v13 Chapter 13: Abduction (one more)

"Because I can't bear you." Wu Yang Xie laughed, his eyes flashed a yellow light, and then it became normal.

The naughty Jiaojiao said: "What nonsense? If you do this again, I am angry."

"Little naughty, I want to tell you something bad." Wu Yang said suddenly suddenly.

Little Naughty was startled by Wu Yang's expression and asked, "What, what is it?"

"I'm being kicked out."

"What?" Xiao Niao exclaimed, "But didn't you just say that they won't let you go?"

Wu Yang said sadly: "That's because I don't want to affect you. I just left secretly just now, but I can't just leave like this, I want to tell you."

Little naughty froze. The change before and after was too big, which made her unacceptable for a while.

"How can this be?" Xiao mischief shook his head.

"Naughty, I'm leaving now." Wu Yang said lightly.

"How come? Wu Yang, don't go." Naughty held Wu Yang's sleeves.

Wu Yang reluctantly said: "This is no way to do things, I must go, I can no longer tolerate it here. Little naughty, you can live a good life here."

"Don't do this, Wu Yang, don't go." Xiao Naughty shook his head.

Wu Yang spread his hand and said, "This is no way. Little naughty, you live a good life here, this is a good place."

"But without you, I have no sense of security."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Let's go with me."

"Walk with you?" Little mischievous eyes widened.

Wu Yang nodded and said, "Little naughty, I will take good care of you. Come with me, believe me."

"Wu Yang, are you serious?" Naughty looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Really, really." Wu Yang resolutely said.

"I see. I'll go with you." Little Naughty agreed.

Wu Yang "Lu" smiled and said, "Well, I won't let you get a bit of hurt. Go now, okay?"

"it is good."

Wu Yang turned his body, his eyes completely turned yellow / "color", and "dew" gave out a sinister smile: "Let's go."


"Did you see naughty?" Stormwind asked a female classmate.

"Teacher, I didn't see it." The female student shook her head.

The Storm Girl frowned. Where did the little naughty go, and nowhere was she found? It was strange.

Stormwind, Qin, and Scott found Professor X. "Professor, naughty is gone."

"Where is Wu Yang?" Professor X asked.

"Wu Yang is sleeping, why can't he wake him up." The storm female shook her head.

"Wu Yang is still here, let's go to the search room and search for the trace of naughty." Professor X's wheelchair moved, and a few of Qin followed.

Professor X came to the outside of a circular metal door, and a small scanning light passed over Professor X's eyes.


"Confirmed as Professor X, welcome." The computer's synth sounded.

The metal round door opened, Professor X slowly entered with the wheelchair, and several people were waiting outside.

Inside was a large spherical building. Professor X walked on the promenade similar to a deck and came to the forefront. Here was placed a strange instrument, a brain wave booster.

Professor X picked up a simple helmet-like thing and put it on his head.

However, Professor X didn't notice that green and black "color" smoke was boiling in a transistor on the instrument.

Professor X's eyes opened and he made an uncomfortable cry, and fell down from the wheelchair and fell to the ground.

A few people waiting outside, waiting, but ten minutes passed, and Professor X had not yet come out.

"Shouldn't it take so long, the professor usually searches for people quickly, why can't he come out after so long?" Qin's eyes flashed a little worry.

The Storm Lady nodded and said, "Yeah, let's wait another five minutes. If the professor doesn't come out in five minutes, we'll go in."

Five minutes passed and Professor X still did not come out.

"Let's go in."

The metal round door opened, and several people saw Professor X lying on the ground.


"Professor, what's wrong with you?" The Qin ran quickly.


At a train station a few miles from the school, Wu Yang came here with a little naughty and got on the train.

"Wu Yang, where are we going?" Xiao naughty asked.

Wu Yangyin smiled and said, "Take you to a good place."

Xiao Nian looked at Wu Yang's expression and frowned slightly: "Wu Yang, how do you feel weird? Since leaving school, it's weird."

"You think too much, I'm still the same as before. Okay, let's have a good time." Wu Yang laughed.

Little mischievous eyes rolled a little, took off the gloves that she was wearing, and quietly "touched" Wu Yang's hand.

"Little naughty, what do you do?" Wu Yang quickly dodged the little naughty hand.

"I just want to hold your hand, can't I?" Xiao mischiev asked. "You are the only person in the world I can touch."

Wu Yanggan smiled and said, "It's all right, it's not good to be seen."

The train had started slowly and was moving forward.

Little naughty quickly got up from her seat and kept a few meters away from Wu Yang. Her move surprised someone in the other seat. What is this?

"You are not Wu Yang, Wu Yang's words would not be like you." Xiao Naughty said with a little excitement.

There was a gloom in Wu Yang's eyes, and he smiled and said, "I am, what's wrong with you, naughty?"

Little naughty shook his head and said, "You are not, unless you let me" touch "your hand, I don't believe you."

"Little naughty, don't let it go, everyone is watching it." Wu Yang smiled.

Suddenly, the whole train shook violently, rubbing fiercely on the rails, making a burst of sharp sounds, blocked by some powerful force.

Under the influence of this powerful force, the train stopped completely on the tracks, and the entire train was panicked. What happened?

Brothers, don't think that I'm slower, it's a bit of Cavern, often it can't type a word in a few minutes. For X-Men, sometimes I do n’t know how to write, it ’s difficult. ..