v13 Chapter 42: Don't overdo it (three)

Qin looked at Wu Yang with complex eyes: "Wu Yang, you are still here."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I said I would come, and now I came to this school. Why, you are not welcome?"

Qin found that her hand was still holding Wu Yang's hand tightly, and she wanted to withdraw it subconsciously.

"This is when you're sleeping, take the initiative to hold my hand, don't even startle me."

Qin stood up, with a hint of "mystery" in her eyes: "Wu Yang, what do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you want to do? Just do it."

Qin looked at Wu Yang's eyes: "Supposedly, I should now tell Professor X and arrest you."

"Then why didn't you do that?"

Qin shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know? An interesting answer." Wu Yang leaned closer to Qin's ear. "I've helped you so much. You haven't thanked me yet."

Qin stepped back and said, "What kind of gratitude do you want?"

Wu Yang glanced up and down and smiled evilly, "You know."

"I don't understand." Qin shook his head.

"Really don't understand? Then I will tell you by actual action." Wu Yang's hands rested on Qin's shoulder.

There was a hint of struggle in Qin's eyes, and some begged, "Wu Yang, don't you do that? We really can't."

"Can you rely on that? I'm a little tired, really, I didn't lie to you." Wu Yang's eyes flashed tiredness.

Qin remembered what Professor X had said. Wu Yang's spirit had been damaged. He had released so much mental power just now to trap the black phoenix.

"Um." Qin nodded. "Just lean on, don't overdo it."

"Okay, not too much." Wu Yangxie smiled, holding the piano in both hands.

"Wu Yang ..."

"Don't be nervous, it's just to lean on it better." Wu Yang smiled.

Qin glanced at Wu Yang and didn't speak. Qin understands that they are wrong to do this, and really shouldn't do it. She is conniving at wrong development, but she can't refuse Wu Yang. There is really no way ...

Wu Yang rested his chin on Qin's shoulder and whispered softly, "This is good, lean on."

Qin's hands were a bit unknown, and Wu Yang was holding her so close.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "You can put your hands on my waist. This is pure, really."

"It's strange to believe you."

Although Qin said so, she slowly put her hand on Wu Yang's waist. Qin sighed in her heart and made another mistake.

Just hugged for a while, no one spoke.

"Yes, Wu Yang." Qin whispered.

"No, I'm still tired." Wu Yang had no plans to let go.

"You can't be so rogue, you will be discovered by others." Qin decided to be more serious.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Who would find out? Radium" shoots "the eyes?"

Hearing the words "Ra" shot "eyes, Qin's face" color "changed, and said," Wu Yang, I'm still his girlfriend now, I've been making mistakes with you, I can't go on wrong. "


Wu Yang said lightly: "Who is your girlfriend? I don't care."

"how could you do this?"

"What kind of person am I? Do you know until now? Qin, if you think you are making mistakes with me, I hope this mistake will continue." Wu Yang raised his head and looked at Qin's eyes.

Qin's eyes were extremely complicated. "Wu Yang, why? Why do you keep making me wrong, and you know that these things are not supposed to happen?"

"I just obey my own thoughts. What I want to do, I have to do nothing. No one can stop me." Wu Yang took a hint of overbearing.

Qin shook his head and said, "This is the wrong idea. We are human beings, not animals. Human beings cannot do whatever they want, and they must obey the rules of this society."

"So Black Phoenix said that you were hypocritical and obviously loved me, but refused to admit it, desperately suppressed it, and avoided it."

Qin moved her face to the side: "I don't love you, don't narcissistic."

"Narcissistic? Why don't you dare look into my eyes."

"No need."

"Qin, look into my eyes." Wu Yang pinched Qin's chin with one hand, and forced "Qin" to face his eyes.

Qin looked into Wu Yang's eyes: "Wu Yang, I don't ..."

"Keep talking, I listen." Wu Yang's voice was cold.

"I don't, Wu Yang, please don't do this?" Qin's eyes were weak.

Wu Yang said lightly: "I just want to get an answer."

"Little naughty loves you, and you promised her, so don't disappoint her." Qin's tone was a touch of sourness.

Wu Yang raised a brow and said, "Little naughty is a little naughty, don't say others, now is your problem with me."

Qin shook his head vigorously, and said contradictoryly, "Even if my heart is like what Black Phoenix said, but what? But what, Wu Yang, nothing will change."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Just admit it."

"What about acknowledging? I can't betray Scott, otherwise what's the difference between me and the shameless" swing "/" woman "? That's right. Wu Yang, you are just a seducer, a seducer, I am I won't be seduced by you. "Qin said with excitement.

"Qin, don't get excited."

"I'm not excited, you let go of me." Qin wanted to push Wu Yang away. "I can't go on like this, I can't do this anymore."

Wu Yang hugged tightly: "Well, I'm just a seducer. Then meet my last request, I will never bother you again."

"any request?"

"I want to kiss you," Wu Yang said aggressively.

"What are you talking about?" Qin said for a moment, then refused. "This won't work. I can't go on wrong."

"It's only the last time, so don't reject me." Wu Yang's eyes flashed a strong evil, and one hand clung to Qin's head.

"Wu Yang, you ..."

Wu Yang's big mouth quickly rushed past and jammed Qin's mouth.

"Hmm ..." Qin's eyes widened, and he was kissed and forced to kiss again.

"Wu, Wu Yang ..." Qin twisted his head.

Wu Yang's unbridled invasion, the deep irritation, made him want to stop. A woman like Qin is very suitable to marry as a wife.

Qin's resistance was getting smaller and smaller, and her eyes closed slowly. She couldn't resist Wu Yang's attack. There was really nothing she could do. ..