v6 Chapter 90: You are my maid (second more)

Ramsay looked at Giselle's two women, and frowned slightly. "Two beautiful women, what is your relationship with this low-quality man?"

"Well," Giselle smiled. "What do you think?"

Ramsay looked at Wu Yang with a slight disdain in his eyes. "This low-quality man should be your male servant. Only one male servant can have such taste."

Elena couldn't help laughing, "Wu Yang, are you our servant?"

"I think you have a good eye." Giselle gave thumbs up to Ramsay.

Ramsay couldn't help laughing, "It's natural to say that I don't need to say anything."

Wu Yang raised a brow. "You dare to say it."

"Of course I dare to say that, because I am telling the truth." Ramsay looked straight at Wu Yang without fear.

"good very good."

Mia came over and said to Wu Yang, "I'm eating."

"I don't have gluttons. No one can make me gluttons. This woman with no taste, I will let her know what it will cost to say these words." Wu Yang's finger shot at Ramsay. .

Mia looked at Ramsay, "Wu Yang, is this the female hacker in your mouth?"

"My name is Ramsay." Ramsay said lightly, then looked at Wu Yang. "Then you can try it, what price did I pay?"

The three women Mia glanced at each other and laughed, "Ramsey, you are challenging Wu Yang."

"Challenge? I'm afraid of him." Ramsay looked up.

"Then let's wait and see, but you can definitely say that you will lose money." Giselle smiled.

When Ramsay wanted to say something, a Middle Eastern man came over and yelled at Ramsay, "Ramsey, it's gone for a long time."

Ramsay saw the man coming and immediately walked over, "Safar."

"It seems you made a lot of new friends." This Middle Easterner named Safar looked at Wu Yang and Dom.

Ramsay nodded slightly, "Some are short-term friends, some are not. By the way, I need something I sent to you before, where is it now?"

Safar smiled. "You must be very happy. I sold it."

"You sold it?" Ramsey's expression stiffened. "I let you take care of it, did you sell it?"

Wu Yang laughed aside: "This is the legendary pig teammate."

Dom said lightly, "We're going to get that thing back."

"Bring it back? I'm afraid there's no other way," Safar shouted.

"Safar, I put things in it, it's important," Ramsay said lightly.

"OK, ok, the good news is that it is safe now."

"What about the bad news?"

"Uh, it's so safe. I sold it to a prince of the UAE, and he wanted to put the equipment on his supercar, that's all," said Safar.

"What kind of car can be called a supercar?" Ramsay asked.

"The top speed is 390 and it is bulletproof."


Dom asked, "Where is the car?"

"Did you see the three skyscrapers in front? He put his car on the top of the tallest tower in it." Safar pointed to the three Hyundai Towers in front.

Taiji didn't understand: "Why did he put the car on the top tower?"

"He is a super tyrant. He has the money to be" sexy. "He takes it for granted." Tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. The prince wants to hold a party and celebrate.

"Can you help us get in, right?" Dom asked.

Safar nodded. "It's okay, but you need to be serious."

Wu Yang looked at the three towers with a height of 300 meters in front and smiled. "This is three majestic towers."

"So that's it, I'll get it for you and contact me tomorrow." Safar walked forward.

Dom said to Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, you are here, not just for fun. The last time you dropped Ramsay and left, you really don't know what you want to do."

"Dom, are you having some trouble now?" Wu Yang said.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal."

"You're going to get the Eye of God, and then find Decatur Shaw."

"You can't hide anything from you." Dom shook his head.

"That's a good tracking system, but it's still useful. Maybe I can use it, Dom. If I get it, I'll use it for you."

Dom shook his head. "It's not easy to do, but I promised others to give him."

"Just say that I was taken away. If you want, let them come to me directly." Wu Yang said casually, "Dom, we don't need to do what others say."

Ramsay glared at Wu Yang. "That's my thing."

"What's yours? It will become mine soon." Wu Yang looked at Ramsay.

"Stay here for a while, I'm going to talk to this woman for a while." Wu Yang took Ramsey's hand and walked forward.

Giselle smiled. "It looks like something interesting is going to happen."

"This female hacker seems to have only a bit of bad hair, everything else is perfect." Mia laughed.

"Hey, let me go, let go, where are you taking me, let go ..." Ramsay shook Wu Yang's hand vigorously, trying to shake it away.

Wu Yang pulled Ramsey next to a sports car, opened the door, forced Ramsey into it, and then Wu Yang got on the car and drove away.

In the car, Ramsay called to Wu Yang: "You are a low-quality man, where are you taking me? I called the police."

"Alarm, you report it."

"Damn." Ramsay clenched his fists. "Don't think I can't do anything with you. What on earth do you want?"

Wu Yang looked at Ramsay's hair. "Your cockhouse head has seriously affected my mood. I will cut it all."

"What did you say?" Ramsay cried. "Cut my hair? You go to death."

"This is not something you can decide. The things I have decided will not change."

Ramsay cried, "Why can you help me decide things?"

Wu Yang stepped on the brakes and the car stopped. There was a luxurious barber shop in front. Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "From now on, you are my maid." ..