v10 Chapter 39: Destroy the Bull Demon King (one more)

The roar sounded from the ground, and the ox devil raised his huge trident on the ground.

Chun Sanniang's eyes "exposed" excited "color", this is Wu Yang's voice, Wu Yang is still alive, this one who suffered a thousand swords knew to scare her.

"Wu Yang." Spring thirty mother shouted.

"Fuck, that's all right." Zunbao screamed.

The Ox Devil pressed his trident with all his strength, but even then, his trident was still up, and he couldn't hold it.

"It's impossible, it's impossible ..." The Bull Devil shouted in shock.

With the rise of the trident, Wu Yang's figure appeared, floating under the huge trident tip, holding the tip of the halberd with one hand.

"Wu Yang." Chunsanniang said excitedly.

"The lady made you worry." Wu Yang smiled at Chun Sanniang.

Chun Sanniang complained a little: "You have no conscience, you scared me."

"Don't you trust me like this?"

"Dead, are they worried about you."

The Bull Devil looked at Wu Yang, who was holding his huge trident suspended, and yelled, "You really are Sun Wukong, otherwise why do you have such great strength?"

The Ox Devil madly pressed the trident down, and Wu Yang held it lightly, without being affected in the slightest.

"You Bull Devil really disappointed me so much." Wu Yang shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" Cried the Devil King.

Wu Yang yelled, "I said you were a fool."

Wu Yang's **** bounced on the trident's halberd, and gave out a crisp iron sound, the whole trident trembling violently.

The demon king's hands only felt an insurmountable force from the trident, and it hit his whole body from his hand.

"Ah ..." The Devil King roared, and his huge body flew backwards with the trident.

Chunsanniang, Supreme Treasure, and Bodhi ancestors are all stunned. The Ox Demon King is a well-known and powerful demon king in the demon world. What did Wu Yang do?

"It's so bullish, it's bully," cried Bodhi.


The Cow Demon King who flew thousands of kilometers hit a hill and shattered the impact.

"Ah ..." The Devil King struggled to stand up from the ground, raised his hands, and roared to the sky, "I will kill you."

After speaking, the Demon King ran violently toward the front, and with his tens of meters high body, the distance of thousands of kilometers was not far away.

"It was just an accident just now, monkey, eat me a fork." The devil yelled, and the trident stabbed at Wu Yang.

"Then I told you, this is not an accident." Wu Yang's body flickered, avoiding the trident that came from it, landed on the iron of the trident, and ran along the iron rod toward the front speed.

Before the Ox Demon had time to respond, Wu Yang rushed to his hand along the iron, and then leaped, facing the Ox Demon's head, it was a slap.


auzw.com A loud face sounded, and the flesh of the bull's head was shaking violently.

"My face ..." the Demon King screamed in pain, the huge force hitting his face drove his entire body to fly out.


The bull head of the ox demon landed first, and his face moved fiercely on the ground, leaving a clear mark on the ground.

"It's too great." Chunsanniang's eyes were excited, this was his man.

Bodhi ancestors and Supreme Treasures quietly ran towards the distance. Now if they don't run at this time, there is no chance, and none of them can arouse them.

The devil's friction on the ground finally stopped, shouting and stood up, "Don't underestimate me, I want to make you ugly."

Bang, bang!

The two devil's feet have stepped on the ground forcefully, making the ground shake.

"Ah, ah ..." The Bull Devil roared, his body exuding a black gas, and the huge body continued to shrink, eventually becoming the size of a normal person.

The Demon King flew across from Wu Yang and cried, "Just because you were too big, not flexible enough, and too distracted, you were successful."

"Your excuses are so stupid," Fool "Niu." Wu Yang hooked his hand to the Demon King. "Then you can try."

"Yeah!" The Bull Devil roared and rushed towards Wu Yang. "I'll blow you up."

The Ox Demon rushed to Wu Yang and waved his trident to launch a stormy attack on Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's hand waved quickly, blocking all the Demon King's attacks, and mockingly said, "Stupid" Forcing "the cow, this is your power? It completely excites me."

"Shit special nonsense, I killed you." The devil king exhausted his whole body strength, and the trident rushed towards Wu Yang.

"Just you silly" force "Niu hasn't got that skill yet." Wu Yang's face was cold, punched out, and hit the tip of the trident coming in.

"Fork you." The Bull Devil yelled.

"Stupid"! Wu Yang said dismissively.


The tip of the trident exploded, and the fragments were flying. Wu Yang's fist didn't stop, pushing forward like a smashing rotten.

The ox devil's eyes widened. This is a weapon made of black iron for thousands of years. How can it be as crisp as tofu.

But there was no time for the Bull Devil to think about it. Wu Yang's fist burst from the extreme of the trident to the tail, and he punched heavily in the Xiong mouth of the Bull Devil.

"Ah ..." The Devil King roared, and spouted blood and flew out, hitting the ground, smashing the ground into a large pit, and the smoke spread around.

Chunsanniang yelled, "Wu Yang, good fight, I love you."

"Are you going to love me on chuang?" Wu Yangxi laughed.

"Dead ghost." Chunsanniang gave Wu Yang a wink.

"Cough ..." The Cow Demon King lay in the pit and kept coughing.

The Demon King's eyes were frightened. I didn't expect that this monkey would become so powerful after reincarnation. Today, I haven't made a fuss about it, and I have to think of a way.

Wu Yang landed on the edge of the pit, and said lightly, "Stupid," forcing cows, aren't you going to kill Lao Tzu? Continue. "

The Demon King stood up with his wounds and laughed, "My brother, my brother is just joking with you. Try to see if you are Goku's reincarnation. Why would he want to kill you."