v11 Chapter 36: Pig on the tree (one more)

Gwen was a little scared. She felt the violent air on Wu Yang and trembled: "You, what do you want to do ..."

"Strong push," Wu Yang said coldly.

Wu Yang overwhelmed Gwen directly to the ground, and he wanted to make this chick understand, to whom did she belong?

Of course, Wu Yang also understood that a large part of Gwen's purpose was to dissuade him and to stimulate him. But this is no longer important, he just wants this chick to belong to him completely.

"Scum, awful ..."

"Gwen, you can't escape today, you can only belong to me." Wu Yang was domineering.

Gwen struggled and shouted, "Scum, let me go, you must die ..."

"Whatever you say, nothing can be changed." Wu Yang's face didn't matter.

Gwen suddenly raised her head and bit her on Wu Yang's shoulder. "You come, I'm not afraid of you."

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "I really have courage, aren't you afraid? This is what you said."


There was a loud cry in the night sky, "Woohoo ..."

Many small animals around, rabbits, birds, fled here in fright.


Everything stopped and gave the little animals a quiet moment.

Wu Yang lay beside Gwen, who was fainted and unconscious.

Wu Yang looked at the night sky and said to himself: "I'm going to be scolded again. It's a sin, a sin."

"Oh!" Gwen opened his eyes slowly.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Wake up, don't you sleep more? Then come again."

Gwen trembled, sat up, and immediately felt a sore body, like being squeezed by several large trucks.

Gwen looked towards Wu Yang, his eyes were extremely complicated, hatred, shy, and many other things that were unclear.

"Wu Yang, you scum." Gwen slaps a hand toward Wu Yang's face, but touches the wound, and immediately the whole face is wrinkled together.

"Don't move it" in pain. "Wu Yang sat up and pulled Gwen into her arms.

"Let me go, you let me go, you let go ..." Gwen again bit on Wu Yang's body.

Wu Yang "touched" Gwen's blond hair, "Do you really like to bite, is it good?"

Gwen let go of his mouth and looked at Wu Yang with a very complicated look. "You scum, I ..."

"What's the matter with you? You're my woman." Wu Yang's domineering way said, one hand raised Gwen's chin, the eyes of the two were looking up.

Gwen sarcastically said, "You make a woman stronger, but you say she is your woman. Do you think this is possible?"

"It is not possible, but it must be." Wu Yang resolutely said.

auzw.com "Wu Yang, you ruined me."

The corner of Wu Yang's mouth rose, and said, "Destruction is a new beginning. With my new beginning, you cannot escape."

"New beginning? This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard. Wu Yang, I want to hack you to death with a stab."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Can you do it?"


Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "Gwen, I don't care if you hate me or like me. Both hate and love are extreme feelings. No matter which one you are, you will never forget me forever. And this is what I want. "

Gwen clenched his fists. "You are a scum demon."

Wu Yang's hand was not honest, Gwen did not resist, because she knew that it was useless and she was bitten by a dog.

Gwen smiled bitterly: "You've given me this, I don't know what else I can do to you, don't say what I like, it's disgusting. Will you just let me go? Let me go. "

"It's impossible to leave." Wu Yang grinned evilly in Gwen's ear.

There was a hint of helplessness and struggle in Gwen's eyes, "Why is it like this?"

Wu Yang looked at Gwen's eyes and said, "It doesn't matter what you become, Gwen, in fact, do you have feelings for me?"

Gwen moved his face aside. "No, I only hate you and can't wait to kill you."

"It's the same as complaining" woman "," Wu Yang said with a smile.

Gwen exclaimed, "Yes, now I'm complaining to the" woman ". Who caused it? It's you, you scum."

Wu Yang held Gwen tightly. "Don't get excited."

"I'm excited." Gwen called. "Why do you treat me like this? Make me hate you, turn into Gree, make me like you, and make me stronger now, isn't it fun?"

Wu Yang said with some shame: "Aggrieved in my heart?"

"Do you care?"

"Of course I care, because you are my woman." Wu Yang said softly, "Gwen, I swear, I really like you."

Gwen's heart throbbed a bit, but his face was disdainful: "Do you think I would believe what you said? If your words can be believed, sows can go up the tree."

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, a white light radiated out, transformed into a pig, and ran towards a big tree.

I saw the pig's four legs hugging the big tree, struggling hard, and even slowly climbed up the tree.

"See? The sow is on the tree, and my words are credible." Wu Yangxi smiled.

Gwen froze, watching the pig's stupid state of climbing a tree, and couldn't help laughing.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Is it funny?"

Gwen held back a smile, how could he laugh in front of this demon, wouldn't it make a good relationship.

"I want you to be in control, I'm happy." Gwen tried to restore his cold look. "You got the pig out, and it's unbelievable when it's on the tree."

"Then how do you believe me?"

Gwen shook his head and said, "I will never believe you, unless you die, you can show me to death if you have the ability." ..