v7 Chapter 14: Werewolf's Nest (Third)

There was a horror of panic in Serena's cold eyes, and no matter how she ran, the light had already shone on her.

The imaginary gray flying smoke did not appear, there was no trace of burning pain, only a trace of warmth.

Selena turned her body, and the light shone on her face. Selina felt a bit dazzling, but she did not expect to be a vampire, and she could feel the sun again.

Selena just stunned for a while, feeling the warmth of the sun.

"The sun turned out to be useless to me. What happened to my body?" Serena thought to herself, thinking of the scene before her dizziness last night. "Is it because of that man's blood?"

"You must go back immediately." Serena didn't think about it, and walked quickly toward the front.


In the hotel.

The sun shot "shot" from the window, shot "shot" on the bed, and sprinkled on Wu Yang and Natasha.

Wu Yang fell asleep holding Natasha, and put her hand where she should not.

Natasha opened her eyes and immediately felt something strange, a gadget still standing.

Natasha was speechless for a while, but also a little funny, this guy, it is really difficult for him.

Natasha wanted to take Wu Yang's hand away, but Wu Yang's hand was tight and she couldn't take it away at all.

In the end, Natasha gave up, and there was a hint of shyness in her eyes, and there was a touch of emotion: I used to want to kill this guy, but now I was sleeping in bed in this posture.

Natasha began to think about things with Wu Yang, did she have no feelings for this guy? That's impossible. Feelings grow out of hate and grow stronger and stronger, but eventually overwhelm it.

Women are always so weird. Women's hearts and undersea needles are not just for men. Natasha finds it applicable to women themselves.

"Love? Very much? Emotions are really troublesome." Natasha said with emotion.

"Trouble?" Wu Yang's voice sounded in Natasha's ear.

Natasha stiffened, "You're awake, can you take your hand away?"

"It's good, why not take it away, you haven't answered my question yet, are you emotionally troublesome?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

Natasha held Wu Yang's hand and called out, "Trouble."

"Why didn't I feel in trouble? Love is the most beautiful thing between a man and a woman." Wu Yang exclaimed in admiration.

"That's your idea, I'm going to get up, you don't want to make trouble," Natasha said helplessly.

Wu Yang turned over and suppressed Natasha. "It's just dawn, you have to get up and sleep a little longer, which is good for your skin."

"Go on, if you want my skin to be good, just get me up." Natasha pushed Wu Yang hard.

Wu Yang's face froze back and forth, "No, it's good, hahaha ..."

"You guy." Natasha's face was ashamed, she grabbed Wu Yang's head with her hands, and pushed hard to the side.

"A lot of strength." Wu Yang was pushed aside.

Natasha stood up immediately, gave Wu Yang a kick, and immediately jumped out of bed.

Wu Yang shook his head. "Natasha, you are really boring."

auzw.com "I'm really sorry."

"I'm not up today." Wu Yang cried.

"You scared me to death. If you want to lie down for a day, you are free." Natasha said indifferently.

Wu Yang sat up, "Get up, time is money, and you can't waste it like that."


"The sunshine is good." Natasha and Wu Yang walked along the street.

Wu Yang smiled, "It's good, it's a good day for artillery."

"You instantly made me want to say nothing." Natasha looked extremely speechless.

"Now, let's go to the werewolf. Do you have anything you want to say?" Wu Yang asked.

"Do you know where they are?"

"I know, it is actually in the area of ​​the subway station. Where are they hiding in the abandoned underground buildings? Now I'm going to talk to their boss." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Who is their boss?"

"A werewolf named Roussin is the first werewolf in history who has maintained his" sexuality "and can transform between wolves and humans."

Wu Yang and Natasha came to the subway station, followed the railroad tracks, walked forward, and entered a dilapidated building.

Wu Yang and Natasha walked to an iron cover clasped on the ground. Wu Yang took the iron cover and it was empty below.

"I jump first." Wu Yang jumped down and looked around. It looked like a tunnel extending in all directions.

Natasha also jumped down and looked around, "It's really not easy to find here, the werewolf really finds a place."

"Let's go and see the werewolf's nest." Wu Yang walked forward.

After the two walked for a while, they came to a slightly wider, dilapidated building. There were many people here, most of them were lying on the ground and sleeping, and only two were on alert.

"Who are you?" The two of them immediately faced "exposed" and "sexy", with the look of peeling Wu Yang and Natasha alive.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You are the werewolves, I am your human friend, and I want to see Lucian."

"Human beings? How dare you come here to find death." Two alert werewolves called out and took out their guns.

The sleeping werewolf was awakened by the sound of talking, and stood up, surrounded Wu Yang and Natasha.

"Brothers, these two humans came here, let's tear them apart." A werewolf called.

Natasha shook her head. "That's why I don't like werewolves. There is no politeness."

"Wait." A werewolf came over and looked at Wu Yang. "You are the human being last night."

"Oh, you remember me." Wu Yang said with a smile.

A strong black man walked over to Wu Yang and said, "Humans, why did you help us last night?"

"I want to discuss this issue with Luxion, can you let Luxion speak out?" Wu Yang laughed.

"Human friend, I'm here." A voice came.

All werewolves gave way, and a man with long hair and chilling eyes came over. ..