v7 Chapter 45: Everyone is here (third)

Wu Yang and Amelia arrived at Pier 17, and the two got out of the car. Wu Yang smiled at the car in front of him and said, "It looks like someone came before us."

"Who are you? Raise your hands." Five soldiers with guns shouted at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang shook his head. "I said to you, why don't you know the acquaintance."

Wu Yang raised his right hand, a small black hole appeared on it, and a strong attraction emanated from it.

"Ah, ah ..." the five soldiers shouted, their bodies were sucked into the small black hole like smoke.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack ..."

Bang bang ...

Wu Yang just held his right hand, and all the bullets that were "shot" were sucked in, and those soldiers who leaned in were sucked into the small black hole one by one.

Wu Yang and Amelia came easily to the door of the captain's room, and Wu Yang kicked on the door.


With a loud noise, the door was kicked out by Wu Yang.

"Wu Yang." A woman's cry came over, a figure flashed in front of Wu Yang, and a fist hit lightningly against Wu Yang's face.

When Wu Yang's arm was blocked, a powerful force came at once. Wu Yang backed up one after another, and did not stop until he retreated a dozen meters.

"It's touching farewell." Natasha smiled.

Wu Yang shook his arm. "It really hurts, Selena is getting worse."

"Wu Yang, how dare you come here," Serena said coldly.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Of course you are here, I am coming. Natasha, do n’t run away in the future, do n’t you know I will worry?"

"You're worried about ghosts, and you should be happy with this beautiful woman around you." Natasha said angrily.

Amelia looked at Natasha, "You are Natasha?"

"Yeah, I'm Natasha, you're the vampire elder Amelia, fortunately I will." Natasha smiled.

Selina said coldly, "Wu Yang, Natasha is my captive now, I can kill her."

"Selina, it shouldn't happen between us." Wu Yang walked towards Selina with a smile.

Selena's face changed, "You don't come over."

"Well, I can't come here, so are you over here." Wu Yang stopped.

"Huh, you think too much, I will keep ten meters away from you."

Natasha looked at the show, "Wu Yang, really good dog blood."

"Dog blood? You and my dog ​​blood level should not be worse than this." Wu Yang said to Natasha.

"Don't mention it to me." Natasha stared at Wu Yang.

Selina looked at Wu Yang. "Wu Yang, I know I can't kill you, but I will definitely make you die."

Wu Yang's right hand aimed at Selena, and a powerful attraction came from the small black hole. Selina was immediately attracted and flew in the direction of Wu Yang.

"Damn, what did you do?" Selina called.

Wu Yang's hands opened, Selena put into his arms, Wu Yang hugged tightly, and smiled evilly, "I didn't do anything, it is the power of love that made you come over."

auzw.com Upon entering Wu Yang's arms, the kind of intimacy of flesh and blood, the excitement and cheer of the body instantly defeated all the resistance of Serena, this uncontested body.

Natasha said with a smile: "The scene is very hot, I don't understand, why don't you resist, Selena, just let Wu Yang hold it."

"Abominable, not me, my body ..." Serena didn't know how to explain.

"No need to explain, Serena, you can't do without me." Wu Yang picked up Serena and walked towards the door of the captain's room.

Selena yelled, "Put me down, put me down."

Wu Yang went unmoved, went inside, looked at the white-haired man inside, and smiled, "Hello, Alexander Corvinus."

"You are Wu Yang." Alexander looked at Wu Yang.

"Yes, I am Wu Yang. I want to borrow something from you." Wu Yang was very polite.


"Your life," Wu Yang said.

Alexander laughed. "You want my life? I have lived so long and my life is very hard. Can you take it?"

"Then you can try."

Amelia stood at the door and looked at Alexander. This was the ancestor of the vampire and werewolf. I didn't expect to see it.

There was a whistling sound in the sky, and Amelia looked up and looked at it, "Wu Yang, someone is coming."


There was a crisp noise on the deck. Two people fell on it. It should not be said that they were human. There were a pair of meat wings on their backs, sharp claws on their hands, and their faces looked like monsters.

The two changed at the same time, the meat wings quickly contracted, the sharp claws became hands, and the faces became human faces.

Amelia frowned. "Marcus."

One of them looked at Amelia. "Amelia, I didn't expect to see you here, my old friend."

Natasha looked at the other person, "Michael."

That's right, the person next to Marcus is Michael, and now Michael's eyes have a strong "color" in his eyes, and said to Natasha: "People who once cheated me and insulted me will die."

Natasha nodded. "It's different, but it's difficult for us to die."

Wu Yang came out with her Serena in her arms and smiled. "Yo, isn't this Michael? I'll guess the other one, Marcus."

"You are the human Wu Yang." Marcus looked at Wu Yang.

"Yes, I am Wu Yang."

Michael looked at Wu Yang, and then looked at Selina held by Wu Yang, and said, "You guys and dogs, I will tear you to pieces."

Wu Yang shook his head. "Michael, look at your handsome face, it has collapsed."

Selina with a touch of apology, "Michael, I'm sorry."

Wu Yang looked at Selena. "Selena, what is your relationship with Michael?"

"A friend, don't think" disorderly ", there is nothing between him and me." Selina herself didn't understand why she explained it.

"Friend, just friend." Michael looked a little crazy, "I want you to regret this woman."

Wu Yang smiled a little, and kissed Selina with a big mouth.

Selena's eyes widened, and she pushed Wu Yang weakly with both hands. She couldn't resist Wu Yang at all, and her body would only feel unusually excited. ..