v13 Chapter 21: Witch Girl is a Beauty

Qin, Storm Girl, and Wolverine all looked around carefully, and all of a sudden rushed to Wu Yang.

When Wu Yang's body avoided, the people who rushed to Wu Yang saw Wu Yang avoid, and then kicked Wu Yang again.

Wu Yang grabbed the kicked foot and threw it to the side.

"Ah ..." In a shout, the man flew out and smashed a table.

All three of Qin looked over and were surprised, "Wu Yang."

"He is not me, he is a demon-shaped woman." Wu Yang said lightly.

The person thrown out by Wu Yang stood up, exactly the same as Wu Yang, without the slightest difference.

"I don't see the slightest difference," Qin said.

"If she can see it, she will not be a demon-shaped woman. Otherwise, how can she lie to the naughty." Wu Yang sneered.

The other fairy fairy clenched her fists, hurried toward a door next to it, and ran in.

"She gave it to me and dared to impersonate me. I want to let her know what the price is." Wu Yang walked forward. "Be careful, there are others."

Qin and Storm Girl said, "Be careful, too."

Wu Yang walked into the door and walked towards the front, and said, "Demon, don't hide. In my hand, you have no chance of winning."

哐 Dang!

A huge iron gate smashed into Wu Yang from above.

Wu Yang lifted his head and smiled, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the big iron gate shattered instantly, turning into a large piece of iron slag.

"Ha!" A cold drink passed over, and a large iron rod swept over Wu Yang.

Wu Yang leaned back, and the iron rod passed by his head.

Wu Yang turned and looked over. A woman with blue skin was standing opposite him.

If most people saw such a woman, they would be afraid to yell.

"It's really beautiful skin," Wu Yang said with a smile.

But this word of praise turned into a kind of irony in the ears of the demon-shaped woman. No one had ever praised her for being good-looking. Most of the monsters scolded her.

"Abominable, come and sneer at me." The devil-shaped woman waved the iron rod and hit Wu Yang again.

Wu Yang's hand grabbed the iron rod, and the devil-shaped woman pulled it vigorously, but the iron rod could not be pulled out at all.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Calm down, I don't sneer at you. In my opinion, your skin is really good, and you are a beauty."

"Beauty?" The Devil-in-law stunned, and then cried, "What a joke?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Did you even have the courage to admit that you are a beauty?"

"Shut up." The devil-shaped woman let go of the iron rod, quickly stepped forward, and kicked Wu Yang's crotch.

Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "You will really find a place to kick. If you kick, how do you compensate?"

Wu Yang's legs were pinched, and the devil's feet were pinched.

"Abominable." The demon-shaped woman leaned forward and punched Wu Yang's face.

Wu Yang's hand was blocked, and the fist woman's fist was clenched. She said, "The handsome face was broken by you. How can you compensate?"

auzw.com "Go and die." The witch-shaped girl yelled, one leg not caught, suddenly swelled, and hurled toward the Xiong mouth of Wu Yang.

Wu Yang's legs were loosened and his hands were loosened, and he took several steps back quickly.

After the devil-shaped woman landed, she watched Wu Yang alertly.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I can't be wrong in seeing people, you are indeed a beautiful woman."

"Wu Yang, what the **** do you want?" Cried the Demonic Woman.

"What I want to say is, do you want to get rid of the blue" color "skin on your body? Although this skin looks good, it is a little strange in the eyes of others." Wu Yang said kindly.

The witch-shaped woman cried, "You dream, this is my ability."

"I know that this is where your ability lies. I can remove your blue" color "skin, but still retain your ability." Wu Yangxie smiled.

The Witch-shaped Woman shook her head and said, "This is simply impossible."

"Nothing is impossible for me," Wu Yang said proudly.

There was a moment of hesitation in Witch's eyes, and then she shouted, "Wu Yang, do you think I will believe you?"

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "If you don't believe it, there is no way. Well, nonsense comes to an end here, after all, it is the opponent, come on, I will fight with you with one hand."

"Don't underestimate me." The Demonic Woman stepped forward and rushed to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang was flowing in the wind like a leaf. No matter how the demon girl attacked, he couldn't touch him at all.

"I really didn't look down on you, not just you, but Wanci Wang is the same. How to say it, two words describe it as garbage." Wu Yang said lightly.

"Abominable, don't hide it," the Demonic Woman cried.

Wu Yang no longer dodged, and smiled, "Since you have said so, then I will give you this face."

"Wu Yang, let's die." The Devil Girl pulled out a short knife and stabbed at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang punched in the past and left facing the short knife.

Kaka Kaka ...

The short knife was broken, and Wu Yang's fist hit the hand of the demon-shaped woman.

"Ah ..." The Demonic Girl screamed in pain, flew out, hit a wooden cabinet, and penetrated through.

Wu Yang walked towards the wooden cabinet, and smiled, "Come out, this will not kill you, but I'm very decent."

"Don't come out? Then I'll invite you out."

Wu Yang kicked on the wooden cabinet, and the wooden cabinet burst instantly, and the broken wood flew "disorderly".

But there are no traces of the Witch.

"It's gone. Is it a cockroach or a mouse?" Wu Yang laughed. "It's a miscalculation, but where else can I escape?"

At a corner, a mouse became a witch-shaped woman lying on the ground in a twist of blue skin.

The witch-shaped woman's eyes were painful, and her body trembled constantly, and she said to herself, "Abominable Wu Yang, you must pay the price."

Wu Yang continued to walk, smiling, and said, "Come out, you can't escape the palm of my hand."

"Wu Yang, haven't you solved the demon-shaped woman yet?" A voice came from behind Wu Yang.

Wu Yang looked over and was a storm girl.

Wu Yang's "Lu" gave a hint of unknown smile: "Not yet, haven't you encountered any danger?" ..