v7 Chapter 2: Do n’t be afraid if things come (third more)

Wu Yang's hand provoked Hill's chin. "Is there just that?"

Hill frowned. "What do you think?"

"I think there are many." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Although Wu Yang and Hill did not pick out a relationship, the daughters had already seen from Hill's attitude that Hill was really sincere to Wu Yang.

"Together." I wonder who took the lead in shouting.

"Together, to be together, to be together ..." The girls snarled, where there was a little quietness and restraint, but they didn't need to, they were too familiar with each other.

Hill's face was a little red, pushing Wu Yang away, "What are you talking about?"

"Sorry? Don't be embarrassed at all, we are all so familiar, so we don't need to show such high-cold looks." Jian Xiaoyi said.

"That's it." Pepper followed.

Hill didn't know what to say, "That's not what you said, I'm not cold."

"Well, you don't have to laugh at Hill." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Jane looked at Wu Yang with a look of a heartbreaker. "Wu Yang, you really have a new guy and forget the old one. Is it true of men? Sad, yes, you have forgotten a new one."

Jane ran to Hive and pulled him hard. "Hive, come here."

"Jane, don't pull me, what are you going to do?" Xifu's helpless face was pulled by Jane in front of Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked at Xifu with a smile and said, "Xifu, are you still hating me?"

"Hate." Shiv moved his face aside.

Jane immediately said, "Wu Yang, don't listen to Sifu. She's worried about you. When it's okay, I'll mention you."

"Jane, don't talk nonsense." Hiff covered her mouth with her hands.

Wu Yang nodded. "That's the case, Xifu, your love for me is really deep."

"Don't listen to Jane nonsense." Shiv said with a dodgy look.

Wu Yang hugged Hif, and whispered in Huff's ears: "Hif, when can you change your proud hair?"

"When you change your" **** "nature," Xi Fu ". Xi Fu stared at Wu Yang, but was held by Wu Yang, she did not struggle.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "For you, I will work hard to change."

"Do you believe this yourself?" Shiv rolled his eyes.

Jane laughed aside and said, "Xifu, don't let your face down. Obviously, you like Wu Yang very much, and you will not admit it."

"Who, who likes him," cried Schiff.

"Don't like him, why are you hugging Wu Yang?"

"He held me forcibly. What can I do?" Heve quibbled. "I can't beat him again. It's useless to resist. I was forced."

Jane looked at Shiv. "I'll see how hard your mouth is."

"Don't forget, there's another here." Ada pushed Natasha over.


Xifu broke free from Wu Yang's arms and went aside.

"Natasha." Wu Yang looked at Natasha's beautiful face.

Natasha immediately stretched out her hand to keep Wu Yang from approaching, and said with a smile: "Wu Yang, the greeting has already been called, just fine, please don't do something strange to me, such as hugging or something, ok? "

Wu Yang's hand touched and touched his nose depressedly, "Natasha, you really destroyed my enthusiasm in no time."

"Well, that's all for your enthusiasm. Now it's time to talk about business." Su Yueming came over.

"Do you want to ask me which world I went to? A movie world for ordinary people, called" Speed ​​and Clear ", there are no monsters, monsters of" chaotic "power, no aliens, no unusually powerful technology." Wu Yang said lightly.

"So, is there no danger in that world?" Baihou asked.

Wu Yang nodded. "Easy to die, it's considered tourism." Wu Yang doesn't plan to talk about the devouring system now, but it's not the case yet.

After the white frowned, "Really?"

"Of course it is true. All in all, there is no slight challenge to sex." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"Okay, are you picking up girls again, how many?" Gill looked at Wu Yang.

All the women are looking at Wu Yang. They are more concerned about this issue. "Wu Yang, how many have you been in?"

"Not much, just four." Wu Yang smiled.

Suddenly a resentful glance looked at Wu Yang, "No matter when and where you are, your energy is always so vigorous, there are only four, you dare to say."

Becky drew Xiaozui. "Dad is so bad, I found 4 aunts for Becky."

"Becky, your dad can find 40 for you, do you believe it?" Baihou satirically.

Wu Yang sweated secretly. "Don't do this, I'm thinking about you too. There are too many people, so lively, otherwise it's just a little bit so unpopular."

"You are thinking for your lower body." The girls are waiting for Wu Yang.

Wu Yang raised his hand. "I surrender. Actually, I don't think I can go down like this anymore. From today, I want to be a gentleman."

"That's all you need to say." The girls booed.

Peggy came to Wu Yang and said, "We know you so well, yes, don't you plan to take them all over?"

Wu Yang nodded. "First go to the" Speed ​​and Clear "world, then go to the" Harry Potter "world and pick them up."

"Stupidly" force "the system, come out quickly." Wu Yang said politely. From Wu Yang's point of view, there is no trace of friendship between him and the villain system, and naturally he does not need to be polite.

A stiff voice sounded in the sky, "Wu Yang, you did something special."

"A passable thing? Hahaha, what a passable thing?" Wu Yang said lightly. Wu Yang knew to his heart that the villain system was talking about the devouring system.

Wu Yang said loudly: "The villain system, I don't want to cause trouble now, but when things come, I'm not afraid."

Wu Yang's eyes glowed with green-gold "color". The flame of green "color" burst into his body, his muscles broke through his clothes, and his hair became light green.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang shouted in the sky, and the metamorphosis x particles of green gold "color" erupted from his body, spinning upwards and rising away.


Wu Yang, who has been transformed into a Transformers x burst, has a height of 100 meters and emits the light of green and gold. It falls from the sky to the ground and the earthquake trembles. ..