v13 Chapter 33: Conquer the Demon Wonder Woman (three more)

Wu Yang stopped exaggerating, and laughed in the electric shock and fire: "Demon, do you really think this is all right?"

The Laughing Witch's proud laugh stopped, took a step back, and shook her head: "Impossible, this is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible for me. These fires and electricity are like tickling to me." Wu Yang said lightly.

"It's less pretentious." The Witcher screamed.

Rumble ...

A large pot of cold water was poured from above and fell on Wu Yang's body. The fire was extinguished, but electricity encountered water, and a strong reaction occurred, and the water splashes were bubbling.

"I don't believe that this has no effect on you." The Demonic Woman chuckled coldly.

Wu Yang smiled: "It really doesn't have a trace of effect, even my egg" hair "cannot be destroyed."


"For you, my body is indestructible. Devil, it's your misfortune to take the initiative to catch me here."

The Witchgirl cried, "Even if you can't hurt you, you still don't want to come out of this Edelman alloy."

"Do you really think so?" Wu Yang said lightly.

There was a hint of uncertainty in Witch-shaped Woman's eyes, and Wu Yang's metamorphosis was beyond her imagination. The voltage of 100,000 volts and up to three thousand degrees did not have the slightest effect on this guy.

"Wu Yang, don't bluff, you have to come out long ago," cried the Demonic Woman.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled evilly: "That's because I want to have fun with you. Since you have prepared such good equipment, if I don't cooperate with you, wouldn't it disappoint you?"

"But you don't have any good tricks, I'll come out." Wu Yang smiled.

Click, click ...

Cracks appeared on the Edelman alloy.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, but this is the earth ..." The Devil Girl's eyes widened and she receded one after another.

Wu Yang yelled: "Let you see how the so-called most solid metal is broken."



The Edman alloy wrapped in Wu Yang exploded, and metal fragments were flying around.

"Ah ..." The Demonic Woman screamed in pain, was hit by a piece of metal slag, flew out, and rolled several times on the ground.

Wu Yang stood there and shouted in the sky.

Wu Yang found that there was no trace of clothes on his body, and Dahang was still dangling.

"Demon-shaped woman, you actually chopped my clothes. What's my figure? Did you make your heart beat?" Wu Yang walked towards the witch-shaped woman lying on the ground.

The witch-shaped woman backwards on the ground and said in pain: "Don't come, you don't come ..."

"You're injured, and it's not bad." Wu Yang looked at the abdomen of the witch-shaped woman, with blood flowing from it.

The golem slowly stood up, turned and ran.

Wu Yang's figure flickered, and she stood in front of the Devil Girl. "Where do you want to go? You brought me here, and I haven't thank you very well."

"What are you going to do?" The Demonic Woman chuckled coldly.

"You're my fish now. I'm a sword-sword. You really shouldn't have brought me here."


The demon-shaped girl clenched her fists. She didn't expect Wu Yang to be so strong, otherwise she would definitely not want to kidnap Wu Yang who was faint.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Wu Yang shook his finger: "No, no, if you want to kill you, in the Statue of Liberty, you are already dead."

"Why didn't you kill me then? I and you are the enemy."

"It's a pity to kill you. Only a fool will do that. I always think we are not the enemy."

The Witchwoman sneered: "What's the joke? I and you are the enemy."

"Devil, Magneto is dead, I think you should know."

There was a hint of hatred flashing in the eyes of the witch-shaped woman, saying: "You killed the Magneto King, I will avenge him."

"Then you should know now, you can't kill me. Do you like me, what do you do with me?"

"Follow you?"

"Yes, follow me to change this world and turn it into a mutant world." Wu Yang opened her hand and said loudly.

The Demonic Woman chuckled: "Do you have such a thought?"

"Yes, I have such an idea. You are not a fool. On the contrary, you are very clever and you should be able to see it."

"What if I don't agree?"

There was a hint of killing in Wu Yang's eyes, and he said lightly: "Then you can only die. I have no habit of keeping a woman who wants to kill me."

"Think about it, don't think about running away, don't think about killing me, you can't do it." Wu Yang turned and walked outside.

The witch-shaped woman looked at Wu Yang's back, and Huang / 『color』 eyes rolled a few times and said, “I agree.”

Wu Yang "showed" a smile of the winner: "That's right."

Wu Yang walked in front of the devil-shaped woman, stretched out / shot towards the devil-shaped woman, and smiled, "Happy cooperation, I won't let you down."

The witch-shaped woman held Wu Yang's hand together and said lightly, "I will do my best to help you."

"That's all right, ha ha ha." Wu Yang smiled proudly.

There was a gleam of cold light in the witch's eyes, and now she could only stay beside this man, waiting for an opportunity to find an opportunity.

"Where is this?" Wu Yang asked.

"This is an uninhabited island, the former nest of Wanci Wang."

"I see. During this period of my coma, what was the situation in the world?"

The witch-shaped woman shook her head and said, "I don't know. I kidnapped you here, and I didn't have time to care about what it was like outside. The Magneto King's plan was successful, right?"

"Of course, and he did it himself, and died for his great plan, and he has no regrets."

The Witchwoman said: "When I woke up from the Statue of Liberty, I saw Ra's" shooting "eyes taking away the corpse of the Magneto King, and I fled there, and the whole of New York was in chaos."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to find me in a coma."

"I just came across it by chance, and I thought it was an opportunity for God to avenge me, but I didn't expect it to be like this." The Devil Girl smiled bitterly.

"It's normal, I lost it in my hands." Wu Yang was arrogant.

"So what plans do you have now?"

Wu Yang looked up and down and said, "The plan is to let you shed this blue" color "skin." ..