v11 Chapter 47: Become a super hero (four more)

In a no-man's land, a man fell from the air, hit the ground, and struggled to his feet, Peter.

Peter yelled, "Why? Why am I not Wu Yang's opponent?"

A voice sounded in Peter's heart: you have not completely accepted me, completely integrated with me, do not hesitate, only in this way can you get revenge, and you can take back everything, come "

"Is my life only a few days? Isn't it?" Peter asked loudly.

The voice in Peter's heart said: Wu Yang deceived you, he was afraid of your power. There is no end to your life, you can live forever.

"Really? Hahaha, I knew it, hahaha ..." Peter laughed.

The voice in Peter's heart continued: Come on, Peter Parker.

Peter yelled, "Come on, ah ..."

A wave of black mang burst into Peter's body, and the wind was strong.


In an abandoned factory, the three of Wu Yang landed.

"Let's go in." Wu Yang said.

The three entered the abandoned factory, and the Dianguang people said to Wu Yang: "Wu Yang, Spider-Man doesn't feel good?"

"His mentality is distorted." Wu Yang said indifferently.

"The mindset is distorted?" Dianguang people froze for a moment.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "Don't worry about him, how are you feeling now?"

The electric light man looked at his hands and said, "I feel that I am very powerful now and can easily destroy everything."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Very good."

"No one can bully me now. If anyone bullies me, I'll let him know how powerful I am." Dianren's eyes were a little violent.

Gwen said, "You can't" disorder "destruction."


"Because ordinary people are innocent, think about how poor you were before, ignored by others, and robbed of the results. Once you destroy them, ordinary people will be miserable, is it not the same as you who were bullied before?"

Dian Guangren nodded and said, "You're right, I can't bully ordinary people."

"Max, think of another position. If you can protect those who are bullied, you will be appreciated by people, and they will always pay attention to your every move." Wu Yang smiled.

The expression of Dianguang was shocked, and he was a little excited: "Get praise, pay attention to me?"

"Yes, as long as you can help others and protect others, you can be a hero," Gwen said.

"Hero, can I be a hero?" Denko shook his head, seemingly unbelievable.

Wu Yang patted a hand on Dianguang's shoulder and said, "You can use your power to become an extraordinary hero."

"Super hero." Dian Guangren was encouraged by Wu Yang, and seemed to be full of fighting spirit, "I can, I can become a super hero."

"Well, that's right."

The Dianguang people looked at Wu Yang and Gwen and smiled. "I know what to do with my strength. Thank you, my friends."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "We are friends. This is what we should be."

auzw.com Everyone can't wait to say: "I'm going to do what the hero should do now, my friend, goodbye."

"Don't worry, you still need something." Wu Yang said.


Wu Yang said with a smile: "You need a hero costume, you look a bit scary."

"Yes, but how can I make a hero costume?"

"Leave it to me." Blue Yang's light flashed on Wu Yang's hand, and a suit appeared.

"Go and change it." Wu Yang threw the clothes to Dianguang.

The electric light man took the clothes, glanced over, ran to a corner, changed his clothes.

"It's great, I like it." The electric guy who changed clothes came out.

Gwen was surprised: "Wow, it's good for you, like a righteous American soldier."

"Really?" Dianguang said excitedly.

Wu Yang "shadows" a wicked smile. He gave Dianguang the Captain America suit and sent the shield.

"Your face is still a bit scary, come on, wear this." Wu Yang handed Dianguang a red scarf. "Put it on your face, and people will not be afraid of your face."

"Huh huh huh." Dian Guangren nodded and put a red scarf on his face.

Wu Yang's hand waved, and a red "color" lightning sign appeared on the xiong mouth and back of Dianguangren.

"From now on, you are the hero Denko." Wu Yangzheng said "color."

Looking at the lightning bolt on Xiong's mouth, Dianguang said excitedly, "I see."

"My friends, it's time for me to go." Dianguang went outside, waved his hands at Wu Yang and Gwen, and flew into the sky.

Wu Yang said loudly: "When you become a hero, everyone will be your friend. Come on."

"I see, my friend." Dianguang's voice came from the air.

Wu Yang shook his head, and "touched" his forehead with his hand and said, "I'm really not used to it, Lao Tzu has taught people to do good. It shouldn't, it really shouldn't."

"What shouldn't be, good." Gwen gave Wu Yang a glance.

"He is more suitable for being a bad person."

Gwen countered: "If you don't let him try as a hero, how do you know he can't be a hero?"

"That's right, that's right, we should go back, wife too." Wu Yang's meanness was going to hug Gwen.

Gwen pushed Wu Yang with his hand and said, "Wait."

"What else? I can't wait." Wu Yang's hand "touched" Gwen's fart.

"You, Seorang, are full of sperms," ​​Gwenjiao chanted.

Wu Yangxian laughed and said, "I see you, and I become a sperm. My wife is so charming."

"Come on," said Gwen, but he was happy in his heart, and women were always wrong.

Wu Yang asked, "So what's the matter with you? Come on, let me give you three minutes."

Gwen was bewildered, "How did Peter become like that? And you said he had only a few days to die, what happened?"

"It turns out to be this, to be honest, I'm not very clear, but the fundamental reason must be related to that sword." ..