v10 Chapter 71: Resolving hatred (one more)

Zixia hit Wu Yang and called out, "Who is shy. What did you mean by saying that Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang were my future apprentices?"

"Because of my appearance, some things have changed. You would have received two apprentices, Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang."

Zixia froze and said, "I have confiscated it."

"I know that I am the same as the Supreme Treasure. They all came through. Therefore, there was no one like me, but now that I have me, some things have changed."

Zi Xia nodded and said, "I see. You mean your presence, so I did not receive two apprentices."

"That's it."

"In this case, it has changed in the future. I can't have two apprentices anymore. That Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang may not even know you, it's not your wife." Zixia's eyes were a little gloat In this case, Wu Yang is alone.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "No, it will affect later history, but it will not affect both of them."

"Why?" Zixia asked.

"Because they no longer belong to this time and space, no matter how this time and space changes, it will not affect them." Wu Yang laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"It means they're in another space now."

"Another space?"

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Zixia has something to tell you, and when I'm done, you will understand how it all happened."

"Well, let's talk, I listen."

"I am not a person in this world, this world is a spin-off parallel world of a movie, and I ..."

With Wu Yang's complaint, Zixia's eyes widened and her mouth widened.

"I'm finished." Wu Yang smiled.

"This is really a magical story. Wu Yang didn't expect you to write such a powerful story." Zi Xiagan smiled.

Wu Yang said seriously: "This is true."

"Even if it is true, the impact is too great, it has subverted my worldview and made me slowly." Zixia took a deep breath.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Are you all right?"

"Easy easing, still incredible."

"You have to believe it if you don't believe it."

"I know, Wu Yang, are you taking me to that engulfing space?" Zixia asked.

"of course."

Zi Xia said with excitement: "Hurry up and let me have a look. I have never seen another space."

"Don't you believe it?"

"What if you don't believe it? Even if you lie to me, what else can I do?" Zixia gave Wu Yang a wink.

Wu Yang waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, because there are still things to be resolved."

"What else is happening?" Zixia didn't understand.

"Qingxia." Wu Yang said only these two words.

Zixia's face changed in color, and said, "Yeah, you didn't say that, I almost forgot. I don't want to be in her body with her, can I separate her?"

"Slut, do you think I want to be in a body with you? Hurry out, this is my body." A cold voice came from Zixia's body.

Wu Yang and Zixia both froze for a moment, Wu Yang immediately understood what was going on, but still some doubts.


"Qingxia, don't you only show up at night? It's still daytime." Wu Yang asked.

"I don't know what's going on. I just woke up suddenly, and then I heard the bitch."

Wu Yang nodded: "Okay, it doesn't matter, you wake up, just happen to discuss it and completely solve your problem with Zixia."

Zixia shouted, "Don't solve the problem with her, sister. Slut, this is my body. Don't fight with me."

"Your? It's shameless, it's mine."

Wu Yang had a big head for a while, listening to Zixia and Qingxia arguing endlessly.

"Stop noisy." Wu Yang yelled.

Zixia and Qingxia stopped arguing and cried together: "What do you say?"

"Zixia, you have only Qingxia, right?" Wu Yang asked.

Zixia nodded and said, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Qingxia, are you only Zixia's sister?" Wu Yang continued.

"Yeah, what do you say?"

Wu Yang exclaimed: "You are the closest people. No one can do without it. In this case, why not fight? Why can't we get along well?"

Zixia and Qingxia were silent for a while, and no one spoke.

After a few seconds of silence, Wu Yang again said: "Qingxia, you said when you were drunk, you are tired and do n’t want to fight with Zixia, I believe this is not" chaotic ", this is your truth . "

"I, I said" disorderly ", I don't remember anything." Qing Xia stuttered.

Zixia's eyes widened and she said, "She really said that."

"Don't listen to him nonsense, I didn't say it." Qingxia cried.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "I did say it, but you have said the same thing, Zixia."

Wu Yang is going to start talking again, but this is for the harmony between the sisters, and for the "sex" blessing on the same chuang in the future, so it is commendable.

"I said that too?" Zixia said unbelievably.

"When you were drunk, you also said that you don't want to fight anymore, and you said that you are such a sister, Qingxia, how good it is to get along well." Wu Yang continued to make "chaos".

Qingxia asked: "Wu Yang, she really said these things."


Zixia's face "color" changed, and the atmosphere was silent again.

"That's all for now, what are you going to do now?" Wu Yang said lightly.

"That ..." Qingxia and Zixia said together.

"Zixia, let's talk first."

"No, you say it first."

Qingxia was silent for a while and said, "Zixia, Wu Yang is right. I only have your sister. I don't want to fight anymore."

"I'm just your sister, let us get along well, no longer fighting." Zixia also expressed her thoughts.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "That's right, sisters, where is the unsolvable resentment, ha ha ha ha."

Zixia thought about it and said, "Sister, our body is ours, let us use it together."

"Well, I'm fine," Qingxia agreed.

But Wu Yang couldn't agree, what can be done, and it can't be done! ..