v9 Chapter 13: Misunderstood into a pair (three more)

The black girl said to Wu Yang: "Big brother, what you need, your girlfriend is very beautiful, and roses are very suitable for her. Buy a bunch, not expensive, only $ 10."

Zhao Hailun blushed and immediately said, "Little sister, you, don't make a mistake, I, I'm not his girlfriend."

The little black girl nodded. "I see. The older sister and older brother haven't developed a relationship with lovers."

"Not development, but ..."

"Give me a bunch, don't need to find it." Wu Yang handed the little black girl a hundred dollars and took out a bunch of roses from her basket.

"Thank you, elder brother, you and your beautiful sister will be happy." The little black girl happily ran away.

Zhao Hailun's heartbeat accelerated a little, with a little nervousness, and said to Wu Yang, "Why are you buying? We are not lovers at all."

"Will you accept it?" Wu Yang handed the rose towards Zhao Hailun.

Zhao Hailun looked at the handed rose, his heart beat faster, "I, I, I don't want to."

"Rejected." Wu Yang shook his head, his hands loosened, and the roses fell to the ground.

"You ..." Looking at the roses that fell to the ground, Zhao Hailun felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Wu Yang turned around, "Doctor, stop there. Just a little" interlude "in your life, you will forget when you sleep."

Wu Yang said, and walked forward.

Zhao Hailun looked at Wu Yang's back, and for a while, shouted, "What do you mean? Hello, explain clearly."

Zhao Hailun picked up the roses on the ground and chased Wu Yang, but no matter how she chased, Wu Yang kept a distance of fifty meters from her.

"Ah ..." Zhao Hailun uttered a painful cry and fell to the ground.

"It hurts." Zhao Hailun looked towards her feet, and the heels of her high heels fell off, causing her to fall.

Zhao Hailun tried to stand up, but his feet were crooked and fell down again, "Ah ..."

"Hateful, hateful." Zhao Hailun took off his high heels and threw a strong fling towards the front. "Wu Yang, are you leaving like this? You coward."

Some pedestrians around him pointed at Zhao Hailun whisperingly, why is this woman calling Wu Yang? Do n’t you know that Wu Yang is a forbidden word? My brain must be broken.

Zhao Hailun heard all the criticisms and misunderstandings of others, but at this moment, she didn't even feel the slightest concern.

"I'm back." Wu Yang's voice sounded in Zhao Hailun's ear.

"Wu Yang." Zhao Hailun's eyes were a little excited.

Those pedestrians found that this Wu Yang was not the Wu Yang they knew, and they were all relieved. It turned out to be just the same name.

"Lady, be nice to your girlfriend. Your girlfriend is so beautiful, if you are not nice to her, there will be other men who are good to her." An old man said in a tone of passing people.

Zhao Hailun explained with a red face: "Uncle, he, he is not ..."

"I know, it's this boy who makes you angry, but you all should cherish it. Boy, you really shouldn't, look at your girlfriend, and never coax, she won't want you."

The old man's wife followed, "That is, that is, being angry with your girlfriend. Your boyfriend is really incompetent."

Zhao Hailun shook his head and said, "Uncle Aunt, you have misunderstood him ..."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Okay, okay, Grandpa learned the right thing."

"Everyone is dispersed, let the young couple talk about it well." The old man said, and dispersed with the surrounding pedestrians.


After the people dispersed, Zhao Hailun gave Wu Yang a glance and moved his face to the side. "What are you doing back?"

"Find my girlfriend, or she'll run away with others." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"I'm not," Zhao Hailun said angrily.

Wu Yang said roguely, "Uncle and aunt have said that everyone else thinks so, and dare to quibble."

"That's their misunderstanding. I won't admit it."

Wu Yang smiled, "I won't admit it, but can you explain why this rose is in your hands?"

Wu Yang looked at the rose held in Zhao Hailun's hand, raised a brow, and looked evil.

Zhao Hailun shouted, "This is not the one you bought. Yes, I picked it up. It has nothing to do with you."

"is it?"

"Yes." Zhao Hailun's eyes ducked.

"That's it," Wu Yang said indifferently. "Go back, I'll help you up."

"I don't need your help, I can do it myself." Zhao Hailun's stubborn look, one hand supported the ground, endured the pain on his feet, and slowly stood up.

Wu Yang looked at Zhao Hailun's bare feet, "Do you want to go back barefoot?"

"You don't need to control it." Zhao Hailun took the first step, and then he screamed in pain, his body crooked.

Wu Yang hugged Zhao Hailun and hugged Zhao Hailun. "You stubborn woman."

"Let me down, you let me go ..."

"Let your sister, don't be crooked, just like that, I hold you back." Wu Yang said unwillingly, and walked towards the front.

Zhao Hailun is still struggling, but held tight by Wu Yang, "You let go ..."

"Come again, I'll kiss you directly, just go back like this." Wu Yang's face was evil.

"you dare."

"Then you can try." Wu Yang's face moved quickly down.

"No, I won't call it." Zhao Hailun was forced to yield.

Wu Yang's face stopped and he said, "Is that right? Why should I use violence?"

Zhao Hailun glared at Wu Yang. This wicked man was so shameless that he knew to insult her. However, his xiong is so thick that he can hear his heartbeat and has a sense of security.

Me, what am I thinking about in "chaos", but he is the public enemy of human beings, the biggest terrorist, so don't be "confused" by his illusions.

"I feel you are a bit heavy?" Wu Yang suddenly said.

Zhao Hailun was angered, she was only 96 pounds, height 1.71 meters, this height with this weight is very perfect, even the **** said he was heavy.

"Heavy? You put me down. It's too heavy and exhausted you." Zhao Hailun struggled.

"Just a joke, live up the atmosphere." Wu Yang smiled. "Actually you are very light and have a great body. I mean," Milk "has long legs, but the fart is ancient ...

Zhao Hailun shouted angrily: "Shameless bastard, shut up."

This is the third change today, and it will officially enter the plot tomorrow. No more flirting. ..