v10 Chapter 75: Bian's Experimental Building

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Who said no, devour the system and let the conquest system come here."

A black hole appeared, and a golden light flew out of it, turning into a golden "color" crown.

"What is this?" Zixia asked curiously.

"Little girl, I'm the system of conquest." The crown sounded a proud voice.

Wu Yang sneered: "You are really cheap, if you don't hit you, you can pretend to be" forced ", right?"

"Wu Yang ..."

"Call Master Lao." Wu Yang took out his Rocky Scepter and slammed into the crown of conquest.

I screamed, the Conquering Crown shouted, and was hit into the sky.

"Wu Yang, how did you treat that crown?" Zixia asked.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Because it's cheap, if you don't knock it a few times, it will be cheap. Devour the system and get it back."


The next second, the Crown of Conquest appeared here again.

"Dare you pretend to be" forced? "Wu Yang asked.

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't hit me." The voice of conquering the crown with a hint of fear.

Wu Yang put away the Rocky Scepter and said with a smile, "What's so special about you is cheap, wouldn't it be so good? Being a dog, it's all uneasy."

"Yes, yes, the master taught it." Conquered the crown of the only words of the promise.

Chunsanniang said, "This thing is really cheap."

Regarding the satire of Chunsanniang, the conquest of the crown can only be angered and dared not speak, who knows what Wu Yang's pervert will do to it.

"I don't know what the host asked me to do here?" The Conquering Crown asked.

"Lao Tzu asks you, that idiot, is there any kind of high-tech laboratory in your space?" Wu Yang asked.

"Yes, he is a person who likes experiments. He uses various experiments to graft and transfer things."

Wu Yang smiled "Lu" and said: "I knew it would be like this and took us to conquer space."

"Is that space stable now?" Zhao Hailun asked.

"You can rest assured that it has been restored as before," the conquest system replied.

"Then what are you" forced "and" forced ", quickly take us there." Wu Yang cried.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The light of gold "color" was released from the crown of conquest, and it was said that Wu Yang had wrapped it up. Jin Guang disappeared and several people lost their tracks.

In the conquest space, the Conquest Crown appeared with Wu Yang here.

Sure enough, compared to the last time I came here, the conquest space at this moment is quite good, the space has not broken, and the earth is no longer upside down.

But it was an ice age, with white snow everywhere, and the whole world was white, as if it had come to the Antarctic continent.

Wu Yang's six are now standing on a glittering glacier and looking around.

"It's so cold." Zhao Hailun, the weakest, shivered, and the whole person shrank into the arms of the Scarlet / Red Witch, otherwise I was afraid that it would be frozen.

auzw.com A high temperature was released from Wu Yang's body, which instantly enveloped him.

"It's not cold now, it almost froze just now," Bai Jingjing said.

"It's not good at all here, it's too cold." Zixia followed.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It's not cold now, the temperature is around fifteen degrees within my ten-meter range."

"As long as it's not cold, it's still beautiful here. Such a pure snow world can't be seen anywhere else." Zhao Hailun smiled.

Several people looked into the distance, a white world.

"It's really beautiful," said Scarlet / Red Witch.

The conquest crown said: "The average temperature of the conquest space is -93 degrees below zero."

"Stop talking nonsense, take us to the spotted lab." Wu Yang cried.

"Yes, yes." The Conquering Crown immediately agreed, and it now had only deep fear of Wu Yang.

The fast-changing space, waiting for Wu Yang's reaction, has appeared in another place, one hundred meters ahead, there is a ten-story building.

"Is this here?"

The Conquering Crown replied, "It's here, that's where Ban conducts a variety of experiments."

"Go in and have a look." Wu Yang walked towards the building.

Going to the gate, Wu Yang pushed the gate open and walked in with the five women.

"Wow ..." The five women looked at them in amazement.

I saw the sides of the passage filled with large and small glass bottles filled with various human tissues, animal tissues, plant tissues, hands, feet, eyes, animal horns, and various unknown

"Are these all collected by spots? It's really crazy." Zhao Hai said with chaos.

The six men of Wu Yang watched as they walked, and then went up to the second floor. On the second floor was a weapon room with various weapons.

"If you have a weapon you like, take it yourself." Wu Yang smiled. "All these are ours, hahaha."

The five women were all happy to look at various weapons, discuss each other, or juggle a few weapons.

Six people from Wu Yang went up to the third floor. On the third floor were various secret scrolls, which were not of interest to any of the women.

Wu Yang walked to the front desk and placed a scroll on the table. Wu Yang opened the scroll and wrote only one word—eye.

Wu Yang glanced briefly, all written by hand. Obviously, this is the various summaries of the ‘eye’ by the spot.

"What is this? You smile so happily." Zhao Hailun came over and asked.

"It records the various pupil techniques of reincarnation, reincarnation, and reincarnation, as well as the methods of transplantation and use." Wu Yang smiled with satisfaction.

Wu Yang continued: "The spotted reincarnation writes the reincarnation, and the two reincarnation eyes are all in my hands, do you say I shouldn't be happy?"

"Then you really picked up the treasure." Zhao Hailun smiled. "Are you going to transplant your reincarnation to your eyes?"

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, but this is not in a hurry, only Bai can help me transplant later."

"I really want to see the white queen in your mouth, master all kinds of fields, and do everything."

"You will see, continue to the fourth floor." Wu Yang put away the scroll and walked towards the stairs on the fourth floor.

Several people came to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor is a "medicine" material room, where various rare "medicine" materials are placed, and the "medicine" with different effects is made.

The six of Wu Yang didn't stay much, and continued to move towards the fifth floor. ..