v12 Chapter 41: Magic Sword II (one more)

"Don't eat me, don't eat me ..." A weak voice came from the core of the system.

"Yeah, it's really surprising. There is still consciousness in it, which is really interesting." Wu Yangxie smiled. "Come out, otherwise, you will have good fruit to eat."

"Yes." A Jianchun, who did not look domineering, appeared before Wu Yang's eyes, and looked just like an ordinary iron sword.

Wu Yang explored the "sex" way: "Are you the demon sword?"

"No, no, I am the second generation of the demon sword, of course you can also call me the sword of the demon god." This so-called second generation of the devil sword made a sound.

Wu Yang said for a moment: "The second generation?"

"Yes, because the first generation is dead. The core of the system gave birth to me, and I am the second generation." The second generation of the magic sword was a bit weak, and seemed to be afraid of Wu Yang.

"It could still be like this. One is dead, and one will be born to replace it immediately." Wu Yang smiled. "So do you know who I am?"

"Know, you are Wu Yang. I have inherited the memory of a generation, know who you are, you are very powerful." The second generation of the magic sword with awe.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "It's good to know who I am. Since you have inherited the memory of a generation, what about its power, do you have it? I feel you are very weak."

"Because it was just born, it hasn't inherited yet, but it will."

"The Devil's Sword Generation is no longer there. How can you inherit his power?" Wu Yang asked.

"The core of the system determines the level of the sword system. The core of the system is level 7. Then the external manifestation must be level 7. The external manifestation of the previous generation will not perish and affect the next generation."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I see, that is to say, the core of the system will give you 7th-level power."

"That's it."

"Then you are also very useful, be a dog for me." Wu Yang smiled.

The second-generation weak sword said: "Is it necessary to be a dog?"

Wu Yang teased, "To be honest, I still like your sword. The core of the system of the sword system is in my hands. Don't you be a dog, do you have any other choice?"

"No choice." The second generation of the magic sword with a hint of helplessness.

"Observe me as a dog, rest assured, I won't treat you badly. You can look at the conquest system and the devouring system. Although they are my nominal dogs, they are still free and they are improving quickly. "

"I know it's better to follow you than to be a villain to the villain system."

"Is the villain system?" Wu Yang's brow frowned slightly. Since the outward appearance of the sword system can give birth to the second generation, what about the villain system?

Wu Yang stopped thinking and said with a smile: "So, you agree."

"I can only agree, I don't want to disappear like this, although I am not willing, but I have no choice." Demon Sword said helplessly.

"You're right, ha ha ha." Wu Yang smiled proudly.

Athena and the angel of justice came over, Athena smiled and said, "Dad, what's so happy about this?"

The angel of justice looked at the second generation of the magic sword and frowned. "Is this the sword of the demon god?"

"I am the second generation of the demon sword."

"Second generation?" Athena froze slightly.

Wu Yang explained to Athena and the angel of justice, so that they understood what was going on.

auzw.com "It turned out that I didn't even know that external manifestations are dead, and there will be new external manifestations." The angel of justice said faintly.

Athena frowned slightly. "This is not the key. The key is the villain system. The core of its system is not in our hands."

"My lord, do you mean there will be a second generation of villains?"

Wu Yang said indifferently: "At that time, it wasn't the second generation of the evil villain to face. Even if there was, he was just a dog for others."

"Who took the core of the villain's system?" Athena clenched her fist.

"Don't think about it so much, life should be easy, what else hasn't been experienced yet." Wu Yang looked indifferent.

Wu Yang continued: "Just wait for my spiritual level, what a cat and a dog, kill them all."

"So what's going on with your spiritual level?" The angel of justice asked.

Wu Yang put one hand on his forehead. "Don't care about these details, it will be all right."

"It's really a little embarrassing to you, Dad." Athena said with some sympathy.

Wu Yang secretly sweated: "Daughter, please don't look at me with this kind of compassion. Please leave here quickly, I will work hard to cultivate."

"Well, dad come on, take your time." Athena and the angel of justice left quickly.

Wu Yang collected the systemic core of the sword system and said to the second generation of the magic sword: "You can go anywhere you want, but when I call you, you must appear at any time, otherwise you don't need to exist."

"Yes." The second generation of the magic sword disappeared.

Wu Yang crossed his legs, closed his eyes, and looked like an old monk meditating. He was about to start serious, and no one could stop his hard work.

The jewels of the mind slowly floated, and a circle of silver "color" was released above Wu Yang's head.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes ...

Wu Yang didn't move, this was beyond the last time, after all, it was only ten minutes.

The silver "color" light released by the soul gem entered Wu Yang's head, and took Wu Yang into a silver "color" of the sea.

Wu Yang opened his eyes and looked around. He stood on a small boat surrounded by the endless silver "color" of sea water.

"This is it?" Wu Yang looked around.

"This is the sea of ​​spirits." A stiff voice came over.

Wu Yang asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm a gem of the soul."

"Soul gem? I rub it, when can you talk?" Wu Yang said with some surprise.

"I am a gem of the soul, the source of the spirit, is it strange to give birth to consciousness?"

Wu Yang calmed down and said, "This is not surprising, after all, you are a powerful spiritual force. So what is the purpose of letting me come to this spiritual ocean?"

"Raise your spiritual level, isn't this what you want?"

"It's what I want, what should I do?" Wu Yang asked back.

"Take the test, Wu Yang."

The calm spiritual ocean suddenly rolled up violently, and the waves of layers surged towards Wu Yang. ..