v9 Chapter 55: Taking the Earth as a battlefield (1)

"The complete body must be able to meet the shape of the tail beast Chakra, and this is my Uchi wave spot." Giant Chakra, no, the spot announced loudly.

The energy ball condensed by Wu Yang has expanded to a diameter of thirty meters, and shouted, "Go to your mother's big watermelon."

A huge energy ball was thrown out by Wu Yang, carrying a strong wind toward the bar.

Ban looked at the banging energy ball and yelled, "Wu Yang, it's useless. Do you think I'm the same as before?"

"Ah ..." Bian's huge body stepped forward, and the conquering crown on his head released a layer of golden light, adding a layer of protection to Bian's body.

"Wu Yang, look at my power to destroy everything." Biao roared, and punched in the direction of the energy ball.


In a strong explosion, the light of blood "color" rose into the sky, forming a huge cloud of blood "color" mushrooms.

The mushroom cloud slowly dissipated, and a super large pit with a diameter of more than ten miles was blasted on the ground.

Wu Yang and Bian each stood at each end of this super pit and looked at each other.

The golden light guarded on the spot was broken, conquering the crown of trembling, and issued a painful cry: "Spot, this kid must be resolved as soon as possible."

Bam's eyes were shocked. Even if it has become the current state, it perfectly combines the power of the ten tails and Susano, and the bonus of the "government" system. It just barely resisted Wu Yang's blow. .

Ban's fists were clenched tightly, abominable, to what extent did Wu Yang's strength increase? Why, why can he get so powerful in such a short time?

"Stupid," forced "spot, this is your power to destroy everything? To be honest, Lao Tzu did not see it." Wu Yang roared, the figure disappeared in place, appeared in front of the spot.

"Stupid" Fuck "spot!" Wu Yang roared, and punched in the direction of the spot.

Although her body was huge, her response and speed were not dissatisfied, and a huge fist hit Wu Yang.

"You're still slow, spotted." Wu Yang avoided Spotted's fist, and appeared next to Spot's face the next moment, punched on Spotted's nose.

"Roar ..." With a roar, the huge body flew upside down.

"Wu Yang!" In the process of flying backwards, Bian Baimiao's body continued to shrink. In the battle with Wu Yang, the huge body became a burden for him.


The spot slammed into a mountain, and the mountain instantly turned into flour, and the crushed lime erupted.

"Wu Yang!" A roaring voice came out, and a two-meter figure flashed out of the crushed lime with a faint blue "color", and rushed to Wu Yang in a blink of an eye.


The spot that rushed over in anger, punched Wu Yang in the past, and bombarded Wu Yang's face.

Blood splattered, Wu Yang's face was blasted, ground meat was everywhere, the entire head burst, but the helmet was still in its original position.

"Hahaha, haha ​​..." Looking at all this, Banna couldn't help laughing, "Wu Yang, after all, you are not my opponent, or you died in my hands."

At this moment, Ban's mood is extremely happy and proud. He is the strongest and invincible.


"Spot, it seems wrong." The Conquering Crown made a sound.

Suddenly, one hand grabbed Bian's wrist, Wu Yang's voice came out: "Spot, you are really stupid," forced ", so you are killed. Is Laozi still Wu Yang?"

Blob's eyes widened, "How is that possible?"

"You can't die after destroying your body. Do you think I can't do it? Under the perfect dragon pattern, I'm immortal." Wu Yang yelled, and his other hand was punched and punched Beat on the spotted chin.

The spot flew to the sky, and Wu Yang instantly appeared above the spot, stepping on the spot's head.

The trampled spot fell down like a meteor, shouting and hit the ground, smashing a huge pit.

Wu Yang was suspended in the sky, the blood beads in the middle of the helmet flickered, and Wu Yang's head was instantly burst out, intact.

Since the corpse of the zombie king has been incorporated into the blood beads, the blood beads have all the abilities in the corpse of the zombie king. It is more difficult to kill Wu Yang than eat **** under the dragon pattern of extinction.

Wu Yang twisted his neck and made a crisp sound, and frowned slightly.

"Wu Yang, I want you to die." Zhan roared and rushed up from the ground, turning into a faint blue "color" light group.

"Then you stupid" try "then try." Wu Yang burst into a whole body of blood, turned into a blood group.

The blood group and the blue light group rushed towards each other at a rapid speed, and the fierce impact hit them together, and a flood of forces spread out.

Wow, wow ...

The space is shattered layer by layer, like broken glass.

"Ah, ah ..." In the roaring voice, the blood group and the blue light group collided, rising into the sky, like two shooting stars.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The two light regiments take the entire earth as the battlefield, soaring, spinning, falling, and detouring, and are constantly violently bumping from Europe to Asia, across the Pacific Ocean, and the Americas ...

The plates on the earth are moving violently, huge blocks are lifted up into the sky, and the huge tsunami on the ocean is raging. This is called the earth ’s ups and downs.


The blood group and the blue light group collided again, and a flood of forces spread out. The space became extremely unstable, and huge space cracks were densely packed.

Wu Yang and Bian flew upside down at the same time, hitting a few kilometer tall mountain peaks, the peaks burst instantly.

"Ah ..." Ban Yangtian roared. "Wu Yang, what have you experienced? What did you experience to achieve such a strong improvement?"

"Experienced your mother." Wu Yang yelled, holding a kilometer-long blood knife, carrying a rolling thunderbolt, and fiercely split.

Ban's hands pushed upwards, and the conquering crown burst into dazzling golden light.

The blood knife broke through the golden light, chopped on the crown of conquest, and the whole body was shocked.

A tiny crack appeared in the crown of conquest, and a stiff voice came out of it: "Spot, I can't hold it for long."

"Persevere." Baan growled and took the long bow on his back. ..