v8 Chapter 1: Sky City (Second)

Villain space.

The four of Wu Yang returned, and the four flew in the sky, watching a city floating in the sky ahead.

"Is this villain space? The city floating in the sky!" Amelia said in shock.

Natasha said with a smile: "I did not expect that the White Queen really did it. The city was built on the sky so that it would not be affected by the expansion of space."

Selina looked at the various dinosaurs and beasts running on the ground, and the pterosaurs and strange birds flying in the sky, "It feels like they have returned to the earth hundreds of millions of years ago."

"As you get used to it, there is nothing left, let's go." Wu Yang yelled, and the four flew towards the city floating in the sky.

At a distance of more than 100 meters from the city, a layer of shroud appeared, blocking Wu Yang's four people.

"After white, we are back and open the protective cover." Wu Yang said loudly.

A laughter sounded, "I know it's your calf coming back, but I won't let you in."

"The calf ?!" Natasha couldn't help laughing, "The term white Queen is good."

"After white, I will give you three seconds to think about it, otherwise your fart will wait for flowering." Wu Yang said unhappyly.

"Hum, you know you bullied me."

The protective cover protecting the city disappeared, and Wu Yang flew in and landed on a huge square.

"It feels like coming to the future." Amelia looked around. "Everything here looks so advanced."

A stream of deformed element particles flew over from a distance, and after landing, they turned into a large number of sister papers. They were Su Yueming and Alice.

The girls said together, "Welcome to the city of the sky."

Selena and Amelia looked at this big ticket paper, and hold them. Are these women of Wu Yang? No one looks worse than them, this guy really enjoys it.

"Well, it's good here." Bai Hou fell from the sky and stomped his feet on Wu Yang's head.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It's really good, but your courage is not small, and you dare to step on my head." Wu Yang's hand grabbed toward Bai Hou's feet.

"Can't catch me." Bai Hou's figure flickered and disappeared.

Selena put a hand quietly on Wu Yang's waist, and she slammed her arms. She couldn't help it. There were so many women, she couldn't bear it.

"Pain, lightly," Wu Yang cried.

The ladies couldn't help laughing, Serena's face was "red", and she was a little bit angry: "Your skin is so thick, and you know how it hurts?"

Wu Yang coughed a few times and smiled, "Be quiet, let me introduce you. This beauty is called Serena, and this is Amelia. She will join our family from now on."

"Welcome!" The girls raised their palms together.

With that, Selena and Amelia were embarrassed. "That, this ..."

Bai Hou trot over, holding two microphones in his hand, and handed them towards Selena and Amelia. "This is the microphone. If you have anything to say, just say it and give a testimonial."

auzw.com Both Selena and Amelia took the microphone and glanced at each other. "You speak first."

Selina nodded, "Okay, let me say it first. About you, Natasha and Wu Yang have told me, they said that you get along well and are good people. Really come here, In fact, I am a bit nervous. I should say that I have never been so nervous. I do n’t know how to say it. I want to get along with everyone. ”

The girls all smiled in kind and clapped their palms again.

Amelia took a breath and said, "Serina has said everything I want to say, and I'm glad to be here to meet each of you. I know we will be eternal sisters."


In the huge laboratory of Sky City, Wu Yang and Bai later came here, with various optical instruments and scanning instruments.

"This laboratory looks very good." Wu Yang looked around.

"Do not look at who established it." Baihou looked up.

Wu Yang put a hand on Bai Hou's head and gently stroked, "Good job, good job."

"Don't" talk "and" touch "their head." Bai Hou slaps Wu Yang's salty pig hand.

Wu Yang asked, "Did they have metamorphic cells in their bodies after white?"

"Yeah, not only deformed cells, but also t-cells and x-cells. I adapted the" **** "to each person's body so that they would fuse the three major cells without any pain. With a touch of pride.

Wu Yang sighed, "I thought that at the beginning, I had to die and live to make these three cells merge with my body."

Bai Hou said earnestly: "But it is only with these efforts of yours that they can gain this kind of power, which is an excellent thing for you and for them."

"This is saying I love listening, but you account for half of the credit. Without your technology and research, even if there are t cells, metamorphic cells, and x cells, they cannot be fused."

After blushing, she blushed and moved her face aside. "I didn't do it for you."

"Who are you for?" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"You control me." Baihou walked quickly toward the front.

Bai Hou took Wu Yang to a laboratory. Ramsay, Jane, Terry, Hill, Ginny, and Sharon were also here. Everyone was wearing a white coat and looked at the research work. The same.

"How are you here?" Wu Yang asked.

Terry smiled and said, "I'm very interested in Bai Hou's research. I just want to follow along and learn, maybe I can help you in the future."

"Well, Bai Hou's research is really interesting, and it would be great if we could help her." Ginny followed.

Bai Hou smiled and said, "Maybe a group of great technologists were born in my hands."

"You are doing well." Wu Yang applauded.

Sharon smiled and said, "It's not easy to get your praise. Right, you should not be interested in this."

"Technology is the primary productive force, but I am in awe of science and technology." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Bai Hou asked: "It's time to talk about business. You say you have a way to live forever. What is it?"

"Longevity ?!" The few women present were choked. ..