v7 Chapter 51: Lunatic (first)

Selena took a deep breath. "Wu Yang, can you be more shameless? Shameless?"

"Well, if you're willing to listen, I can go on."

"I don't want to talk to you. You are terrific. I can't speak to you. No matter what, I can't compare to you, especially your face, it's not so difficult to accept in your hands. After all, a shameless person like you How many people can do it? "Serena's eyes were deeply ironic.

Wu Yangxi smiled, "You say that, but it really makes me unhappy."

"Ha ha." Selena replaced all the answers with these two words.

Wu Yang's hand clenched Selena tightly. "Anyway, you are my woman. You can't leave me half a step, you can only be by my side."

Selina didn't speak, what should she say? I don't know how to say it, ask "Sex" not to speak, let Wu Yang monologue.

"Well, go to bed." Wu Yang smiled.

"I have a question," Serena said.

"What question? Just ask, I won't hide anything from you."

Selina asked, "Why did you tell Marcus the location of William Prison, and you just want William Crazy's crazy wolf out of prison?"

"Well, yes, I want to release William." Wu Yang admitted frankly.

Selina's voice improved a bit. "You should know that once William came out, he would bite insanely, and countless people would become werewolves."

"This is the effect I want, to turn this world into a world of werewolves and vampires. Marcus wants to be a **** and makes him enjoyable." Wu Yang laughed.

Selena shook her head. "You are really a lunatic. Make this world a world of werewolves and vampires. Humans will no longer exist."

"If it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. It doesn't matter." Wu Yang's face didn't matter.

"Crazy, you lunatic."

"I just like to do crazy things, Serena, this is just the beginning, countless crazys will be waiting for you." Wu Yang's eyes carried a trace of madness.

"What exactly do you want?"

Wu Yang's eyes had a hint of profoundness, "My goal is the stars and the sea."

"Hahaha ..." Amelia, who was sleeping on the other side of Wu Yang, laughed. "Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you."

Wu Yang gave a slap on Amelia's fart, and made a clear sound.

"Hate," Amelia said dissatisfied.

"Waking up obviously, but overhearing, it's time to hit." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Amelia glared at Wu Yang and said to Serena: "This guy doesn't care what the world is like. Even if it dies and the earth explodes, he won't care. Because he is not this world at all. People. "

Serena froze, "Not a person in this world ?! What do you mean?"

"There are countless possibilities of" **** "in the world." Wu Yang's face was deep.

"Can't you show off?" Serena satired.

Wu Yang spread his hands. "Well, Amelia, you tell me, tell everything to Selena and let her know about his man's legendary life."

"Is it the life of stealing the chicken and" touching "the dog?" Serena wanted to sneer Wu Yang from time to time to make her feel better.


Wu Yang quickly slaps Selena's fart with one hand. "Speak well."

"Damn, you hit me." Serena looked irritated.

"Defying is a kiss, and you will not understand it for your husband's good intentions."


Amelia smiled and said, "Serina, do you want to listen?"

"You say it."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Why, are you so interested in your husband's origin? I know that you still care about me in your heart."

"You're less narcissistic," Selena exasperated.

"Amelia, don't tell me, Serena is not interested anyway."

Selena snorted dismissively, "I'm not interested, I don't say anything unless I say it."

"There is a" sex. "Wu Yang gave a thumbs up." Sleep. "

"You hold a woman, this woman doesn't know anything about you, and you say she's your woman, you're her man, is there such a thing?" Serena chuckled.

Amelia couldn't help laughing, "Serina, let's just talk about Wu Yang."

"I do not want to know."

Amelia smiled and said, "Tell you, listen carefully, our world is a movie world ..."

Twenty minutes have passed, and Amelia is almost there.

Selina looked at Wu Yang with an incredible look. "It would be like this, it would be like this, no wonder you know everything."

"When I heard Wu Yang, I was also shocked, but there was nothing unacceptable. Just like humans, we vampires and werewolves only exist in legends, but we exist." Amy Leah said in relief.

Selena said: "So what the world will look like, you don't care at all, because you will leave."

"You will leave with me," Wu Yang said.

Amelia nodded. "What the world will become, I don't care. There is nothing to worry about. Serena, you are the same. This world has no loved ones, your enemies are dead, and you still have What's worth caring about? "

"I ..." Serena was a little stunned, Amelia was right, she had nothing to care about.

Wu Yangxian smiled and said, "Your energy seems to be very strong. Since this is the case, let's come to high together."

Amelia closed her eyes immediately and said, "I'm asleep, don't bother me, you and Serena are high."

Selena's face changed in color, "I fell asleep too, don't do shameless things to me."

"Oh, do you like shameless things, don't you? And they still like it very much." Wu Yang pressed Selina down.



At 10 am the next day, Natasha went into Wu Yang's room with two dark circles. She couldn't sleep last night. Various strange screams continued until 4 am.

On the big chuang, a pair of silver "swings" were extremely crumpled, and the sheets were not wrinkled, and in some places they were torn, which shows that the fighting last night was fierce. ..