly towards the bottom, "Ah ..."

With about 500 feet to go before the ground, Dom, Letty, and Taiji pressed a button together.

Bang, bang ...

Three huge parachutes "shot" from the car body, hauling the car, causing the three cars to slowly fall towards the ground.

At about two meters from the ground, the parachute broke out, and the three cars landed on the road together, driving in a straight line toward the front.

In the end, Pierce's car was still hanging in the air, being towed by a parachute, and he was about to fall into a wood.

"Hey, come and get me out," Pierce yelled.

"Dude, just stay there and we will come to your rescue." Taiji said with the intercom.

At a height of 10,000 feet, the large aircraft was flying in the air, and the pilot in the cabin suddenly felt the whole aircraft shake violently.

The armed men in the cabin were unable to stand still during this violent shaking, one by one shouting, "What happened?"

At the base where Anonymous is located, staff are closely monitoring all this, and their eyes are widening, "How is that possible?"

Anonymous called: "What's wrong?" ..