v12 Chapter 13: There is no problem with love (one more)

Wu Yangxie smiled and said, "Sharon, you shouldn't have come here. This is called sheep into the tiger's mouth, ha ha ha ha."

"Asshole ..." Sharon struggled hard, though it didn't do anything.

Wu Yangxian smiled and said, "Let your uncle take good care of you today."

Peggy shook her head aside, and it seemed that this **** was not going to let Sharon go, so let's do it anyway, sooner or later.

"I won't bother you then." Peggy was going to leave, otherwise she would always be awkward.

"Aunt, don't go ..." Sharon called.

Wu Yang also held Peggy with a hand, and smiled, "What is Peggy going on? Stay here, and give some good guidance to Sharon. Are you her elder?"

Peggy gave Wu Yang a glance. "You guy ..." Is it ridiculous to ask her to watch her niece and her man do that kind of thing?

Sharon is still struggling. "Wu Yang, let go of me, otherwise you will regret it."

"I'll let you go after such a good opportunity." Wu Yangxie smiled. "Sharon, you can't escape today."

Wu Yang continued: "And I heard all of your conversations with Peggy. Aren't you ready?"

"Shamelessly eavesdropping on the bastard, you heard it wrong, and I was not ready." Sharon called.

Peggy put a hand on Sharon's hair and smiled, "Sharon, you can't escape, and you're ready, don't be embarrassed."

"Aunt, why are you helping this bastard, I and you must not be close." Sharon shook her head.

Wu Yang laughed and said, "Sharon, she is my wife. Who else can I help without?"

"Abominable, you wolves are working for women."

Wu Yang got in Sharon's ear and said, "Sharon, give me a chance to take care of you, and I will treat you well."

"Well, you just want to get on with me and say so grandly." Sharon dismissed.

Wu Yang "touched" her nose with her hand and said, "You're right, I just want to fall in love with you. But someone who loves is called / love, and loveless is called a strong girl. And I know you There is love, and if there is love, there will be no problem. "

"What a mess, you **** ..."

"Well, don't call it, time is so precious, you can't just waste it like this, Sharon." Wu Yang's mouth moved toward Sharon's mouth.

"Don't ..." Sharon's head receded, but she could not stand back.

Wu Yang's hand pressed on Sharon's head, with pride in her eyes, and her mouth was blocked on Sharon's mouth.

Peggy looked at all this, and felt strange in her heart. Her niece and his man were really a bit messy ...


"Ah ..." a loud voice sounded, "Asshole ..."

Pei Ji looked at Wu Yang strangely and said, "Animals, you lightly."

"Aunt, you push this **** away ..." Sharon's eyes were in tears.

"Sharon is all right, just a moment," Peggy said comfortably.

"Really? You won't lie to me with this bastard?" Sharon's tears were skeptical.

Peggy said with a smile: "Sharon, why would your aunt lie to you?"


auzw.com After resolving Sharon, Wu Yang, who was still overwhelmed, pulled Peggy off the water, which was really excessive.

The three lay together, and Peggy looked tired and incapable. Sharon was already asleep.

"Are you satisfied now?" Peggy gave Wu Yang a wink.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Satisfied, very satisfied, unprecedented satisfaction."

"Asshole." Peggy gave a hand to Wu Yang's waist.

Peggy thought for a moment: "Wu Yang, do you have anything to hide from us?"

"Yes, there are things that cannot be said all at once."

"Understand, when do you plan to say it?"

"Just be near."

"Okay. Wu Yang, there is always a sense of insecurity when you stay in this space. After all, this is not your chassis, it is not your control." Peggy's eyes were a little worried.

"Yeah, it's not my control. I'm already trying to solve this problem, Peggy, you don't have to worry."


Sharon slowly opened her eyes and looked at Wu Yang next to her.

"Wake up, Sharon." Wu Yang said with a smile.

Sharon looked at Peggy, who wasn't wearing clothes, and said to Wu Yang, "You're an animal."

Wu Yang hugged Sharon tightly and smiled, "Wife, isn't this good? Let me take care of you two and live a life of" **** "."

"Asshole, you took everything from me. If you are not good to me, I will kill you." Sharon said fiercely.

Peggy said with a smile: "Sharon, don't worry, if he dares to be bad to you, your aunt will kill you first."

"Aunt is the best, no, aunt you are the worst, even with this **** to deal with your niece." Sharon looked at Peggy resentfully.

Peggy said with a smile: "Sharon, don't say that, does your aunt still want you to be happy?"

"No, you are indulging your man and it will only make him worse."

Peggy shook her head and said, "Aunt can't control him. He was taken away by him that year, Sharon, it's up to you."

"Forget it, I don't have the ability to control this bastard."

Wu Yang grabbed one with one hand and laughed, "Whatever matters, you are all my women. I am your man. It's that simple, hahahaha."

"Asshole." Peggy and Sharon twisted one of Wu Yang's ears and tugged hard.


"Dad, really, I haven't been with Athena recently today." Athena stood in front of Wu Yang, her face very unhappy.

Wu Yang hugged Athena and smiled, "Is something wrong with my father?"

"Perfunctory me, not for pick-ups, father is not a good man." Athena pouted.

Wu Yang sweated secretly: "Athena, at a young age, you can't" talk "."

"Dad bullied Athen, but Athena knew everything. Don't treat me as a child." Athena's eyes were dissatisfied.

Wu Yang nodded immediately and said, "Yes, yes, it's my father's fault."

Su Yueming's voice came: "Wu Yang, we are all here." ..