v7 Chapter 38: Did not figure out the situation (third)

Wu Yang held Serena in her arms. "Serina, don't" chaotic "now, you have been badly damaged somewhere."

"Let me go." Selena struggled, but her body did not resist Wu Yang's embrace, but she was very excited and enjoyed Wu Yang's embrace. The feeling that the two were in one united through Selina's heart.

Wu Yangxie said with a smile: "Selina, don't say such useless words verbally, your body likes me very much, you can say that you really like it, you want to be one with me."

Selena knew that Wu Yang was right. Despite repeated resistance on the will, she had to struggle and push Wu Yang away, but her body had no way to do it, she simply did not listen to the will of the will.

"Damn." Selena could not help but clenched her fists. "Why? Why did I do this? What the **** did you do to me?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It's very simple. From the root, your blood t cells come from me. I am the master of them. Plus we **** each other's blood" liquid ", your blood" liquid " "There is my blood" liquid "in it, and my blood" liquid "has yours. The combined effect makes us equivalent to one."

"I don't want to, I will kill you," Serena said coldly.

"I'll let you kill, you can't handle it, do you want to try it?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"Don't underestimate me." Serena's hand struck Wu Yang's neck like a lightning bolt. After touching Wu Yang's neck, her fingers stopped and trembled.

Wu Yang raised a brow. "You can't do it, that extreme sense of flesh and blood. For example, killing me is like asking you to kill your loved ones. Can you do it?"

"Abominable, abominable ..." Selena called a few times, tears running down her cheeks.

Wu Yang put his mouth together, kissed Serena's face, and kissed the tears on Serena's face.

"Don't touch me," Selina called, but for Wu Yang's dear, her body was so happy. This made Selina feel very sad. Why did she become such a person who wanted to kill, but she couldn't get it.

Wu Yang whispered, "Selena, you are my woman."

"I'm not," Selina called. "Since you can't kill you, either you kill me or let me go."

"You are my woman. This cannot be changed. It will be impossible to kill you. It is impossible to let you go." Wu Yang said aggressively. "You can only stay by my side. "

Selina looked at Wu Yang coldly. "Wu Yang, don't you think it's funny to say such things now? You used to treat me like that, suppress me everywhere, and even want to kill me."

Wu Yang raised an eyebrow and squeezed Selina's chin with one hand. "That's just to make you understand that you are not my opponent. Suppress your pride."

"Well, you can say whatever you want. In the subway station, in Michael's house, you almost killed me, how can you explain this?" Selina looked at Wu Yang's eyes with strong anger in her eyes.

Wu Yang smiled, "Selena, if I really want to kill you, you won't stay here anymore."

"You ..." Selena was speechless.

Wu Yang hugged Selena. "Selena, I like you very much."

"I can't bear your love, and I feel your love in the slightest," Serena said coldly.

Wu Yang nodded, "OK, let you feel good once."

"what are you going to do?"

"Let you feel my love for you." Wu Yang suddenly pressed Selena under her body, her mouth was blocked on Selina's mouth, and her hands "chaotic" kept moving.

Selina struggled weakly, her body couldn't resist at all, but she was extremely excited.



In just a few seconds, Selena's eyes narrowed, and no matter how strong her will was, she could not defeat the feeling of her body.


All kinds of strange calls sounded and spread under the empty night sky.

Amelia looked at all this, her body unconsciously excited, Jane reached the point where she couldn't control it, and she held Wu Yang with both hands.

After Selena fainted, Wu Yang changed her target and suppressed Amelia, another wave of calls.

Just going back and forth like this, the sound never stopped.


The sky gradually became whiter, the red sun rose shining in the sky, and the sun rose slowly.

In the open wilderness, two women and one man fell asleep on a chuang, and the three were communicating with nature in the most primitive state. By the way, this chuang was made by Wu Yang later.

Wu Yang wore a big character. Selena put one hand on Wu Yang's belly, her head rested on Wu Yang's shoulder, and Amelia on the other side did the same.

The sun came and shot, and Amelia opened her eyes, then panicked, and sat up suddenly. Vampires couldn't be shot by the light.

But to Amelia's surprise, she didn't have the slightest pain, and the light had no effect on her.

"I ..." Amelia looked at her hands.

"What's wrong? Don't sleep well." Wu Yang's hand pulled over and pulled Amelia into her arms.

"Why doesn't sunlight work for me?" Amelia asked in surprise and joy.

"It's very simple. You have my blood in your body." Wu Yang smiled. "I won't let my woman live in darkness."

Amelia's eyes were uncontrollable surprises, "I finally saw the light, for many years."

"Should we show it?" Wu Yang asked.

Amelia glared at Wu Yang, "You, the" hair "kid, has everything in my possession, and I should kill you."

Wu Yang slaps on Amelia's fart ancient, making a clear sound.

"Dare you hit me!"

Selina opened her eyes and found that she was resting on Wu Yang's shoulders. The comfortable feeling made her reluctant to leave, even though she wanted to kill the man ten thousand times.

Wu Yang looked at Selena. "Selena, wake up."

"Huh." Selena snorted coldly, sat up with strong perseverance, and turned her back to Wu Yang. "Let me go, there is no longer a trace of affiliation between us."

Wu Yang shook his head. "It seems that you two haven't figured out the situation."

Brothers, we can only do three more today. ..