v10 Chapter 45: Five hundred years ago (three more)

Wu Yang smiled and said, "There is no need to lie, you are all my people."

"Then what do you say, who are you?" Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang couldn't wait.

"That's a long story."

"Hurry up and say, isn't it short?" Chun Sanniang said madly.

"Don't worry, you have a lot of time. What are you anxious about? Don't worry, I will always tell you what I want to wear." Wu Yangxi laughed.

"I hate it." Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang's faces were coquettish.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "So now I started talking, in fact, I am not in this world ..."

After a lengthy discussion, Chun Sanniang and Bai Jingjing have listened stupidly. Is there such an incredible thing? Really? fake?

"I've told you everything, no doubt, this is true." Wu Yang squeezed the fart of Chun Sanniang and Bai Jingjing.

"Ah ..." Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang called out, sobering up from shock.

Bai Jingjing looked at Wu Yang and said with a little suspicion: "This, all this is really too ridiculous, are you and the sister in the movie world really?"

"Without doubt, all this really can't be true." Wu Yang affirmed.

Chunsanniang and Bai Jingjing glanced at each other. Chunsanniang said, "Wu Yang, this subverts my worldview."

"Just get used to it, you should be happy, because the entrance to a new world is opening up for you."

"Well, can we see the so-called devouring space?" Bai Jingjing curiously said.

"Certainly, let you go in now." Wu Yang spread his right hand and swallowed the black hole.

Chun Sanniang and Bai Jingjing looked at this black hole with a hint of tension in their eyes.

"Engulfing the system takes us into the engulfing space." Wu Yang said.


Unleashing a strong appeal from devouring black holes.

Chun Sanniang and Bai Jingjing called out, "Wu Yang, what is this?"

"Don't be nervous." Wu Yang grabbed the two's hands, and all three were sucked into the black hole.

Consume space.

In the sky, Chunsanniang and Bai Jingjing yelled and fell towards the oasis below. Just before falling to the ground, a levitation force controlled the two women's bodies.


Wu Yang appeared next to the two, smiling with a smile: "Are you very excited?"

"Excuse you a big head ghost, almost scared me." Bai Jingjing said angrily.

Chun Sanniang looked around, and asked, "Here, is this the place to devour space?"

"Yes, here is devouring space. Have you seen the small city in front of you?" Wu Yang pointed to the front.

auzw.com Chun Sanniang and Bai Jingjing looked at it, a house they had never seen before. Bai Jingjing said in surprise: "There is still such a strange house."

"Somebody, two women are flying here. Wu Yang, what's going on?" Chun San Niang looked towards Wu Yang, but Wu Yang was gone.

"Where is Wu Yang?" Cried Thirty Niang.

"Wu Yang, Wu Yang, where have you been?" Bai Jingjing looked around, but there was no trace of Wu Yang.

The Scarlet / Red Witch flew here carrying Zhao Hailun, and saw Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang both stunned. Zhao Hailun asked: "are you two?"

Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang were wary, Bai Jingjing said coldly, "Who are you? Where is Wu Yang?"

"Wu Yang!" Fei / Red Witch and Zhao Hailun glanced at each other, they already understood what was going on.

Zhao Hailun said with a smile: "It seems that we need to talk about this matter, and we are looking for Wu Yang."

"You are also looking for Wu Yang? What is your relationship with Wu Yang?" Chunshang thirty-nives asked.

"What's the matter, didn't Wu Yang tell you?"

Suddenly, Wu Yang's voice came from above the sky: "Wifes, have a good talk with each other, exchange your feelings, and have something for your husband. Let's go first and love you."

Zhao Haili's four women looked at each other, cursing Wu Yang in their hearts.


Wu Yang once again came to the world of talking westward, standing on a hill and looking down.

I saw the Supreme Bao did not know where to come out, holding a worn-out box with a rectangular parallelepiped in his hand, and whispered in his mouth, "This moonlight treasure box can really go back in time? It wouldn't be foolish."

"The moonlight is so bright tonight. Anyway, it's just me alone now, and it's boring. Let's play it." Supreme treasure opened the moonlight treasure box and put it on the ground.

Supreme Bao raised a hand and yelled, "Punruo has forgotten everything."

Supreme Bao squatted down, glanced at the bottom of the Moonlight Treasure Box, stood up again, and shouted, "Prajo Parami!"

Lightning and thunders flashed from the sky, emitting the red "color" light from the moonlight treasure box, and "shot" on the body of the Supreme Treasure.

"I've done a lot of rubbing, I won't really go back in time, Mommy will help ..."

In the shout of Supreme Treasure, Chiguang disappeared with Supreme Treasure.

As soon as the figure flashed, Wu Yang appeared in the original position of Supreme Bao, and "shadow" a smile of evil, saying to himself: "Extreme Bao, you will see me again."

Five hundred years ago.

In the endless desert, a mule was walking slowly. On top of the mule was sitting a man, a woman, a very beautiful woman, looking happy.

The woman rode on a mule to an old post station and saw an old man walking towards the post with a piece of fire.

The old man fired several times back and forth, facing the road in the post: "Several guest officers, don't worry, you can light it up immediately."

The woman got up and down from the sister-in-law, slowly walked to the door of the post, looked at the old man who was lighting a kerosene lamp, and smiled, "Old man, you can't light the lamp like this, you only have oil and no wick."

"I know, but the wick is gone. What can I do?" The old man said helplessly.

"Buy a badger," said the woman.

The old man nodded: "It makes sense, girl, may I ask, if the wick on the magic lamp of Rulai Buddha is gone, where can I buy it?" ..