v13 Chapter 31: Physiological needs (one more)

Lying next to Wu Yang on the ground, a man came and turned out to be a demon-shaped woman.

"Wu Yang, you are now in my hands." A bit of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Demon-shaped Woman. "But you are too powerful. Even if you are faint now, but once you wake up ..."

In the spar space, Wu Yang, son-in-law, and Guanyin looked at the witch-shaped woman outside.

The son-in-law said with a smile: "Wu Yang, you're going to be kidnapped. You can't wake up now."

"Kidnapped by a woman, isn't this a very interesting thing?" Wu Yang smiled with a wicked smile. "It's okay to wake up, don't I worry that she's done a strong girl?"

Guanyin glanced at Wu Yang, "You really don't change" color "and" sex. "

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Wu Yang looked incomprehensible.

"You don't understand." Guanyin turned away.

Wu Yang put one hand on his chin and smiled, "Is this jealous?"

"You can ask her." Son-in-law said.

Wu Yang asked, "Is this OK?"

"Of course you can. The spar space is connected to your brain. It can be said that this is your territory."

Wu Yang looked at her son-in-law and said, "Is my place? Does it mean that I can do what I want?"

"Of course you can." Son-in-law nodded slightly.

Wu Yang walked in front of her son-in-law, "The words" Don't let you "deeply stimulated me, then I'm welcome. Son-in-law, hug one."

The excitement in Wu Yang's heart opened her hands and hugged her towards her son-in-law.

However, reality disappointed Wu Yang, his hands passed directly through the son-in-law's body.

"How can this happen?" Wu Yangxuan said. "You son-in-law, you are a spiritual consciousness. I am also now, and this will not happen."

Nuwa smiled and said, "Maybe your realm is not enough, it's a pity."

Wu Yang's eyes flashed through the "color" of struggle: "I now have a strong will to elevate my spiritual realm."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." Wu Yang clenched his fists. "So sister-in-law, don't bother you."

"Go on."

Wu Yang flew towards the front, and the son-in-law looked at Wu Yang's back, "Lu" smiled: "Good luck!"

The spar space is very large, and there are colorful lights everywhere, colorful "color" mountains, colorful "color" rivers, colorful "color" plants ... Ambilight is full of dreams!

Wu Yang stood next to a sea of ​​colorful "color", looked at an island in the middle, and smiled, "Is it on the island?"

Wu Yang flew towards the island and landed on the island. The island was full of colorful bamboos.

Wu Yang walked towards the front, and suddenly a brown bear with colorful "color" came out from the side, roaring, and rushed towards Wu Yang.

"Bear?" Wu Yang glanced at the rushing Xiong.

"Roar ..." Cai "color" the brown bear patted it towards Wu Yang.

Wu Yang avoided the past, and the "color" brown bear rubbed Wu Yang past, rushed to the side, and then quickly turned over his fat body and grinned at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled a little, added a mouth, and smiled, "I haven't eaten a bear's paw for a long time. You are here."

Although Wu Yang is a bit sluggish, he is confident that he can deal with a brown bear.

auzw.com "Roar ..." The colorful brown bear rushed towards Wu Yang again.

Wu Yang did not escape this time, stretched out / out his hands, and suddenly grasped the claws of the brown bear.

"Roar, roar ..." The brown bear roared, struggling fiercely.

"Bear, you really shouldn't show up here." Wu Yang's feet were working hard, step by step, pushing forward.

Cai "color" brown bear roared. With the push of Wu Yang, his two short legs receded.

"Ha!" Wu Yang shouted, and threw it vigorously, tossing the brown bear, which was only three meters high, tossed and hit the ground heavily.

"Roar ..." The brown bear growled.

Wu Yang rode on the brown bear quickly, punching his fists against the brown bear's head.

The call of the "color" brown bear is getting weaker.

"Yes, yes, there will be a big meal right away." Wu Yang's fist continued to smash.

"Stop!" A voice came over.

A figure flew over quickly and landed beside Wu Yang.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Guanyin, you came just right. I'll buy you a bear paw later."

"Asshole!" Guanyin could not help cursing. "This is a bear I keep. Do you guys know how to kill?"

"You raised it?" Wu Yang looked at the dying brown bear.

"Not up yet."

Wu Yang stood up from the brown bear and said with a smile: "Anyway, a bear, don't think too much."

Guanyin glared at Wu Yang, took out a bamboo branch, sprinkled it, and the colored water droplets dropped on the brown bear.

The brown bear recovered quickly, and slowly stood up.

Guanyin's hand "touched" and "touched" on the brown bear's head, and said lightly, "Go."

The brown bear gave Wu Yang an angry look, walked to the side, and disappeared into the bamboo forest.

Wu Yang "touched" and "touched" his nose and said, "This bear seems to hate me."

"You hit it like that, can it not hate you?" Guanyin reprimanded.

Wu Yang spread his hands and said innocently, "Can it blame me? It attacked me, did I still stand and be bitten by it?"

"But with your ability, you can't hurt it."

Wu Yang said with a smile: "I want to eat bear paw a bit, so I can't help but play heavy hands."

Guanyin turned around and turned his back to Wu Yang: "What are you doing here?"

"Fuck you, oh no, I just think I haven't communicated with you for a long time, I really want to." Wu Yangxie smiled.

Guanyin said faintly: "Is it?"

"Of course, there can still be fakes."

Guanyin walked towards the front, and Wu Yang quickly followed, and the two of them walked onto a protruding rock with seawater below.

"What do you want to say?" Guanyin asked.

"There are many things I want to say, for example, are you lonely / lonely here? Is there any physical need, I can help." Wu Yang's face was evil.

Guanyin's face "color" changed, a flash of shame flashed in her eyes, and said: "You idiot asshole, full of nonsense" chaos. "I am a monk, where do you have any physical needs?"