v7 Chapter 10: Wu Yang's Blood (Third)

After Natasha avoided the darts, Selena ran quickly towards the front.

Natasha fired and chased after him.

"No need to chase." Wu Yang cried.

Natasha rushed to Wu Yang's side immediately, caring: "Wu Yang, are you okay?"

Wu Yang shook his head. "It's okay, but it's really upset, this pain."

I saw a knife mark on the xiong mouth of Wu Yang with deep visible bones, but this knife mark was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was completely recovered in just a few seconds.

Natasha looked at Wu Yang's xiong mouth, "horrible self-healing power, but isn't your body inaccessible?"

"Don't you know this knife?" The black "color" machete in Wu Yang's hand disintegrated and became a shield during a period of free fusion.

Natasha looked at the shield, and she was too familiar with it, "Captain America's shield."

"It was my own. During World War II, there were two shields, one in my hands and one in Steve's hands," Wu Yang explained.

"So it turned out, how could it turn into a knife? Steve's shield didn't have this function." Natasha asked.

Wu Yang smiled, "Of course, his one doesn't have this function. My shield was injected with deformation elements and possessed the power of deformation. It can be turned into any weapon. As my morphogen cells continue to increase, it It is also constantly strengthened and can cut off everything in the world. "

"Are you included?" Natasha smiled unclearly.

"Did you not see it just now? Just like cutting tofu, my skin was cut open." Wu Yang laughed at himself.

Natasha couldn't help laughing, "That's really unfortunate, it was chopped by her own magic weapon."

"It's okay to come once in a while, and after all, it can't really hurt me." Wu Yang said indifferently, "but it won't matter."

Natasha thought for a moment: "Selena is really a woman full of ferocity, and would rather kill herself for a thousand, but also kill you eight hundred."

Wu Yang snarled a wicked smile, "That's interesting, isn't it, otherwise it's different from plain water."

"So did you really want to kill her just now?"

"What do you say, go." Wu Yang walked forward.

"Where to go?" Natasha followed.

Wu Yang took it for granted, "Find a place to sleep, don't you want us to sleep on the road together?"

"That makes sense," Natasha smiled.

Selina endured the severe pain of gunshot wounds and stab wounds, ran out of the subway station with blood, opened the door of a black "color" car, got in the car, and drove away.

"Ah, ah ..." Selena couldn't help but make a sore noise, and the car was also crooked.

As Serena opened her mouth, the blood splashing on her face flowed into the corner of her mouth, and Serena's body trembled violently. She stepped on the brake and stopped the car by the road. .

"These blood ..." Selina growled in pain, "Ah ..."

"The human blood ..." Serena murmured painfully. "This is the human blood ..."

auzw.com Indeed, the blood splashed on Serena's face was from Wu Yang.

"Ah ..." Serena's eyes widened, and she felt that her heartbeat speed had increased several times, and her blood "liquid" was flowing madly.

Selena placed a hand on the heart, and she felt a cramp in her heart, and her body seemed to burst.

"Ah, ah ..." Selina screamed in pain, rolling on the seat, and finally fainted.

Wu Yang and Natasha found a hotel that looked very luxurious and walked in.

"Have you brought any money?" Natasha asked.

"I'm doing things. Don't worry, I dare take you here to open a house without money?" Wu Yang "moped" a dollar bill from his pocket.

A hotel staff came over, "Two, you ..."

The staff looked at Wu Yang and Natasha. Both of them were covered with rain. One of their clothes was ragged. Can they afford to live here?

"You are covered in rain ..." the staff member said.

Wu Yang directly took out a dollar bill in his pocket and threw it directly on the staff member's face, and said lightly, "Is this okay?"

The staff was "forced" by the throwing of the banknote, "Yes, you can ..."

"Natasha, let's go." Wu Yang smashed into the staff and walked to the counter with Natasha.

"Give me a presidential suite," Wu Yang said.

"Okay, okay," said the counter immediately, without the slightest slack.

After the presidential suite opened, Wu Yang and Natasha, led by the staff, came to the third floor and entered the suite.

"I think we need to take a bath." Wu Yang said full of evil.

Natasha looked at Wu Yang, "Why? Want to wash with me?"

"Of course, I think so, if you agree." Wu Yang said shamelessly.

"Wu Yang, you are as shameless as when I saw you," Natasha said silently.

Wu Yang raised a brow, "This" **** "cannot be changed. If I change, it is not me. Besides, am I shameless? Eating" color "and" **** "also, I just treat me The thoughts in my heart came out. "

"I should open another room, otherwise I would be dangerous tonight." Natasha said with a smile.

"Into this room, do you think you can still go out? Rest assured, I'm not a bird and a beast, and I won't do anything to you." Wu Yang solemnly said.

"I don't know you anymore, you are not Wu Yang." Natasha put a hand on Wu Yang's face and squeezed it vigorously.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Natasha, you are bothering me" sexually "and" harassing ", and I will be very sleepy and" confusing. "

"is it?"

"Now the atmosphere has become dangerous. Should we do something?" Wu Yang put his hands on Natasha's shoulders and pushed Natasha to the wall with a little force.

Natasha raised her head slightly and smiled, "Wu Yang, your nature is really unchanged."

Wu Yang looked at Natasha's beautiful face, breathing heavily. "For you, I can only do this, Natasha." Wu Yang's head lowered and kissed Natasha's mouth. ..