v7 Chapter 12: Immortality (first)

Wu Yang looked at Natasha's perfect back and shook her head. "When did I become such a gentleman?" Fuck! "

Natasha had left, and Wu Yang continued to wash where he was. After jumping out of the pool, he put on a pair of big pants and went out.

In the hall, Natasha has put on Neku and the cover, and is wiping her hair with a "hair" towel.

Wu Yang's eyes swept across Natasha's body, as if to penetrate Natasha's body.

"Have you developed your eyesight through clothes?" Natasha said angrily.

"If I have such eyesight, then I must do everything I can to get it." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Wu Yang sat down on the sofa, looking too lazy, "Natasha, come here and feed me some fruit."

"Wu Yang, you really consider yourself an uncle." Natasha stared at Wu Yang.

"If you don't come, then I will pass. Choose one of your own, should you feed me fruit, or let me come to you?" Wu Yang smiled lowly.

Natasha went to Wu Yang and raised the fruit plate on the glass table. "It must have been the wicked man I owed you in my last life, and I'm being tortured by you now."

"Last life, you may be a chicken, saved you when you were about to be roasted and eaten, now is the time when you are gracious." Wu Yang whimpered.

Natasha slammed a half-cut apple into Wu Yang's mouth, and said lightly, "This is not funny."

"Just a joke, how could your last life be just a chicken, how could it be a phoenix?" Wu Yang chewed the apple.

Natasha shook her head. "Nonsense. If there was a man talking nonsense in front of me, I would sew his mouth up."

"Put your legs down, I want a knee pillow." Wu Yang wanted to rest his head on Natasha's legs, which must be very cool.

"Wu Yang, you are getting too much."

"Xiong is coming, and the knee pillow is not too much. Besides, I have resisted the raging flames in my body, how can you make up for it?" Wu Yang said naturally.

Natasha's face was speechless. "You are really my nemesis."

Natasha put her legs down, Wu Yang immediately pillowed her on Natasha's big leg and yelled, "This feeling is really great."

"Be quiet." Natasha's face "red" slightly red.

"Quiet, quiet, I will be quiet, hahaha." Wu Yang still couldn't help laughing.

Natasha put a grapevine into Wu Yang's mouth, "You can't stop your mouth from eating."

"It can't stop, Natasha has a word, I have never understood what it means, you are so smart, you must be able to know." Wu Yangxian smiled.

"What is it?"

"The moon is down, why doesn't the sun come out! What does this mean?" Wu Yang asked.

auzw.com Natasha frowned. "The moon is down and the sun is not coming out. It means waiting for the dawn to come, well, waiting for the dawn."

"Is that so?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Natasha seemed to understand, "Looking at your evil expression, you know it's not a good meaning, and you don't have to say anything."

"I haven't said anything yet." Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" his nose. "This sentence obviously can't be understood from the positive meaning. I think it is: Menstruation has gone, why not come to Japan?"

Natasha was speechless for a moment, "Is that all you have in your brain?"

"Just a joke, otherwise the atmosphere is too dull."

"This joke must not be funny, vulgar." Natasha looked with contempt.

"I'm really sorry, I'm such a vulgar person."

Natasha took a breath and asked, "Are the werewolves in the subway station tracking that human? Who is that human?"

"Did you notice?"

"Well, it's clear that the humans in this world don't know the existence of vampires and werewolves. Vampires and werewolves are hostile to each other. The werewolf followed the human into the subway station, but where did the vampire ambush first. Who is that human? Very important?"

Wu Yang with a touch of praise, "deserves to be a top-level agent, so easy to see the clue."

"If this is not possible, I will not call the black widow a" woman. "

Wu Yang thought about it, "In this world, vampires and werewolves have common ancestors."

"It's incredible," Natasha said, and the werewolf and the vampire didn't look like species with a common origin.

Wu Yang said lightly: "At the beginning of the fifth century, the Duke of Hungary, Covinus, activated the undead gene in his body as a result of the plague infection, and became the first and most powerful undead. Pure undead genes. "

"Immortal gene?" Natasha frowned.

Wu Yang continued: "Later, Alexander had three children, one of them named Marcus, who was bitten by a bat and became the first vampire ancestor; and another, named William, who was bitten by a wolf and became the first of the werewolves."

Natasha said in surprise: "This is how the werewolves and vampires came, so what about the third child?"

Wu Yang smiled. "In the third child, the undead gene has not been activated, nor has it been bitten by any animal, and normal births have died, one generation after another."

Natasha's eyes widened. "I see. In the subway station, the man who was followed by the werewolf was the offspring of the third child."

"Clever, he is the offspring of Alexander's third child. His name is Michael. He, like his ancestors, has not activated the undead gene." Wu Yang laughed.

"The werewolf tracked him to arrest him for the undead gene on him?" Natasha thought about it.

"In order to create a hybrid of werewolf and vampire, although the undead gene in Michael was not activated, his blood could allow the werewolf and vampire to fuse together, and a new species was born, mixed breed."

"The mix of vampires and werewolves seems very interesting." Natasha smiled with interest. "Obviously, the vampires don't know yet, the purpose of the werewolves."

"That's not what I need to care about." Wu Yang raised an eyebrow. "The most valuable thing is Alexandr's undead gene. Get this in your hand and take it back to let Bai Hou do some research. We will live forever." .