v8 Chapter 13: Shining quartet two (fourth more)

Wu Yang clutched the Taoist's neck and said loudly: "Zhen Yuanzi, this is your 48 proud disciples, it's just a bunch of rubbish, don't let them give people away."

After hearing this, the disciples remaining behind Zhenyuan Zi were angry one by one, "Thief, let's rest haughtily, let me clean up you."

"Kill him together."

Zhen Yuanzi sang loudly, "Neither of you should go, you are not his opponents."

"Master ..."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and looked at Wu Yang coldly. "The person who let go of you."

"Leave him?" Wu Yang laughed. "Hahaha, okay, let him go."

As soon as Wu Yang's left hand was forced, a voice with a broken neck was issued, and the Taoist priests who were pinched by Wu Yang no longer struggled.

"As you wish, I released him." Wu Yang threw the Taoist corpse in his hand into the pit.

"Brother (brother) ..." All the priests had strong anger and grief in their eyes.

Wu Yang said loudly: "Who else? Come on, Lao Tzu is here. Lao Tzu will not turn Wu Zhuangguan over and over, and Lao Tzu is not Wu Yang."

The disciples shouted, "Master, don't stop us, we are going to kill this arrogant thief."

"Let me be your teacher, you all step back." Zhen Yuanzi's fist clenched and looked at Wu Yang. "I'm going to walk for the sky today and destroy you and the thief."

Wu Yang levitated slowly and laughed dismissively, "Going for the sky? Hahaha, laughing at people. Why do you always like to hold these flags of justice, is it used to disgusting people?"

Zhen Yuanzi exudes the light of blue, and also levitates, coldly: "Justice is justice, you thief will never understand."

"I don't need to understand, I just understand that the strong decides everything, and the weak persists." Wu Yang said coldly, "Zhen Yuanzi, take your true skill, let us decide who is the strong."

"Good breath." With a wave of Zhen Yuanzi's hand, a surge of energy was pressing towards Wu Yang.

"Ha ..." Wu Yang yelled, the red flames of "color" burst out, and the visible power of the red gold "colors" was pushed towards the front.


The energy and the force of the thoughts collided together, a wave of shock waves spread towards the surroundings, wherever they passed, the temple exploded and collapsed, the trees were uprooted, and ravaged everything around.

"Ah, ah ..." Those proud disciples of Zhenyuanzi, who did not avoid the shock wave, blasted blood one by one.

Boom, boom ...

Zhen Yuanzi's energy broke Wu Yang's power of thought, Hao Haoran blasted towards Wu Yang in the past, and bombarded Wu Yang who could not avoid it.

"Well ..." Wu Yang spurted out his blood, and his clothes were torn apart with energy, and flew out like a shell.

Bang bang ...

auzw.com Wu Yang flew all the way down and crashed the houses and houses.

"Ah!" Wu Yang, who flew backwards, yelled, his body burst into flames of red gold and stopped his body.

"Woohoo, whisper." Wu Yang panted, looking at Zhen Yuanzi hovering above him, "Awesome, really awesome, hahaha!"

Zhen Yuanzi sternly said, "Thief, dare to laugh when you die."

"Why can't you laugh? Niu nose, tell me why you can't laugh?" Wu Yang flew slowly. "Lao Tzu's body is hurting now. Such a pain, we must find a vent and can only laugh."

"How else do you cry?" Wu Yang sang loudly. "I will burst out of all my strengths, come on, come on, ah ..."

The flame of red gold "color" erupted, followed by layers of light red gold "color" of "transformed blood particles" emanating from Wu Yang's body, spinning and rising around Wu Yang.

"Come out, all the deforming element particles." Wu Yang roared again.

The light of blue "color" flashed wildly in the sky, and Wu Yang placed it in the independent space formed by the cosmic cube, and a large number of deformed element particles were released.

In order for Wu Yang to become the quartet's shining quartet, he must use the deformed element particles placed in an independent space to shape the strongest body.

The huge number of deformed element particles released were burned by the red gold "color" gas released by Wu Yang, quickly changing the color "color", from silvery white "color" to light red gold "color".

A particle storm of "red" light red gold appeared, spurting upwards and upwards, and a powerful lightning flashed on the particle storm, making a crackling sound.

Light green "color", red color "color", water blue "color", loess "color", snow white "color" five "color" light emitted from the particle storm. Shrouded by light.

Zhen Yuanzi and those alive disciples stared at it all in shock, "This, what is this?"

"Ah ..." The roaring voice shook the world.

The light-colored gold "color" particle storm is heading towards a point, and shrinks inwardly towards the middle.

"Transformers shine in the second quarter of the quartet!" Wu Yang shouted, "New arrival!"

Zhen Yuanzi and his disciples had their eyes widened, looking at the giant beast in front, the huge body up to a hundred meters, exuding the dazzling red gold "color" light.

The surviving disciples of Wuzhuangguan were shocked. Zhen Yuanzi was shocked at this moment. This huge body and this light are like the Buddha of the Nine Buddhas in the West, but not the Buddha of the Nine Buddhas because there is no Buddhist power.

The light of Chijin's "color" slowly faded. Zhenyuanzi and the remaining disciples saw Wu Yang's current appearance. Is this the ancient **** of floods?

The head is green and gold, the right arm is red and gold, the left arm is water and gold, the right leg is earth gold, and the left leg is white. The other parts of the body are light gold. ".

Wu Yang held a light red "color" machete in his right hand, and a light blue "color" thunderbolt flowed on his body at all times, making a thunderous thunder noise.

Wu Yang twisted his neck and made a crisp sound. He could clearly feel the powerful power of this body.

On the basis of the second stage of the human pose of Transformer t, the transformation performed has increased the power of the Transformer's quartet to the second stage, that is, the Transformer's quaternion to the second stage!

Transformers shine the power of the second stage of the quartet, giving Wu Yang the feeling that has surpassed the only independent form: Transformer x Burst Form. And at least twice as much.

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