v7 Chapter 31: Please give me a drop of blood (fourth more)

Selina looked at Wu Yang. "If I didn't guess wrong, he is a human named Wu Yang."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned, and then came to a point of view, Selena was completely out of nerves, and then she would say such a word.

Due to Amelia's high pressure, no one dared to say anything, but his eyes showed that they did not believe what Serena was saying at all.

Amelia laughed. "Victor, how can your subordinates say such things without going through the brain. She says Klein is human?"

Victor also felt dull and shouted to Selena, "Selena, what are you talking about? Shame me in front of everyone."

Selina looked at Wu Yang and said coldly, "I didn't talk nonsense, he is a human."

A member shook his head. "Vampires can recognize each other, and it depends on the breath of vampires. Klein's body is pure vampire breath. You say that he is human, it's almost nonsense."

"The demon confuses the people. Such people with brain damage should be executed immediately, otherwise it will only affect the unity between our vampires," said another member.

"Yes, put her to death immediately."

"Kill, put to death, put to death ..." I wonder who led it and shouted.

Selina yelled coldly, "You are going to kill me. I have no opinion, but I insist that what I said is correct. Victor and Amelia ask you to check."

Amelia looked into Selena's eyes and smiled slightly. "I give you this opportunity. Do you have any evidence?"

Selina thought for a while and said, "I will first talk about my encounter with this human. When I was ordered to hunt down a werewolf, there was a shootout with the werewolves at the subway station ... He must have killed Klein And then posing as Klein. "

Amelia nodded, "It's a fun story, a powerful human named Wu Yang, and this human being is helping the werewolf family, and now it has become Klein, mixed with our vampires."

Everyone laughed, with a strong sense of ridicule.

A member proudly said, "Weak and ignorant humans will help vampires? Is it now Klein? It's a big joke."

"I can't bear it anymore, let's kill this crazy woman." Another member called.

Victor said disappointed: "Selena, you really let me down more and more, isn't it enough to make me lose face here?"

"Master, please believe me, I'm all for the vampires," Selina called.

Amelia said lightly: "Selena, you have many similarities with me before. You are a warrior. I admire you and believe that you are willing to give everything for the vampires. But what you said can't convince us What we need is evidence. By the way, Klein, do you have anything to say about Selena? "

Wu Yang, who had not spoken, spoke, smiling, and said, "It seems that I can quickly wipe out the vampires and drink with the werewolves happily. Serena, I say that, are you satisfied?"

Selina looked at Wu Yang coldly, "Less pretend here."

Hearing Wu Yang's words, some vampires called out, "Klein, we believe in you."

"You can't be human. You have been doing your best for the development of the vampire family. We all look at it."


"Selina is desperate. I think she's the gangster of the werewolf. She wants to separate us from the vampires."

"That's right, I usually look at her like" treacherous ", it must be" treacherous "."


Wu Yang pressed his hand. "Everyone is quiet, is Serena a traitor? The wise elders are here, and they have their own rules. In fact, I just want to say one thing, Serena, no matter how you say me, I I wo n’t blame you, because you are my compatriots, we have the same bloodline. "

When Wu Yang's remarks came out, many people were immediately moved. Some supporters of Klein called out, "Selina, did you see that? This is Klein, no matter how you frame him, he will forgive you. "

"Selina, don't you blush? You don't deserve to be a vampire."

"You really don't deserve it. Our great vampires don't need someone like you."


The committee members also looked at Wu Yang with admiration. "Klein, you are very good. You are eligible to enter the parliament."

"Well, you are eligible. The vampire family needs someone like you."

Wu Yang said modestly: "I still need to sharpen."

The fangs that Selena hated had bitten her teeth. Here, no one believed her. Everyone was deceived by this human being. She didn't have the slightest ability to change all this. What should I do? What should I do? Damn, hate ...

Wu Yang took out a gun and handed it to Selena. "Selena, if you think that killing me will make you happy and stop your delusions, that's fine."

"Damn this woman, Klein, don't do this."

"Elders, members, let's kill Selena as soon as possible. She must be the" treason "of the werewolf race."

"We can't let our heroes bear the innocent crimes and execute the woman" treacherous "Serena."

The vampires all around shouted.

Selena was already intolerable. He took a gun handed by Wu Yang and pointed it at Wu Yang. He hated and said, "Go and die."

Victor yelled, "Selena, have you made enough? Put down your gun!"

"I, I ..." Selena looked at Victor and slowly shook her head. "Victor, believe me."

"Selina, I'm very disappointed. I'm really disappointed. You made me lose face here. I can't help you, put to death." Victor finished saying this, his eyes flashing intolerance.

Although Victor is old and treacherous and fierce, he does treat Selena as his daughter. Selena is very similar to his dead daughter.

How did Victor's daughter die? Victor was burnt to death in the sun, because his daughter fell in love with Roussin and was pregnant with a child. Victor saw the werewolf as a farm animal, and naturally he couldn't accept all this, and could only tolerate killing the woman.

"Wait." Serena pointed at Wu Yang. "Before you kill me, please give me a drop of blood." ..