v8 Chapter 65: The strongest Wu Yang (second)


The light of black and white "color" slammed into the sky, and then spread out like a heavenly girl, spreading around Wu Yang.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang and the Demon King flew upside down at the same time.

The cow demon king covered Xiong's mouth with a hand and said loudly, "Wu Yang, you're out of business, right now is your death."

"You think too much, no one can stop me Wu Yang." Wu Yang roared loudly, and every three-ball structure cell inside the body was spinning at a high speed.

Wu Yang has lost all forms, Transformers singlet to Transformers quartet, Transformers shine singlet to Transformers shine quartet two, Transformers x Burst form, Transform t human pose, x human pose, Everything has disappeared.

Wu Yang can no longer turn into these forms, but it doesn't matter, because now he is the strongest him.

The metamorphic cells, t cells, and x cells are no longer distinguished from each other. Under the action of the peach peach force, the compatibility and the limit of each other are eliminated, and the cells are completely combined to form a three-ball structure cell.

Wu Yang was too lazy to think of any name, so it was named ‘three sphere cells’ according to its structure.

The formation of trispheric cells also means that the deformable cells, t cells, and x cells have lost their independence and become an integral part of the trispheric cells.

The three-sphere cell retains all the powers of metamorphic cells, t cells, and x cells, and forms three ones, which are much greater than three.

Wu Yang can no longer transform, but the power is far beyond the strongest transformation. This is Wu Yang now.

"Ah, relying on a special broken axe, you can't defeat the strongest me, the demon king!" Wu Yang roared, and the white "color" light went straight into the sky.

"Fuck your mother's fart." The Devil King roared and rushed towards Wu Yang.

The white sword in Wu Yang's hand flashed, Wu Yang accelerated, and greeted the demon king.


A crisp impact sounded, and a wave of shock waves spread around.

At the point where the knife and axe hit, the magical energy of black "color" and the light of white "color" smashed in this narrow range, the energy overflowed frantically.

"Wu Yang, did I lose the Bull King to you." The Bull King shouted.

"In front of the strongest me, this kind of word is a special joke. Laozi shattered it." Wu Yang roared, and every three-ball cell in the body was rotated to the limit.

"The strongest power broke out!" In Wu Yang's roar, the white "color" light spread out endlessly, covering the entire sky, and devouring the demon ox's magic.

Wow, wow, wow ...

The crunching sound continued, and the sound of roar of the Devil King uttered, "Ah, my magic ax ..."

The white light slowly dissipated, the demon king was flying backwards, and the magic axe in his hand was fragmented piece by piece.

"I'm awake, the devouring system is here!" A stiff voice sounded.

Wu Yang shouted, "Okay, good, devour the system. It's time for you to show your might."

Wu Yang launched it with his right hand, swallowed the black hole from it, quickly expanded to ten meters, and the powerful attraction emanated from it.

auzw.com All the magical energy that was released was sucked into the devouring system.

"My magic axe!" Growled the ox devil yelling, smashed a huge piece of gravel, stopped, and a blood spurted out.

"Impossible, this is impossible." The Demon King shook his head and looked at Wu Yang in the distance. "My Demon King, I will never lose in your hands."

With a wave of his right hand, Wu Yang absorbed the magical engulfment and the black hole narrowed quickly, returned to his palm, and disappeared.

"The demon king, now is your death." The white sword in Wu Yang's hand pointed at the demon king.

"Then you give it a try." The Bull Devil yelled, his hands raised, and a wave of magic swelled quickly toward the top.

"Roar ..." The voice of Niu Roar was issued, and a huge body appeared in the diffused magic.

A huge tauren with a height of 100 meters appeared, exuding a rolling magic, roaring non-stop, rushing towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's hands clasped the handle of the white knife in his hand, and pointed his finger upwards, and the white knife expanded sharply until it was 100 meters long and 10 meters wide.

"Roar ..." The tauren roared towards Wu Yang from above.

"The ox devil!" Wu Yang roared, and the huge white sword in his hand suddenly waved.

The cold light of white "color" flashed, and the huge white sword flashed through the body of the demon king with the power of thunder.

"It's over, Lao Niu, you can live without being so tired." Wu Yang put away the huge white sword, turned his body, "Lu" smiled a little: "Iron fan, do you feel bad?"

Three meters behind Wu Yang, iron fans and Ru Xue stood there, and they did not know when they came.

"I only distress you." The iron fan came forward and hugged Wu Yang.

Behind Wu Yang, the Cow Devil looked at all this, his eyes widened, and various hatreds and resentments made a dying voice: "Iron fan, this is impossible ..."

The demon king's huge body slowly cracked and turned into two pieces, and a large amount of blood wafted into two huge halves, falling downward.

"Brother Wu Yang." Ru Xue flew to Wu Yang and looked at Wu Yang pitifully, "I really worry about you."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "What are you worried about, the people who can kill me will never show up."

"Oh!" Wu Yang's body trembled, a trace of blood overflowing along the corner of his mouth.

Tie Fan said with concern: "Are you okay, you know you are stubborn, you are obviously injured, and you are okay, do you want us to worry about death?"

"It doesn't matter, just a little injury." Wu Yang shook his head.

"Iron fan." A voice trembling came over.

"Brother Huang." The iron fan turned around.

"It's you." Jade Emperor's eyes were surprised and delighted. "You're finally back."

"Brother Huang, I'm sorry," Iron Fan said, bowing his head.

The Jade Emperor shook his head. "Just come back, just come back. These years, the emperor has missed you so much. Seeing you like this, the emperor is relieved."

Iron Fan's face moved, with tears in his eyes, "Brother Huang." ..