v11 Chapter 11: Wash and sleep (one more)

Wu Yang pushed with both hands and pressed Gwen to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Gwen called.

"You say this situation, what will I do? Naturally it is a strong girl who does you." Wu Yang's face was evil.

"Abominable ..." Gwen struggled hard, but because of his bondage, the struggle had no effect.

"Fuck yourself."

"Wu Yang, you will be punished, I believe it will be." Gwen's eyes stared at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang couldn't help laughing, and patted Gwen's face with his hand and smiled, "Little girl, have you read more fairy tales, or just American blockbusters? I believe the bad guys will be killed in the end, haha Haha. "

"Whether the bad guys will be killed, I don't know, but people like you will definitely be cleaned up."

"This kind of words, I have heard many people say to me, but it has not been realized till now, I hope it can be realized in your mouth." Wu Yang lowered his head afterwards, and kissed Gwen with his mouth open. on.

"Hmm, hmm ..." Gwen twisted his head.

Regarding kissing such things, Wu Yang said that he is the second in the world, and it is estimated that no one dares to say that he is the first in the world.

There are many people who don't cooperate with Wu Yang, but does he care? He doesn't care at all, he is the one who likes to resist him strongly.

No matter how struggling and twisting Gwen is, Wu Yang is always the same, madly kissing.

Slowly, Gwen's struggle eased.

"What's wrong? I'm not struggling." Wu Yang looked up.

Gwen panted. "Does struggling work for you, the demon? I just got a bite from the dog, and I don't know if I will get rabies."

"Talking." Wu Yang stepped down from Gwen, and helped Gwen sit up.

"Why don't you bite me? Continue biting," Gwen said sarcastically.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Because now is the time to sleep, I want to take you to bed."

Wu Yang hugged Gwen and walked towards a broken door, kicking it open. However, it is not broken in the slightest. On the contrary, it is unusually luxurious.

"Here I set it up for you." Wu Yangxie smiled.

"If you let me go, I think I will burn a joss stick for you after you die," Gwen said coldly.

Wu Yang threw Gwen at the big chuang, and then a wolf fluttered and pressed Gwen's body: "Tonight, you can sleep with me well."

"Would you like a strong girl to do me?" Gwen chuckled, "then kill me first."

"Kill you? Your taste is so heavy. Do you want my female to be dead?"

"Don't get me wrong, kill me, it's better for me to be stronger than you. To be stronger to you, I'd rather die."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It's going to be very interesting to have a strong girl do a teenage girl."

Wu Yang is not wrong. Gwen is only 17 years old. Of course, American girls look precocious and can do anything at the age of 17.

"But you can rest assured tonight, because you haven't successfully inspired my" **** "interest tonight, so you are safe." Wu Yangxie smiled.

auzw.com Gwen's heart breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you mean you won't force me to **** me?"

"You can understand it this way, strong women also need atmosphere, so start with sleeping." With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, the rope tied to Gwen broke into pieces and flew to the ground.

Gwen froze, "Aren't you tied to me?"

"You can run away in my hands, unless I am willing to let you go." There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes, yes, unless he took the initiative to let Gwen go.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "My habit has always been to hold beautiful women to sleep."

"Don't think about it," Gwen called, and the guy wanted to take off her clothes.

"You can't do this." Wu Yang's hand patted Gwen.


In the sound of the fabric shattering, Gwen's coat turned into a rag of sky, leaving only the hood and Neku left.

"Ah ..." Gwen called, protecting the Xiong Department with both hands.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Hide what cover, haven't you left a cover for you?" Milk "is good, it's big for your age."

"You shameless demon." Gwen called indignantly.

"Shameless, shameless, devil is not demon, do you know now? Life is like a strong woman who can't be changed, so enjoy it." Wu Yang said shamelessly, lying aside Gwen.

Gwen immediately sat up and wanted to run away, but Wu Yang's two hands fastened around her waist.

"I said that you can't escape." Wu Yang pulled Gwen into his arms.

"Let me go, let go ..."

Wu Yang said indifferently: "Come on, keep calling, even if you bark your throat today, you can't change the fact that you want to sleep on the same chuang as you do."

Wu Yang was letting Gwen twist in his arms, and the skin friction caused by this twist was wonderful. The contact between men and women always produces a lot of wonderful feelings.

"Let me go, you scum, demon ..."

"Gwen, I'll give you a suggestion. If you continue to" chaotic ", I will kill you as a strong girl. Don't think I'm joking." Wu Yang said lightly.

Gwen immediately stopped struggling, and said, "You are so shameless."

"Sleep, maybe as soon as you wake up the next day, you will find this is a dream." Wu Yang took a breath in Gwen's ear.

Gwen's body trembled and said, "I really hope this is a dream. If it is a good dream, you shameless demon will die in the dream."

"Don't bb, wash and sleep." Wu Yang yawned.

Wu Yang stopped talking, making a uniform breathing sound, as if falling asleep.

Gwen couldn't fall asleep, her thoughts were full of anger, resentment, fear and other emotions bothering her. What should she do? What will happen to her tomorrow?

Gwen's more and more tired, the more worry and fear. Gwen tried to calm herself down, and felt Wu Yang's body temperature and strong muscles.

In this demon's arms, Gwen had a sense of security, as if no one could hurt her. How could there be such an idea?

Gwen laughed at himself: "Think too much, the devil is the devil."

Gwen looked at Wu Yang's face, why are you a bad guy? ..