v11 Chapter 45: Electric light person (two more)

At Duffy Square at night, people came and went, young men and women talking and laughing.

Gwen walked with Wu Yang's arm in his arm. Wu Yang held ice cream in one hand and fed Gwen with a spoonful.

"This is the best." Gwen laughed.

"Alright? Actually, it's still best on chuang." Wu Yang smiled.

Gwen said silently: "Is there only chuang in your head?"

"No, and you." Wu Yang said solemnly.

Gwen smiled and said, "I don't believe it, oh, what do you think that person is doing?"

Wu Yang followed Gwen's sight, and saw a man in a black suit with a hoodie on his head walked into the crowd, suddenly squatted down, and lifted the power grid iron fence on the ground. Already.

"What is he trying to do?" Gwen asked. "Don't you just grab the wire and kill yourself?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Electricity is the same thing to him. Do you think he will be afraid?"

"Who is he?"

"Electro-optic people, like Peter, are mutated people, and his body can store electricity," Wu Yang explained.

Gwen froze and said, "Dianguang ?! Are they good or bad? Is there any danger?"

"A poor man, he works for Osborne Group, but without a friend, everyone considers him transparent. His grid design was stolen by Osborne Group, but no one paid him a bit. There are many, all in all, sad. "Wu Yang said lightly.

Gwen nodded and said, "That's really pathetic, can you help him?"

"Help him? He can't return to normal life now, he has power."

"What to do then?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Let him be a super bad guy."

"No, you said you would stop doing bad things," Gwen objected.

A cry sounded, "Sir, what are you doing? Raise your head."

I saw a policeman holding a gun and slowly walking towards the electric light man squatting on the ground and absorbing electricity.

The person with electric light raised his head and was startled by everyone around him. It was a flashing face with a dark light of blue. The eyes were like two blue diamonds. People look scary.

"Stand still, get down," the policeman yelled.

"I, I ..." Dianren stood up in frightened eyes.

Suddenly a big car drove over and hit the electric light person.

"Ah ..." Dianguang shouted, releasing two currents with both hands, hitting the front of the cart, and overturning the entire cart.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there was a scream, and people were fleeing.

The whistle of a police car came, and more than a dozen police cars drove over, enclosing people with electric light.

"Get on the ground, get down."

"Stop, you stop, it's not my fault, it's not my fault." Dianguang shouted, looking alarmed.

Suddenly, the electric light man saw the big screen around him, and on the big screen was his figure.


"Oh my God, they saw me, they saw me ..." Dianguang looked at himself in the big screen with a look of astonishment.

Wu Yang and Gwen stood in the crowd. Wu Yang said, "He likes this feeling of being watched, after all, he has always been the same as a transparent person."

"Can you help him?" Gwen asked.

"How do you want me to help? I said make him a super bad guy, and you disagree." Wu Yang spread his arms.

The police have already thrown smoke bombs and landed around the electric light man. The thick smoke was spraying quickly.

"Stop, stop," said Dingguang, shrinking.

The electric light man was angry and yelled, "I let you stop."

In the angry roar, a layer of electric shock wave rushed towards the surroundings, and everything within 50 meters of the surroundings was blown away.

"Ah, ah ..." the policeman shouted and flew into the sky with the police car.

Suddenly one fell from the sky and landed in front of Dianguang.

All those who ran away stopped and shouted, "It's Spider-Man, Spider-Man is here, and we are saved."

"Peter." Gwen frowned.

The light guy looked at Spider-Man and said, "Spider-Man, you are Spider-Man."

"I'm Spider-Man, you electro-optic person, I'm going to kill you." Spider-Man said coldly.

Dianguang took a few steps back and shook his head: "No, you can't kill me, it's not my fault, you can't kill me."

"Go to death, monster." Spider-Man rushed towards the electric light man.

"You can't kill me." Dianguang shouted, pushed his hands toward the front, and a current blasted at Spider-Man.

"Sculpture from the worm!" Shouted Spider-Man, ignoring the current banging on his body, and continued to charge.

Rumble ...

A lightning flashed in the sky, and a thunderbolt several meters thick landed like a silver dragon and bombarded Dianguang's body, covering him entirely.

"Ah ..." Dianguang roared, his body absorbing the thunder bolt that hit him.

The electric current released by the electric light man's hands suddenly increased tenfold, both in quality and quantity, which has greatly improved.

Spider-Man, who ignored the current, had no way to ignore it, and was directly bombarded out, hitting a police car and banging it.

In the large pit bombed by lightning, the sound of electric current continued, and the electric light man stood in the middle of the pit, like an electric light bulb, releasing electric light.

"The smell of thunder and lightning is great, Marx Dillon." A voice sounded behind the electric light man.

Dianguang turned his body and said, "You, I know you, you are the terrorist Wu Yang. Do you even know my name?"

"Of course I know you." Wu Yang laughed.

"Did you kill me as well as Spider-Man?" Dianguang cried loudly, attacking with a big disagreement.

"Don't be excited, I'm here to help you, otherwise you thought where that thunderbolt came from? It's the gift I gave you."

The Dianguang man stunned and said, "You got that thunder and lightning?"

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Of course, only I know you. You have always been regarded as transparent, misunderstood, and your labor results stolen. In fact, you just want to be understood and want to be paid. Just friends. "..