v12 Chapter 20: Angel of Justice (two more)

An evil voice came over: "The sword of the demon god, you really let me down, and a dog couldn't clean it up."

Wu Yang asked, "Who is he?"

The veiled woman's eyes flashed a strong killing intention, and she said coldly, "Villain Demon!"

"I am the outward manifestation of the villain system—the villain of the villain!" Yin Sha's voice sounded clearly in the ears of Wu Yang and others.

Strong shocks and puzzlements flashed in the eyes of women such as Wu Yang and Bai Hou. Isn't the outward appearance of the villain system a sword of the devil? If this villain is the outward manifestation of the villain system, what is the demon sword?

In the distance, the black "color" figure slowly flew over. Wu Yang and the girls also saw the figure clearly. It was really a demon, in line with the image of demon in everyone's heart.

It has bat meat wings, horns like yaks on its head, a pair of eyes made of blood, nostrils like horns, and blood on the corners of its mouth. A synonym for horror.

"Is this the villainic devil?" Ruxue could not help but tremble.

The villain devil stopped several dozen meters away from Wu Yang and others, and two blood eyes looked at Wu Yang.

"Villains, it's been a long time." The veil woman said coldly.

"Justice angel, it's not dead, it really surprised me." The villain's face was sullen.

Wu Yang and the daughters looked at the veiled girl. It turned out that this veiled girl was called an angel of justice. Was it really an angel?

Bai Hou said to himself: "The angel of justice, the villain devil, is really completely opposite. Angel of justice, shouldn't you be ..."

"Hmm ..." The villain's devil laughed awkwardly. "Angel of justice, you are really not afraid of death. You came to my place."

The angel of justice whispered: "Whoever lives and who dies is not necessarily."

The villain devil glanced at Wu Yang and said disdainfully, "Don't you think that you can defeat me by relying on this dog."

"Grass and mud, my dog, your mother." Wu Yang said unpleasantly, "People who pretended to be" forced "saw many of them, but they all died."

"Wu Yang, speak with care," said the villain Devil gloomily. "Don't think you're lucky, you can save your life."

Bai Hou asked: "Villains, are you the outward manifestation of the villain system?"

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

"What is the demon sword?"

"Well ..." the villain demon laughed, "You don't think this space is villain space, right? A group of poor people."

"So where is this?" Wu Yang asked.

The villain of the villain looked at Wu Yang and said, "In this case, let you understand something before you die. Demon Sword, come out and tell them."

"The sword of the demon god? Wasn't Wu Yang killed?" The girls stunned.

"Well, the core of the system will not die, and the system will not die, don't you know that?" The villain devil smiled.

Countless broken black "color" metal powders gathered in front of the villain demon, and a black "color" sword appeared, the sword of the demon god.

"Devil's Sword ?!"


Demon Sword said to the villain: "Master, I'm sorry, I've let you down."

"That's right, I'm a little disappointed," said the villainy somberly.

"Master ..." The sword of the demon with a trace of trill.

"Don't be nervous, this time you won't be punished."

"Thank you master, thank you master." Demon Sword said excitedly.

Wu Yang and others frowned. The villain is the master of the demon sword. What is going on?

"Well, the sword of the demon god, please explain to them." The villain said faintly.

"Yes, master."

The sword of the demon **** facing Wu Yang and others said: "I am not the external manifestation of the villain system, I am the sword of the sword system. The space is not the villain space at all, but the sword of the sword system Space. "

"The system of swords ?!" Wu Yang and the girls were surprised again, and the system of swords.

Bai Hou smiled bitterly: "It turns out that we have always been in the space of the sword, really deceived, not bad."

"Do you understand now? I am the villain system, the villain devil!" The villain devil smiled proudly, "The sword system is just a puppet of mine."

"It turns out that you are the 'he' in the mouth of the demon sword." Bai Hou said lightly.

Wu Yang clapped his hands and said, "Awesome, really awesome, worthy of being a true villain system, standing behind the scenes."

"Wu Yang, you are a good adaptor. Through you, my sword system has grown a lot. It is time to become mature. It is time to start eating." A bit of viciousness flashed in the villain's eyes.

The sword of the demon trembled and asked, "Master, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? It means that you have finally fattened, and you have raised me for so long, it is time to repay me." The black light on the villain's hand flashed, and a black "color" bead the size of a basketball appeared.

Wu Yang's eyes narrowed and said, "This should be the core of the system of the sword system."

"Master, what are you going to do about the core of my system?" Demon Sword asked in horror, already feeling the strong malice of the villain.

The villain devil smiled and said, "I have been hovering at the bottleneck of the seventh level for thousands of years. Although it is infinitely close to the eighth level, it is not the eighth level."

"Later, I came across your nascent system by chance, so I decided to take you as a slave and train you well, so that one day, I would be promoted to eighth level through you."

"For so many years, you have finally become a Level 7 system. I will eat you, um ..." The villain devil laughed.

Wu Yang and the daughters could not help but feel a bit of sorrow for the sword of the demon god. It was only food raised by the villain of the villain, and the food is now cooked.

The angel of justice said coldly, "We must stop the villain from the villain. If he swallows the core of the system of the sword system and becomes the eight-level system, everything would be unimaginable."

"Can you stop me?" The villain's disgusting mouth opened wide, like a mouthful of blood.

"Master, don't ..." the Sword of the Demon yelled.

Wu Yang shouted: "The line of heaven punishment" shoots! "

"Gun of light!" A light-formed spear appeared on the angel of justice and threw it at the villain. ..