v6 Chapter 101: Worry (first)

Wu Yang said lightly: "Because this is not your hero? Ramsay, I have never been a hero, and I have no intention of becoming a hero. Don't mean to be" **** "."

"You ..." Ramsey looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang pinched Ramsay's chin with one hand. "Don't think too much about it, save you, because you are my maid. If you die, wouldn't I be very hurt? . "

Ramsay's head shook forcibly, and she let go of Wu Yang's hand. "You bastard."

"Well, my little maid, you already know this, do you still think of me as your hero?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Ramsay snorted coldly, "You are a bear, and I will never admit that it is your maid. Don't say that to me again."

"So what do you want to be Wu Yang?" Elena asked.

"I, I don't want to be anything, I have nothing to do with him," Ramsay called.

"Well, is that really the case? Don't you want to be Wu Yang's woman?" Giselle said with a smile.

Ramsay froze, and then shouted, "Female, woman? Are you kidding me, do you think I am the same as you?"

"What happened to us?" Mia laughed.

"Three of you are women of this guy, I really can't imagine, what do you think? You are willing to follow a man." Ramsay looked incredible.

Mia shook her head slightly. "You don't understand this, do you think there is anything wrong with us like this? We live very well, do you think?"

Ramsey looked at the three daughters of Mia who lived in peace. "I can't understand."

"You don't need to understand, just be your maid." Wu Yang sighed in Ramsey's ear.

Ramsay immediately took a step back. "Keep away from me. I'm not your maid. Don't think about it in your life."

"It seems to be lacking * lack of training, there will be time in the future." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Giselle's three daughters' expressions calmed down, and Giselle asked, "Wu Yang, the one who fought against you, is Brian right?"

"It's him. Unlike the last time, this time he has changed a lot." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Has it changed so much?" Mia worried.

Wu Yang nodded. "It's just one of them. The mentality has changed. It has changed from a weak chicken to a lizard. It's a bit scary."

"Can't you beat him?"

"It's not easy to say now. As far as yesterday's fighting was concerned, it was him who suffered, but next time he appears again, what will happen?"

The eyes of the three daughters of Mia are all a little worried, "Wu Yang, what are you going to do?"

"The soldiers came to cover the water and soil, so don't worry about it."

"The existence of such a person is ultimately a heart attack, and we will always be restless," Giselle said lightly.

Elena nodded. "Yeah, I'm always upset. It's not because I don't believe you, but we are really worried ..."

With two arms, Wu Yang held the three women in her arms. "You don't have to worry, everything is with me."

"Of course we know, we just worry about you, if you have ..." Mia didn't say any more.


"I swear by Wu Yang that I will have nothing at all and stay with you." Wu Yang said firmly.

"Um." The three women hug Wu Yang together.

Ramsay looked at the scene aside, for some reason, there was a very uncomfortable feeling in her heart, hateful, what kind of love was shown in front of her.

"I said you're all right? I already want to vomit," Ramsay said coldly.

"Want to hug them together?" Giselle smiled.

"I don't have that interest. I have no interest in your affairs. I just want to know when you will let me go." Ramsay looked unhappy.

"Go? Where are you going? As my maid, you have to stay here all the time." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"You dream, I'll go now." Ramsay strode out.

Mia laughed and said, "It looks very angry, Wu Yang, it's too much."

Wu Yang stepped forward quickly and blocked Ramsey. "Where do you want to go?"

"Get out." Ramsay glared at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled, "Okay, that's the end of the joke, I didn't treat you as a maid."

"Hum, don't say such nice words." Ramsay moved his face to the side.

"It's not important whether it's good words or not. The only thing that matters is if you go out from here, we will never have the slightest relationship." Wu Yang's face was cold.

Ramsay took a deep breath. "Do you think I care?"

"You can choose not to care." Wu Yang gave way.

"You ..." Ramsey looked at Wu Yang and took a deep breath. "Okay, I won't bother you." Ramsey walked quickly towards the door.

As she approached the door, Ramsay's pace slowed down, and she was looking forward to it. She had reached the point where it was difficult to ride a tiger.

But to the disappointment of Ramsay, she had already reached the door and Wu Yang still said nothing.

"Abominable." Ramsay clenched his fists and couldn't leave like this, wouldn't that be too cheap that guy, that pervert had done so many perverts to her, and she just left like this, or a woman?

Wu Yang looked at Ramsay who stopped his footsteps. "Actually, I welcome you to stay."

Ramsay turned his body. "I won't just go like this. It's too cheap for you. I want to avenge you and make you pay the price you deserve."

"It's really ambitious, but the end result is only huh, I've seen the end." Elena smiled.

"Don't misunderstand, don't" think ", not what you think." Ramsay defended.

"No need to explain, we all understand, I can understand." Giselle waved.

Mia shook her head. "It looks like there is one more person, but I don't object."

"I don't object, but no more." Elena looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang hit a haha, if you let you go to the villain space, you will know that this is actually nothing.

Brothers, Speed ​​and Passion cannot be dragged on like this anymore, and it ends today. As for what to write in the next article, I plan to choose one of the couplets 2 and Underworld. ..