v8 Chapter 70: Rulai Appears (three)

At the side of heaven, Chang'e asked, "What are you talking about? That Wu Yang is your husband, and you can't believe it. How do you think of such a" **** "thief, an iron fan?"

Tie Fan said with a smile: "Sister Chang'e, how do you say he is a" **** "thief? Didn't Wu Yang do anything to you?"

"No, no, you don't want to" talk ", how could he have done something to me." Chang'e's face was "red" slightly red, avoiding the eyes of the iron fan.

"Really? Suspicious."

"Of course it's true. I just look at that guy and think he's a" **** "thief." Chang'e's voice increased a bit. The heart is extremely complicated, why is it so lost, and why? Is it because the "kinky" thief and the iron fan are husband and wife? This is by no means the case.

Chang'e now wants to break Wu Yang into a disability, Ming Ming and Iron Fan are both husband and wife, why bother to provoke her, hateful, really hateful!

Chang'e's face "color" that Iron Fan has always noticed. Although Chang'e is smiling and covering up well, she still finds Chang'e's strange.

"Sister Chang'e, actually, it's nice to have one more of you," said Tie Fan with a smile.

Chang'e frowned slightly. "Iron fan, what do you mean?"

"I mean very simple, don't Sister Chang'e understand?"

"I don't understand." Chang'e Gan smiled.

"You will understand." The iron fan was also smiling. At the same time, Wu Yang complained in his heart: the **** of flowers / hearts, even Chang'e sister went to hook / citation.

However, it can make Chang'e like this, and the iron fan is also a little proud, which shows that her man is too good. According to Wu Yang's "sex", it is impossible to let go of Chang'e.

If it's Chang'e, the iron fan doesn't really mind, she also hopes that Chang'e can have a good life.

Ru Xue looked at the laughing Chang'e and the iron fan beside her, opened her mouth several times, but ended up saying nothing. I still ca n’t summon the courage to tell Master.

Ru Xue always wanted to tell Iron Fan that she would be with Wu Yang, but every time she spoke and swallowed back to her mouth. No, you must say.

"Master ..." Ruxue said.

"What's wrong? Like snow," Iron Fan asked.

"Well, you see the sky changed." Ruxue's words turned, and her face "color" changed.

The dazzling golden "color" Buddha light burst forth, illuminating the whole heaven, and a dazzling golden "color" sun appeared.

Iron fans and Chang'e all covered their eyes with their hands. Is it such a strong Buddha light?

"If you come to Buddha, why did you come to my heavenly court? I didn't ask you to come." Jade Emperor looked at the golden "color" sun with a look of indifference.

A righteous voice came out: "Jade Emperor, don't come without fuss. I come here because of fate, fate comes to me, I come to fate."

A huge figure emerged from the golden "color" sun, looking like a mountain, giving a sense of calmness.

"Is this Rugao Buddha?" Ru Xue was shocked.

"Well, it's him." The iron fan nodded.

auzw.com "What is he doing here?" Chang'e frowned.

Sun Wukong, who was moving a large stone, stopped moving the stone, and looking towards Ru, he had a bad feeling.

"Sun Wukong, today's calamity arises because of you and perishes because of you." Ru said.

Jade Emperor said loudly: "If you come to Buddha, you have too much control. The trouble that Sun Wukong has done has nothing to do with your Buddhist world. This is not your Buddhist world."

"Related, Sun Wukong was born because of fate, and where the destiny is. He and I have a great relationship with the Buddhist world, and the Jade Emperor must not hinder this relationship."

Jade Emperor frowned. "Rugao Buddha, are you threatening?"

"Dare not dare."

Jade Emperor was unhappy for a while, but now there is no other way. Heaven is now like this. He is also seriously injured and cannot fight this.

Sun Wukong glanced at the Jade Emperor and said loudly, "Jade Emperor, don't speak for me. One person should do one thing and one person should be. If you come, what tricks do you have for me?"

"Sun Wukong, the origin and the demise are not what you can do, not your responsibility. You were born because of the fate, where your destiny is. I am pressing you on the Five Elements Mountain today, and make up for it purely. When your disaster is over, fate will come. . "Like speaking Zen, it seems to make sense.

Ru Xue cried, "Is this going to press Wu Kong down the mountain?"

"If you come, you have to push me down / under the Five Elements Mountain, depending on whether you have that ability, I jump." Sun Wukong fought a few hurricanes and flew towards the distance at high speed.

"Sun Wukong, where do you escape?" Rulai made a thunderous noise, and a giant hand stretched out, covering the entire sky.

Sun Wukong looked at the pressing giant hand and yelled, "If you come, my Sun Wukong won't accept any of your fate. Don't even think about hitting me."

The dazzling white "color" light shone below Rulai's giant hand, and a roar came: "Who dares to touch my brother?"

Listening to this voice, the iron fans, such as Xue, Jade Emperor, Chang'e, and a group of brilliant soldiers were shocked, Wu Yang returned.

Sun Wukong heard Wu Yang's voice and shouted happily: "Brother Wu Yang, I knew you would come."

"Ha!" Wu Yang's figure appeared, his hands held up, and endless white light burst out from it, resisting the sky-covering giant hand.

Wu Yang shouted: "If you want to move my monkey brother, have you ever asked me?"

Sun Wukong shouted, "Brother Wu Yang, you're going to touch me to death. Today, I struggled with this Rulai bald donkey and got up."

The gold hoop in Sun Wukong's hand suddenly inflated, becoming bigger and thicker, and pressed against Rulai's giant hand.

Sun Wukong shouted: "If you want to press me, you can't do it."

"Wu Yang, acquaintance is a fate, you and I have fate." Rulai issued a loud voice.

"Fate? What fate? Laozi and where do you come from? Don't you tell these **** things to Laozi?" Wu Yang roared, white light flashed, and pushed fiercely upward.

On this day, the giant hand actually moved slightly, and couldn't hold it down.

"Born from the heart, Wu Yang, you are not in this world, we can meet, this is the big fate." Rulai slowly took back his giant hand, "Fate should not be broken, Wu Yang, we will be in another day Good-bye, please advise, be kind and good! "

After finishing this sentence, the dazzling golden "color" Buddha light flashed by, and the huge body disappeared into the heaven. ..