v12 Chapter 38: Before the tomb (one more)

Athena looked at Mia and smiled. "Hello Mummy."

After hearing the word 'mummy', Mia's eyes flashed with excitement, "Athena, would you still call me mummy?"

"Of course I do, because you are my mum. No matter what Athena becomes, you are my mum."

Mia hugged Athena with excitement. "Great, I thought you would recognize me."

"No, Mommy."

The girls came around with a smile, and Bai Hou smiled and said, "Oh, that's a touching scene."

"Sister Athena is so big, it's really too much."

Athena smiled. "You're calling my sister now."

"No, no," Becky shook her head vigorously.

Mia let go of Athena, and Athena said with a trace of apology: "Aunts, I'm sorry to cause you trouble, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Can you have such a goddess as our aunt, it feels like an advantage."

"Just that, Goddess of War, I didn't expect to be my niece."

"Somewhat uncomfortable, this is the legendary goddess."


Athena smiled. "Aunts, I'm not a goddess, I'm just Athena. As before, that's the best."

"It's the best you can think so," Mia said happily.

Wu Yang took out the cosmic cube, the blue "color" flashed, and the city of sky and Taoyuan appeared in the sky.

Zixia, Qingxia, Bai Jingjing and Chunsanniang all screamed, "It feels so good."

"It's a really good, high-tech city." Zhao Hailun sighed.

"Go back." Wu Yang and the daughters flew towards the city of the sky.

Zi Xia and other women walked around in the city of the sky, watching curiously, and Wu Yang stood by a lake.

"The guideline died for me so much. I'm really sorry for him." Wu Yang's eyes flashed with strong guilt.

Bai Hou and others sighed: "This is also no way, you don't blame yourself."

"Build a curtain for him so that he can always remember him." Su Yueming said lightly.

"However, he can't leave anything, he can only build an empty grave." Wu Yang shook his head. "But it can only be so."

The tomb of the guideline was completed, and the tombstone read "Tomb of the Good Brothers".

Wu Yang and the daughters stood in front of the tomb. Wu Yang lowered her head and said solemnly: "It is my greatest honor to be Ou's elder brother. Good brother, I will never forget you in my life. Go. "

The girls were all sad, and the softer ones were already crying. After all, they have been together for so long and have established a deep connection.

auzw.com "Guideline ..." Tessa cried in Su Yueming's arms.

Su Yueming gritted her teeth. Among the girls, she and Tessa had the deepest feelings. They had experienced life and death together in the world of Transformers, and came to the sword space with Wu Yang together.

Su Yueming sighed slightly: "Guideline, I didn't expect you to go like this, but you will always live in my heart."

"Mom, brother Guilin just left like this, I'm so sad." Becky held Alice's hand sadly.

"Mummy knows that the guideline is a very brave man. We will always remember him and remember what he does. He is our pride / arrogance." Alice whispered.

Ada sighed, "I remember the days when I was in the" Marvel Movie World "with the guideline, and now he is gone."

Qiu Zhang and Ginny are wiping their eyes with her hands, and Hermione's eyes are also red. In the world of "Harry Potter", the days when Wu Yang left were the guidelines to protect them, encourage them, and let them I believe Wu Yang will definitely return, but now the guidelines have left forever.

Although Zixia, Fei / Red Witch and Bai Jingjing have not seen the guideline and established no feelings, they are all full of deep respect and gratitude towards the line. This man sacrificed himself and saved Wu Yang is worth remembering forever.

Wu Yang stood like this, one hour passed, two hours passed.

"Wu Yang, we should go back," Bai Hou said.

"You go back first, I will stay here for a while, and return soon." Wu Yang said lightly.

All the girls left, and only Wu Yang remained.

Wu Yang took out a bottle of liquor, sat down, and drank a drink: "Guideline, I'm sorry for you. Now think about it, I really haven't done anything for you, but you ..."

"I'm sorry for you, why are you so stupid, forcing you all the time, for being so stupid, forcing me to lose your life, are you worth it?" He smashed the bottle in the hand and broke it.

"Follow me, Lao Tzu did not let you live a good life, but let you hang up for me, you silly" force "." Wu Yang Yangtian shouted.

Suddenly Wu Yang felt a strong dizziness on her head, her body crooked, she fell directly to the ground, her eyes closed.

The ladies were in a hall, watching Wu Yang in the projection, and they all felt a little sadness.

"Deadline, Dad seems to be the most guilty." Athena shook her head.

"In his opinion, it was he who killed the guideline," Bai Hou said lightly, "Wu Yang looked at him with no heart or lungs, but he was too emotional.

Suddenly the faces of the women changed, and they saw Wu Yang faint.

"Wu Yang ..." The daughters disappeared in situ, leaving only Qingxia and Zixia six women, after all, no three-ball cells had formed in their bodies.

"Hurry up." Six Zixia women ran out quickly.

Beside the tombstone on the line, the girls appeared and quickly surrounded Wu Yang, who was faint.

"Wu Yang, what's wrong with you? Wake up soon, Wu Yang, Wu Yang ..."


When Wu Yang felt again, he found that he was "swinging" in a palace-like place, and could not find any way out.

Suddenly, a dazzling multicolored light came from the front. Wu Yang immediately flew along the colorful light and quickly entered a colorful space.

"Here is it?" Wu Yang frowned and looked around.

"You're here." A voice came over. ..