v9 Chapter 3: Named Athena (one more)

The ladies talked non-stop, "I've been pregnant for years, and I'm finally giving birth."

Wu Yangzheng is in Taoyuan. He is going to be a real father. Mia is about to give birth to a child. It seems that she is not ready yet, "Fuck" "Fuck" "Fuck".

"Wu Yang, what are you still doing? Go and see, you are going to be a father." Su Yueming said to Wu Yang.

"Am I going to be a dad?" Wu Yang said to himself.

Alice smiled and said, "What, stupid?"

"It looks like it, I'm so envious of Mia, why are you pregnant?" Pepper looked at her belly, still so flat.

"Wu Yang, have you specially processed Mia, or else she will be pregnant with her baby." Jian stared at Wu Yang.

"Well, I don't know." Wu Yang spread his hands.

There were only a few women left, and they all flew towards the medical room.

"Come on, Wu Yang isn't going to see your baby paper yet," Peggy said.

"Yes, yes, go and see." The eaves jumped up.

In an all-glass building, Wu Yang and the daughters all stayed outside a door, Wu Yang walking back and forth outside the door.

"Why is there no sound? Hasn't it been born yet?" Wu Yang said irritably.

The ladies looked at Wu Yang speechlessly. "It's soundproof. Can't you be patient? It wasn't irritating at all. It's irritating to you."

"No, I can't calm down." Wu Yang walked back and forth again.

Becky held Wu Yang's hand a bit pitifully. "Dad, when Sister Mia gives birth to a baby, will you not like Beggie?"

"Of course not, you are the only good daughter in my heart." Wu Yang stroked Peggy's curls with her hands.

Becky smiled. "I knew Dad wouldn't."

"Becky, if he's not good for you, we don't want him." Alice joked.

"Mummy, I don't believe dad will," Beji said with a look of attachment.

Wu Yang's irritability calmed down a bit, "Of course I won't."

"Well, you can come in." Bai Hou's voice came from the horn by the door.

Wu Yang immediately opened the door and walked in. I saw Bai Hou standing next to a chuang, holding a newborn baby paper in his hand.

"Mia." Wu Yang immediately came to chuang and grabbed Mia's hand.

Mia's face was sweaty and her face was "colored", but with a happy smile, "Wu Yang is a girl."

Bai Hou looked at Kid Paper with a strange look, "This kid paper ..."

"What's wrong with this kid's paper?" Wu Yang stood up and took the kid's paper gently from Bai Hou's hands. Suddenly, a blood-like feeling spread all over the body.

Wu Yang looked at the children's paper in his hands, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, this was his children's paper.

Unlike other children's papers that are wrinkled in life, their faces are very delicate, and their aura of blue eyes are like stars in the sky. The hair is short and bright blonde.

All the girls gathered around and called one after another: "What a lovely baby paper."

"So cute, I want to pinch her face."

auzw.com "I want to kiss."


Wu Yang looked at the baby paper in his hand and nodded. "I'm very affectionate. When I grow up, I must be a big beauty and inherit my good genes."

Suddenly hissed, "Che, obviously inherited Mia. If you inherited it, you're in trouble."

"Nonsense, look more like me." Wu Yang looked at Baoji's face.

"To be honest, I really don't think it looks like you. She has a western face." He rolled his eyes.

The other ladies nodded, "Wu Yang, it really doesn't look like you."

"Let me see." Mia sat up from chuang with Peggy's help.

"Mia, look at our children's paper." Wu Yang sat next to chuang and put the children's paper in front of Mia.

Mia's mother's "sex" light gently touched the children's paper. "Our children's paper is so beautiful."

"It's weird. The ordinary child paper will cry when it is born. This child paper is so quiet." Giselle smiled.

Wu Yang looked proud, "My baby paper is definitely not normal."

"It's really very spiritual. You can feel an extraordinary temperament even at such a small age, and it must be a big beauty in the future." Peggy said.

"I'll be able to have one whenever I want." Elena's eyes were envious.

"This is very difficult, very difficult. You are not unaware of Wu Yang's situation. It is estimated that there is only a special case of Mia." Jill shook his head.

Mia felt very happy at the moment, and it was great to give Wu Yangsheng paper.

"Wu Yang, give her a name." Mia said to Wu Yang.

The girls immediately objected: "You can't let him get up. His name is unusual, so cute, if you give him the name of a kitten and puppy, you won't cry."

"You look down on me so much, how could I be casual about my daughter." Wu Yang immediately disagreed.

"Well then, come on, you have to see what good name you can come up with."

Wu Yang nodded with a smile. "My baby's paper is naturally of my last name. The last name is Wu. It looks so beautiful. It looks like a flower. Call it Wu Hua."

"Oh my god, Wu Hua? Why don't you call her Ruhua? Such a tacky name, okay." The daughters objected together.

Wu Yang thought again: "Shenyu Luoyan is used for beauties. You must be satisfied with this name, so it's called Wuyu."

"No." The girls shook their heads together.

"Wu Yan."

"There is no hint of it, the vulgarity is unbearable, you still don't have to get up." The girls hit Wu Yang together.

The aura of Wu Zhi, who was held in his arms by Wu Yang, flashed a silent voice, but no one noticed.

The word 'Athena' appeared in Wu Yang's mind, blurted out unconsciously, "Athena."

"Uh ?!" The girls stunned, "Athena?"

"Isn't this name the name of Athena, the goddess of wisdom of Olympus?" Amelia said.

"Yeah, aren't you going to let her and your last name?" Su Yueming asked.

Wu Yang frowned slightly, "This name appears in my mind, it doesn't matter if I don't have my last name. What do you think of this name?" ..