v6 Chapter 107: Recovery and departure (end of this article)

Wu Yang sat on chuang, her eyes were tightly closed, and her body exuded a faint light of gold.

The four daughters of Mia stood aside, all nervously watching. None of them spoke. They were afraid to disturb Wu Yang.

In Wu Yang's body, a stream of gold "color" energy flows quickly in the blood "liquid" and bones. Wu Yang's goal is very simple: to activate the remaining half of the t cells and the metamorphic cells, which has been sleeping for so long, it is time to wake them up.

Wu Yang has been an old monk for more than a week on chuang, and has not opened his eyes yet.

The four women, Mia and Giselle, were very worried, but there was no way they could not disturb Wu Yang. Wu Yang had already told them that he was recovering strength.

Suddenly Wu Yang's eyes opened, and a golden "color" radiated from his eyes. "Whoo, whee, how tired you are." Wu Yang gasped a few times.

The four Mia girls immediately sat down next to chuang, "Wu Yang."

"Look at you, didn't I tell you? Don't worry, what are you doing so nervously one by one?" Wu Yang hugged Elena and Giselle.

"You haven't opened your eyes for a week, so why don't we worry about it," Giselle complained a little.

"A week? Has it been so long?" Wu Yang didn't realize it.

"Otherwise do you think?" Ramsay pouted. "Have you recovered?"

Wu Yang proudly said, "That's natural. T cells and metamorphic cells are all awake. The strongest power can be used, ha ha ha."

"T cells and metamorphic cells? What kind of cells are they? I have never heard of them."

"I've always been curious, Wu Yang, how did you get that powerful power? It doesn't feel like you are an earth person, should you really come from an alien planet?" Giselle smiled.

Wu Yang's expression suddenly became serious. "It's very important now, it's time to tell you."

"What's the matter? Such seriousness." Mia looked at Wu Yang's expression.

The other three women also looked at Wu Yang. They have never seen Wu Yang so serious. Is there really anything important to say?

Wu Yang looked at the four women. "Actually, I'm not from this world. Don't look at me with this expression. I'm not kidding."

"Are you really an alien? Even if you are an alien, we recognize it." Giselle smiled.

Wu Yang shook his head. "I'm not an alien either. To be right, I'm a villain shuttled in the movie world."

"The villain shuttled in the movie world? What does this mean?" The four women asked together.

Wu Yang walked down from chuang, with a mysterious look, "meaning, this world is a movie world, a parallel world derived from the main world."

"Wu Yang, the more you say, the more I don't understand." The four women all looked like a "fan".

"This is indeed a complicated thing, so I will explain it to you, you listen ..." Wu Yang said for about 15 minutes before stopping.

After listening to what Wu Yang said, the four women opened their mouths and said, "Is this true? Wu Yang."

Wu Yang asked back, "Do you think I would lie to you? All I said was true."

"This is a movie world called" Speed ​​and Clear ", and we are the characters in this movie world. Wu Yang, you come from a place called villain space, my God, is this a story in a novel?" Ram Qi shook his head.

"Wu Yang, have you read more science fiction?" Giselle was also a little unacceptable.

Wu Yang spread his hand, "You accept all this openly, this is true."

"I think it's true. Wu Yang has made so many women. This doesn't sound like fake. It really fits Wu Yang's" sexuality. "Elina stared at Wu Yang.

The other three women heard Elena say this and glared at Wu Yang together, "You have made so many women, what can we do?"

"This naturally followed me together, and fell asleep together, ha ha ha ..." Wu Yang laughed proudly.

"If all this is true, it's abominable." The four women held Wu Yang's waist together. "So many women, how do they unite together and bully us?"

Wu Yang resolutely said, "This kind of thing will not happen, so I will ask you a little, do you want to follow me?"

"You're bullshit, can we follow other people besides you?" Elena said.

auzw.com Wu Yang spread his hands, "Isn't this the end? I've been to many movie worlds, and always have unforgettable love with the female" **** "corner" color " Ah, just like you, so they all understand each other and live happily with me. "

"Unforgettable love? You dare to say this kind of words, I dare say, you are definitely not a strong girl, or you are a kidnapper, you have said it yourself, you are a villain, how can you be like a Prince Charming and a sacred scripture? Go get a woman's heart. "Ramsay's face was ironic.

Wu Yang waved his hand, "Don't care about those details, I just want to say one thing, are you willing to leave this world with me?"

"Do you think I have another choice? Where do you go, where do I naturally follow?" Giselle resolutely said.

"Same." Elena followed.

"No choice, so sad." Ramsay shook his head.

"Wu Yang, I want to say something to Dom, or it will disappear suddenly, he will be worried." Mia said.

Wu Yang nodded, "Well, there is time, because I can't take you away now, I can only go back alone. Then come back to pick you up."

"What? What does this mean?" The four women all changed their faces.

Ramsay cried, "You don't want to eat clean, just run away."

"Yeah, why can't we go together?" Elena wondered.

Giselle calmly said, "Wu Yang, do you have any trouble?"

"It's really difficult, it's like this ..." Wu Yang explained.


On a beach in Los Angeles.

Wu Yang, Mia's four daughters, Dom, Letty, Pierce, Taiji, and Vince are all here.

Vince asked, "Wu Yang, you called us all. What's the matter?"

"I'm leaving this world, hey, it's not dead, don't look at me with that kind of look. The specific situation, Mia they will explain to you, you listen to me now." Wu Yang said seriously.

Dom and others nodded, "Wu Yang, let's talk, we listen."

"I'm leaving, but my business is still there, you know, it's all underground, and it can't be wasted. So I decided to leave it to you, Dom, do you accept it? Wu Yang asked.

"What?" Pierce called. Everyone else looked shocked.

Dom frowned slightly. "Mia, are they leaving with you?"

"I leave first, and these days I will be away, they will transfer everything to you. I will come back again and take them away." Wu Yang walked towards the front, "Dom, leave it to you."

Dom nodded. "You said that, we won't let you down."

"What the **** is going on?" Pierce whispered.

"I don't know." Taiji shook his head.

Wu Yang stood in front, and after a while, an aperture appeared at his feet.

"Be sure to come back to pick us up." Mia and the four women yelled together.

The light of white "color" flashed, Wu Yang disappeared in place.


After three days.

Mia and Giselle are sitting in the living room watching TV boringly, waiting is always a difficult thing.

Suddenly the light of white "color" flashed, and after the light had dissipated, Wu Yang appeared in the living room.

"Wu Yang!" The four women ran towards Wu Yang with surprise.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Wife, I'm here to pick you up, baby, go!"

The speed and clarification article written here is officially over, brothers, open the next article! ..