v12 Chapter 36: Value deprivation (second more)

The villain's mouth was stretched, and a basketball-sized black "color" bead squeezed out of it.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled, and the black "color" beads levitated to his hands.

"Also, give it back to me." The villain devil shouted struggling.

"From now on, this is mine." Wu Yang laughed. "The core of the system of the sword system has nothing to do with you."

The villain devil groaned: "Give me, give me ..."

"Villains demons, let me help you out completely." Wu Yang "showed" a cruel smile.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me ..."

Consuming the black hole and conquering the crown came outside the barrier, but could not enter.

Wu Yang looked at it and "Lu" smiled, "I know, do you want to solve him? It really can't be wasted like this."

A gap appeared in the barrier, allowing the black holes and the crown of conquest to enter.

"I'm going to conquer this guy, he's the weakest time now." Conquering the crown seemed a little excited.

"I'm going to devour him." Consuming the black hole was also a hint of excitement.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "It's over to you."

The conquering crown quickly flew over the villain's head, "This kind of existence is really rare."

As the conquest crown was worn in, the bitter voice of the villain's demon strengthened again.

"Yeah, **** it, you low-level being, get away ..." the villain demonic howled.

"What about low-level? Your high-level goods will become my puppet." Shouted the conquest crown.

"Wu Yang, kill me, kill me." The Conquering Crown yelled, "Give me one final blow, I want to die."

Wu Yang said lightly: "You will die, but before you die, I will deprive you of all the value. You are still very useful and very useful to villains."

"Wu Yang, Wu Cao Mu Ma, Cao Mu Ma, you get nothing, you get nothing ..." the villain devil yelled, "Well, you can't get the core of my system."

The evil demon's eyes slowly changed to gray "color", losing all his looks, like a dead fish.

"Conquered?" Wu Yang laughed.

"Hahaha, I conquered him, I conquered him, haha." The conquest crown shouted excitedly, and the gold crown of "color" burst into a strong light.

"I've been upgraded, level six, level six," shouted the Conquering Crown.

I saw that the appearance of the Conquering Crown had changed, giving rise to some edges and corners, revealing a hint of majesty, giving a strong sense of oppression.

A bit eager to devour the black hole: "I will devour him."

"Swallow it," Wu Yang said lightly.

"Okay!" The devouring black hole can't wait to **** in the evil villain.

"Whew, whew ..." The devouring black hole made a gasp-like voice. "A lot, a lot of swallow points, too many."

The black hole swallowed for a while, then contracted back, cycling back and forth several times.

"I have also upgraded, and I have become level 6." The tone of engulfing the black hole was a hint of excitement.

Wu Yang said lightly: "That's good, good, good ..."

The surrounding barrier dissipated, Wu Yang fell from the air, the armor on his body quickly dissipated, and the cosmic cube, ether particles, ancient ice coffins, and spiritual gems all flew out.

auzw.com The eyes of the day punishment are closed, and the two reincarnation eyes have become ordinary colors.

"Master." Xue Linger flew out and hugged Wu Yang.

"I'm fine." Wu Yang squeezed a smile, and he felt a sense of collapse all over his body, especially mentally, it seemed to be numb.

The shields protecting Athena and the Angel of Justice also dissipated, and Athena and the Angel of Justice flew quickly, "Daddy."

"Dad, are you okay." Athena grabbed Wu Yang's hand, worried.

Wu Yang shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay, good."

"It's all like that, and I say I'm good, eat my personal ginseng soon," Athena cried.

The light of blue "color" flashed, and the ginseng fruit tree appeared.

Athena immediately picked one up and handed it to Wu Yang's mouth. "Hurry up and eat."

Wu Yang ate the ginseng fruit and all the functions of the body recovered, but the mental fatigue and numbness could not be eliminated.

"Are you better?" Athena and Bloodlinger asked together.

Wu Yang shook his head vigorously and said, "Linger put me down."

Xue Linger hesitated to let go of Wu Yang, still holding Wu Yang's arm, "Can you?"

Wu Yang shook a few times, and Athena and Xue Linger immediately supported Wu Yang tightly.

"Dad, don't stand up, let's take a break," Athena worried.

Wu Yang put his right hand on his forehead and said, "I'm fine, but my head is a little dizzy. Don't worry."

But how could Athena and Xuelinger be at ease, helping Wu Yang land on the ground together.

"It's okay, don't worry." Wu Yang sat slowly on the ground.

Athena said, "Dad, let's go back and devour space."

"There is one thing left to do, take the core of the villain's system."

The angel of justice said, "Leave it to me, devour the black hole, conquer the crown, and you are waiting here."

"Can you?" Wu Yang asked.

"It's all a system, and there is a faint sense of the core of the system." The angel of justice finished and flew into the sky.

Wu Yang said, "Conquer the crown and devour the black hole, you together."


Athena and Xuelinger both looked at Wu Yang in worries. Athena said, "Dad, is it all right?"

"No problem, how could I be okay, haha." Wu Yangqiang cheered up and laughed.

However, Xuelinger and Athena did not feel this way. They felt that Wu Yang was very tired, not physically, but mentally.

"Don't worry about it. Once I get the core of the villain system, I'll just go back to sleep," Wu Yang continued.

"Hmm." Athena and Xuelinger could only think so, and went back to have Bai check.


After a few hours, the angel of justice, the conquest of the crown, and the devouring of the black hole returned.

Wu Yang asked, "Did you get the core of the system?"

"Disappeared." The angel of justice frowned slightly. ..