v11 Chapter 38: Ready to meet parents (three)

Wu Yang said: "Then you can be frank, otherwise, until dawn."

"What? Until dawn? Me, I'll be killed by you, **** ..."


"Please, I can't do it, scum, you stop."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Say, you love me. Otherwise, there is no way to stop."

Gwen, who was so helpless, whispered, "I, love, you."

"What did you say? I didn't hear it, louder." Wu Yang cried.

"I love you, I love you, I love you ..." Gwen yelled in succession, "Asshole, you are satisfied."

Wu Yang stopped and said with a smile: "Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Isn't that okay? Why do you have to talk hard, silly girl?" Wu Yang continued.

"You're a silly girl. Your family are all silly girls." Gwen cursed.

"My family also includes you. Isn't it tantamount to admitting that you are a silly girl? IQ is in a hurry." Wu Yang shook his head.

Gwen called, "I and you are not the same."

"Gwen, shall we get along well?" Wu Yang said softly and softly.

Gwen just felt the goosebumps all over his body, moved his face to the side, and whispered, "You are suddenly so sick."

"Is it disgusting?"


"Don't care about these details, Gwen, let's not torture each other, and get along happily." Wu Yang's hand stroked Gwen's face.

Gwen said with some dissatisfaction: "It is you who have tortured me, you have been lying to me, and insulting me. You want me to love you, and I have never seen you as a brazen person."

Wu Yang coughed and said, "People can't always live in the past. The past things have passed, so look forward."

"Oh, you're talking lightly now, and looking forward will be able to write off those things you did to me? Well, I will always remember." Gwen raised his face.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Remember there is no problem, but also look forward to our bright future."

"A bright future? It scared me."

"Gwen, believe me, trust me this time, I will never let you down." Wu Yang looked at Gwen's eyes.

Gwen sighed, "I don't believe what else you can do? It's all up to you."

"Don't say such a helpless thing."

"If you're not good to me, I must, I must ..." Gwen didn't know what to say.

"What must you be?"

"I must have killed you."

Wu Yang looked fearful. "I know, don't kill me, don't kill me."

"You bastard." Gwen gave Wu Yang a disapproval.

Wu Yang pulled Gwen into his arms and said in Gwen's ear: "Relax, it will be good."


Gwen's face was close to Wu Yang's xiong mouth, listening to Wu Yang's heartbeat, never thought he would lie in the scum's arms, and life really couldn't predict what would happen next second.

The most important point is that Gwen finds that she really has a feeling for Wu Yang, whether it admits or not, it exists.

Gwen was a little "confused". Does this relationship originate from Gree? Because of the love for Gree, and Gree was changed by Wu Yang, so now transferred to Wu Yang?

Gwen no longer thought about it. Regardless of where the relationship originated, it was a fact of falling in love with this scum. Damn, why did you like a scum? Still bullying her scum.

"Scum, you have killed so many people, you are so bad. My dad will not let you go. What do you want to do?" Gwen said with some worry.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You can't accept that I am a badass?"

"What's wrong? I can't change the fact that you are a badass." Gwen gave Wu Yang a grimace. "Do you want to hide forever?"

Wu Yang said indifferently: "These are small things."

"I want to see my parents, I want to live a normal life, can I?" Gwen looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "As long as you think, of course I will let you do it."

"Really? But ..." Gwen's eyes were anxious.

"Don't worry about me, let's talk to your parents tomorrow." Wu Yang smiled.

Gwen exclaimed, "What? You're going to meet my parents, no, my father will definitely want to catch you when he sees you."

"It's okay, your dad doesn't threaten me in the slightest."

"That won't work, he won't let you go. It will be a" chaotic "world." Gwen shook his head.

Wu Yang's hands rested on Gwen's shoulder, and said, "Be assured, nothing will happen."

"Really? You won't hurt my dad. You hurt his shoulder with a gun last time. I haven't settled with you yet." Gwen pinched Wu Yang for a moment.

Wu Yanggan smiled and said, "I was not familiar before. Now that I have your relationship, how can I hurt him?"

"Can you really go to see my parents with me?" Gwen still wasn't assured.

"It's okay, it's not like I've never seen it."

"Is that the same as it is now?" Gwen whispered. "I don't care, anyway, things mustn't happen."

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Relax."

Gwen suddenly became annoyed: "My parents know that I and you are like this, they can't accept it, and I probably don't want my daughter."

"It's okay, leave everything to me."

Gwen said silently, "Apart from saying nothing, rest assured, leave it to you, can you say something else?"

"That's what it is, there is nothing to worry about, everything is left to me." Wu Yang said loudly.

"Okay, you said it, I don't care about anything." Gwen was dissatisfied.

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Don't think so much, go to sleep."

Gwen looked at Wu Yang with a weak voice: "Wu Yang, I've taken everything from you. So, you must take responsibility, otherwise I will really hate you forever."

Wu Yang's face squinted on Gwen's face, "I won't give you a chance to hate me."

"I, I ..." Gwen took the initiative to kiss Wu Yang's mouth.

Why did Wu Yang refuse the dish that was offered on his own initiative? The two sides hugged each other, hugged each other, hugged, hugged ...