v13 Chapter 28: Spiritual confrontation

The whole atmosphere was silent, Professor Wu Yang and Professor X looked at each other.

But Xiao Naughty, Qin, and Stormwind all felt uncomfortable for a while, it was an invisible pressure, and it was constantly being strengthened.

Wu Yang said lightly, "Professor, are you trying to compete with me?"

"I'm a spiritual body now, and I can only deal with you mentally." Professor X smiled.

"Yeah, you are now a spiritual body. All physical attacks are useless to you. Only mental power can cause harm to you." Wu Yang laughed.

Wu Yang asked, "But Professor? Do you think your mental strength will be stronger than me?"

"Wu Yang, you are a powerful person I have met, whether it is physical / physical or spiritual. However, there seems to be something wrong with your spirit." Professor X's eyes flashed.

Wu Yang's brow frowned, and he said, "You have seen it, and you are worthy of being a professor."

"I couldn't find it, but wearing the brain wave enhancer, my mind is connected with the whole human and the mutant, and I can see more. Wu Yang, you also have weaknesses."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "That's the case, the professor is really admirable. But even if you find my weakness, what do you think your odds are?"

"If your spirit is okay, the spiritual confrontation, I may defeat you may be zero."

"But I have a mental problem." Wu Yang spread his hands.

"If it was just me personally, it might be zero to beat you, but now it is a last resort."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "A last resort? Do you want to gather the whole human spirit to fight me?"

"Yeah, this is a difficult decision. If I fail, everyone will be a vegetative. I have no choice, because it is facing you." Professor X shook his head.

Both the color and the face of Storm Girl and Qin have changed. If the professor fails, will everyone become idiots? This is really a consequence of disaster "sex".

"The consequences of failure are really a bit serious, so what do you think of your chance of winning, Professor?" Wu Yang asked.

"60%, I think so. This is based on your mental problem. I should be glad that your spirit is problematic. Wu Yang, you are really terrible."

Wu Yang smiled, "Is it 60%? Well, then let me take a look. How many are you?"

The light of silver "color" emanated from Wu Yang's body, spreading around.

Professor X's eyes narrowed slightly, and the silvery "color" light also emanated from his body.

"Wu Yang, let me teach you the tricks." Professor X raised his voice.

Little naughty, Qin and Fengfeng women felt the pressure on their bodies increased sharply, and the fears in their hearts were constantly increasing.

"Professor, let's make use of the entire human spirit. This won't win me." Wu Yang stepped forward.

Professor X had a lot of cold sweat on his bald head, his body was still shaking, his expression was painful, and he was under tremendous pressure.

"Professor, if you don't stop me here, then it will be a disaster." Wu Yang sneered.

Professor X closed his eyes and said, "Sorry, Qin, Naughty, Stormwind, I'm sorry, all humans, mutants, I'm using your strength."

auzw.com "Ah, ah ..." The naughty, Storm Girl and Qin all screamed in pain, clasped their heads together with their hands, and slowly knelt down.

Of course, it's not just the Qin trio. All the humans and mutants on the entire earth all screamed in pain, all holding their heads with both hands and kneeling on the ground in pain.

But kneeling in pain and holding his head was not so unfortunate.

All the driving drivers released the steering wheel, and the explosion of car collisions continued on all roads around the world. The plane in the sky drove directly and the train flew out of the rails ...

All this is just a huge disaster caused by a sudden severe headache.

In the dark space, Wu Yang laughed and said, "Professor, the world is probably a messy scene now, and this is all caused by you."

"I know, this is my sin." Professor X opened his eyes, and the radiance of silver "color" emanated from it.

An incomparable spirit swept towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang only felt that the space was frozen, and the tingling in his spirit took a few steps back.

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yang laughed. "That's all right, professor."

Professor X's voice with a touch of majesty, said: "Wu Yang, let's fight, we are not the enemy."

"Stop it? Professor, do you think you can defeat me? Ah ..." Wu Yang Yangtian shouted, and the silver "color" mental power broke out and was released.

Professor X said lightly: "Wu Yang, defeating you is not my purpose."

"But the reality is that fighting is unavoidable. Let my mental strength destroy you, Professor X." Wu Yang yelled, waving his hands.

Wu Yang's mental power turned into a galaxy, pouring towards Professor X.

"Wu Yang, then I can only abolish you." Professor X yelled, his mental strength also turned into a galaxy, and he stormed towards Wu Yang.

The two mental forces smashed together, and did not hear a sound, but the brilliant silver "color" light burst out.

Wow, wow ...

There were cracks in the darkness around him. Under the impact of mental force, this spiritual space created by Professor X was beyond support.

"Ah ..." Wu Yang shouted.

"Wu Yang, give up!" Shouted Professor X.

"Ah ..." the three of them shouted louder, and the level of pain was even higher.

The world has also become a place of weeping and crying, one by one is just like a ghost.

Wu Yang's head hurts a lot, and the output of mental power is not as sharp as before.

"Abominable ..." Wu Yang put a hand on his forehead, and this half-disabled spirit simply couldn't support this level of spiritual confrontation.

The professor X on the opposite side was pale, sweating "tide" all over his body, and he was hard to support.


The entire dark space exploded, and the Statue of Liberty and seawater appeared again. ..