v11 Chapter 8: Weird Elevator

May Park shook Wu Yang's hand and said gratefully, "Good paper, thank you, thank you."

"No, no, this is what it should be, it should be." Wu Yang laughed.

The door to the rescue room opened, and a doctor stepped down from it. May Parker immediately walked over and asked, "Doctor, what happened to Peter?"

"Are you his family?"

"Well, yes, I'm his aunt."

The doctor nodded his head and said, "The patient is stable now. He is lucky that he did not hurt his heart."

"That water, is Peter all right?" May Parker called.

"Yes." The doctor nodded. "You can go in and see him now."

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor." May Parker walked in excitedly.

Wu Yang and Gwen stood outside, Wu Yang said: "Since Peter is okay, his aunt is here, so let's not bother them, just go back."

"Well, okay." Gwen nodded.

Wu Yang and Gwen were out of the hospital, and it was already dark.

"Gree, where is your home?" Gwen asked.

"My home is not far away, so goodbye, Gwen." Wu Yang laughed.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Gwen waved at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang walked a bit in front, turned and looked in the direction of Gwen's departure, "Lu" smiled a little, and said to himself, "Night is the best time for crime. Just go back like this, isn't it? Very boring. "

Wu Yang walked in the direction of Gwen's departure, and soon followed Gwen, maintaining a distance of sixty or seventy meters from Gwen.

Gwen may feel something strange, slightly deflected his head, and looked towards the back with the light.

Gwen remembered what Stacey had said to her. Don't go out at night, don't go home late. Does anyone want to murder her?

Gwen speeded up, and a little faster, her home was in front, as long as she got home, it was fine.

Gwen entered a building and came to the elevator. The elevator door opened and Gwen entered quickly.

"It's okay, maybe I think more." Gwen was relieved.

The elevator stopped when it reached the third floor, Gwen didn't care, the elevator door opened, and a man with a hat came in, making it hard to see his face.

Gwen's heart accelerated, and the woman's intuition told her that she should now get out of the elevator and not stay here.

However, the elevator doors were closed.

Gwen wouldn't be so nervous if there were others in the elevator, but now she and a man in a hat.

The atmosphere condensed for a while, and the depressed Gwen was a little breathless. Gwen's nervous heartbeat and even breathing sound were extremely clear in the quiet and tricky atmosphere.

Looking at the number of floors on the elevator, Gwen is now very eager to reach the floor where she lives, hurry up, hurry up!

Gwen didn't dare to look at the man in the hat. This man just stood in the corner from now on, and lowered his head, making people feel uneasy.

On the eighth and ninth floors, Gwen's pupils contracted slightly, and it was about to reach the tenth floor.

auzw.com Dangdang!

The whole elevator shook a bit, no longer rising, and stayed between the 9th and 10th floors.

Gwen's eyes widened. How could this be? How could this happen.

Gwen couldn't help looking at the man in the hat standing in the corner, and the man had raised his head, smiling at her.

"Hello Gwen Stacey."

Gwen's heart throbbed violently. The man knew her, "You are ..."

"Don't know me? I'm the one who followed you before." Wu Yang lifted the hat off his head.

"Wu Yang, you are Wu Yang," Gwen called.

"Yo, finally recognized me, it really moved me." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Gwen said indignantly: "You hurt my father and killed so many people. Don't think I will be afraid of you, you will be severely punished."

Wu Yang clapped his palms and smiled, "I admire you for being such a boney person, because it will be very interesting to play."

"What do you want to do to me?" Gwen asked.

"Isn't Stacey telling you to make you more careful lately?"

Gwen understood, and said, "My dad told me to be careful of you."

"I really don't understand. Stacey is not handsome at all. Her daughter is very okay." Wu Yang walked towards Gwen.

In this small elevator, Gwen retreated at all, leaning against the wall of the elevator and shouting, "You don't come over."

"Come here, what do you do with me?" Wu Yang walked slowly, like a wolf catching a sheep.

Gwen kept telling herself to calm down, her eyes looked at the one-button alarm button on the elevator, her hand quickly stretched over, and pressed on the alarm button.

However, without any reaction, the entire elevator system has been paralyzed.

"Damn," Gwen called, what should I do? What should we do now?

"Don't waste your energy, it's useless." Wu Yang had already reached Gwen's face, one hand extended towards the front, and pressed against the elevator wall.

Wu Yang continued to lean closer, squeezing Gwen's body, and grinning evilly, "Good figure."

"Don't want to insult me, I'm calling someone." Gwen's hands pushed Wu Yang's xiong mouth hard, not letting Wu Yang continue to squeeze.

Wu Yangyin smiled and said, "What's your name, whatever you call it, even if you call your throat broken, it's useless. No one can save you today."

"Go to death, you." Gwen slaps against Wu Yang's face.

With a block of Wu Yang's hand, he easily held Gwen's hand and sneered: "You want to hit me, but you have to pay the price."

"You can make me pay for what you are capable of." Gwen stared at Wu Yang with big eyes and unyielding.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Miss Gwen, it seems you don't know yet, how terrible it is to provoke me / fire."

"You have the ability to come ..." Gwen's words were blocked and Wu Yang's mouth was blocked.

"Hmm ..." Gwen's head twisted and struggled.

Wu Yang fixed Gwen's head with one hand. It had been a long time since he had kissed others. It almost made Wu Yang forget this feeling. ..