v8 Chapter 87: Inquire (two more)

In the end, Chang'e was still chuang. With the help of Wu Yang, she wore a dress. She wore a dress slowly for more than ten minutes, making Chang'e Jiao endless.

"Ah ..." After chuang, took the first step, Chang'e made a painful cry, his legs were shaking.

Wu Yang immediately supported Chang'e, "I'll help you go."

"You don't need to help me, I, I can go by myself." Chang'e demanded, step by step toward the outside.

After about seven or eight steps, Chang'e's face was "colored", cold sweat appeared from his forehead, and his body was trembling.

"You woman, I'll help you." Wu Yang walked over, tough.

"I will be laughed at, I blame you." Chang'e whispered.

"Blame me, blame me." Wu Yang helped Chang'e walk over.

In the hall, three iron fans, such as Xue and Xuelinger, were sitting on chairs, each holding a cup of laurel tea, drinking tea, and smiling at Chang'e, who was helped by Wu Yang.

Chang'e lowered her head, and she had felt those gazes, and instantly had a thought of escaping.

Wu Yang said shamelessly, "Come, welcome to your new sisters."

"Okay." Iron fans, such as Xue Xue and Xuelinger, clapped their palms. "Welcome, welcome."

Chang'e blushed, "Iron fan, don't do this."

"Sister Chang'e, what do you want us to do?" Tie Fan smiled slyly.


The iron fan stood up, came to Chang'e's face, and smiled, "Well, I won't make fun of you. Sister Chang'e, we have always been good sisters."

Chang'e looked at the iron fan for a moment, "Iron fan, don't you blame me?"

"What's your fault?"

"I did it with Wu Yang, I did this kind of thing ..."

Tie Fan rolled his eyes and said, "I've been mentally prepared for a long time, how could Wu Yang let you go. You are my good sister, and I hope you are happy, and you don't regret it."

"Iron fan." Chang'e's eyes were touched, and at the same time she felt a little guilty. She thought about monopolizing Wu Yang before.

"Sister Chang'e, my husband is half of you, but this guy is too cheap." Tie Fan glanced at Wu Yang.

Chang'e said angrily: "He's a" **** "thief, I'm really blind."

Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" his nose with his hand, "Look at what you said, am I so bad?"


In a purple bamboo forest, Guanyin sat on a rock in front of the purple bamboo forest and looked at the sea ahead.

"What should I do?" Guanyin muttered to himself.

Suddenly the space around Guanyin changed, the golden light flickered, and a huge figure appeared.

"Rugao Buddha!" ​​Guanyin folded his hands and bowed his head.

"Aristocrat Guanyin!"

"If you come to Buddha, are you here for anything?" Guanyin asked.

Rulai asked, "Sergeant Guanyin, do you have any troubles?"


"I am compassionate, and my disciples are really bothered by one thing. I want to save Wu Yang and make him good, but ..."

Rulai whispered: "Everything can't be forced, everything has a certain number. What I came here today is related to Wu Yang, and it needs the Guanyin prince to do it."

"What is it? The disciples must do their best."

"Master Guanyin, you know Wu Yang is not a person in this world."

There was a hint of surprise in Guanyin's eyes, but he asked calmly, "Where does Wu Yang come from?"

"I don't know this, and this is what you have to figure out, the most important thing is to figure out how he came to this world." If finished, Jin Guang disappeared.

Guanyin appeared on the rock and said to himself, "Wu Yang is not a person in this world!"

Regarding Wu Yang's attempt to destroy the Buddha, Guanyin didn't say that, and she didn't know why. The Buddha should not be concealed.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, you are really my robber." Guanyin finished and disappeared on the rock.


On a cloud in the sky, Wu Yang was lying on it, with Erlang legs crossed, "Guanyin, I thought you were gone? I didn't expect you to be here, what are you looking for?"

Opposite Wu Yang, Guanyin said to Wu Yang: "I will not leave until I save you."

"You are really immortal, I appreciate your ambition, although it is useless." Wu Yang waved his hand.

Guanyin frowned slightly: "Wu Yang, you are not a person in this world."

Wu Yang came with a hint of interest, "How did you know? With your strength, you can't see this. Who told you, Rulai?"

"It was the Buddha who told me."

"Rulai sent you to inquire about my personal information." Wu Yang said lightly.

"The Buddha did let me figure out how you came to this world."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "That's because Rulai this old thing, wants to leave this world and lead to another world."

"Don't be disrespectful to the Buddha."

"Look at you again, just a title, why do you care? Guanyin, from this point of view, your practice is not home."

Guanyin was speechless by Wu Yang. "You're right, my practice is really not home. What do you just mean?"

"What do you mean? In this world, there are several powerful people. They can feel that there is another world, but they are hindered by the barriers of the world, and they cannot escape from this world."

"Another world? The barrier of the world?" Guanyin frowned.

"Rulai should especially want to leave this world. Only in this way can he continuously expand his power. So he wants to know how I entered this world."

Guanyin was silent for a while, "Since the barriers of the world prevent people in this world from going out, it should have the same effect on you. How did you get in?"

"I have a special method, do you want to know?" Wu Yangxie smiled.

"You won't tell me so easily."

"Why not tell you? You can't use it again. This method only works for me. So if you want to get out of this world, it's impossible, unless I want to take him away."

Guanyin said lightly, "Why do you think the Buddha is so evil?"

"Evil? It's not evil, it's human nature. If you come, it's the most successful hypocrite. You deceived you all as his father. Guanyin, you have been brainwashed too badly."

Avalokitesvara did not refute Wu Yang's words, "Perhaps, there are many states of life, and the state I see may not be correct."