v11 Chapter 34: Upstart (two more)

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Sorry, I know you like me, but I don't engage in foundation."

Gwen was a little puzzled: "Spider-Man, how do you know Gerry? Who are you?"

"Don't see it yet? This is our Peter Parker, Peter, am I right?" Wu Yang said to Spider-Man.

"What? Peter?" Gwen frowned.

Spider-Man took off his leather mask and said, "Yes, I'm Peter."

"I didn't expect you to be Spider-Man." Gwen's eyes were a little surprised.

"Gwen, don't worry, I will rescue you from this terrorist's hand." Peter's hand pointed at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Peter, who gave you the courage to say such a thing?"

"Myself," Peter exclaimed.

"I know, you have some skills now, but seriously, you are not my opponent. Give you three seconds, get out of the way, or I will let you die without a burial place." Wu Yang said coldly.

Peter shook his head and said, "Wu Yang, not everyone is afraid of you. You can't let everyone bow to you."

"That's right, but the eggs. I've given you a chance, but if you want to die, then let Lao Tzu give you a ride." Wu Yang disappeared instantly.

Peter hadn't responded yet, Wu Yang had appeared in front of him, and then felt a tearing pain in Xiong's mouth.

Wu Yang held a white "color" knife in his hand, and the knife penetrated into Peter's heart.

"Peter, is your blood dripping, is it painful?" Wu Yang smiled.

"I, I ..." Peter trembled, and one hand hit Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "You should use a little energy, this is not the case. Why do people always not listen to advice, you could have been smart, but you have to come to death."

"Wu Yang, you demon." Gwen ran over and pulled Wu Yang hard.

Wu Yang looked at Gwen and said, "What are you doing?"

"I want to stop you. You demon don't want to kill any more, Peter, you go quickly." Gwen called to Peter.

"Can he still go now? The heart has been penetrated." Wu Yang shoved Peter.

Peter stumbled backwards, fell to the ground, and kept panting, the words could no longer be said.

"Peter, don't you mind?" Gwen walked over and asked, squatting down.

Wu Yang said lightly, "Gwen, come here."

"I don't, why should I come to you, the demon." Gwen ignored Wu Yang. "Peter, I'll call you to the hospital."

Gwen went to find the phone, but the phone on him was long gone.

"Want a cell phone?" Wu Yang took out a cell phone.

"Give me," Gwen exclaimed.

"I want to." Wu Yang smiled and pinched the cell phone in his hand, "I just don't give it to you."

"You ..." Gwen yelled angrily.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "It's better, Gwen, slowly watching Peter die, so he is dead, and his heart is comforting."


"You demon." Gwen couldn't express the anger in his heart.

Peter said hardly, "Greg, Gwen, leave me alone, you go quickly ..."

"Peter." Gwen shook his head.

"Ge, Gwen, I'm sorry, I only understand now that the person I like is you, but I don't have a chance. But being able to say it to you in the end can make up for some regrets ...

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "It's really touching, Gwen, have you been moved?"

"Shut up," Gwen called.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "But I just want to say a few words and express my opinion. Okay, Peter, your last words, please."

"Wu Yang ..." Peter looked at Wu Yang.

"Why? Do you have last words for me?" Wu Yang smiled.

With one hand supporting the ground, Peter even stood up and walked towards Wu Yang, saying, "I, I will not lose."

Gwen said: "Peter you ..."

"There is perseverance, but this will not change anything. The gap between us is too big to make up for." Wu Yang shook his head. "Actually, I was a little curious. The last time I killed you, how did you live? "

"I don't know, but this must be the opportunity God gave me to kill you." Peter yelled, hurried forward, and grabbed Wu Yang's shoulders with both hands.

Wu Yang felt only a strong force coming from Peter's hands, and the small white knife "plugged" in Peter's heart trembled, and then a strong electric current was released from it.


Dazzling electric light burst out, spreading around, dyeing the night sky into day.

The current slowly dissipated, and a large pit with black smoke was appeared that was electro-coke.

Gwen's eyes widened, and he stared at it all, "This ..."

Wu Yang stood on the other side of the pit, looking a little embarrassed, and smiled, "Peter, suddenly it's really amazing, let me admire you."

Peter stood opposite Wu Yang, still discharging current, and the small white knife "plugged" in his heart suddenly shot out.

Wu Yang looked at the small white sword that "shot" and pushed it with his hand, and an invisible force was released.

The little white sword that came over to "shoot" kept trembling, stopped the most, and was sucked into Wu Yang's hands.

"Peter, you are ..." Gwen asked.

Peter raised his hands, and said loudly, "I feel the power, the power to destroy everything, this power is too strong."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Well, it's really strong. Peter, I didn't expect that there are big secrets hidden in your body, interesting."

"It was given to me by heaven to kill your power." Peter shouted, "Wu Yang, I must kill you and crush you to death."

Wu Yang floated up and said, "There are many people who want to kill me. You are not the first and you will not be the last."

"Wu Yang." Peter yelled, and rushed towards Wu Anode like a current.

Wu Yang punched out, and a surge of force rushed out. "Peter, what is special is nothing like an upstart."


The air trembled, a powerful shock wave rushed around, everything was shattered wherever it passed. ..