v13 Chapter 51: Wolf-like aggressiveness (three)

"Mr. Ge Lei, are you okay?" A voice passed into Qin's ear.

Qin looked over, and it was Poppy.

"I'm fine." Qin shook his head. "Yes, it's time for Bobby to be in class now. Why are you here?"

"I'm bored. I can't go to class at all, so I skipped the class."

With an educational tone, Qin said, "Bobby, you can't do this. You still have to take classes. At least you can learn something."

"Oh, I see. I won't skip class again."

"That's it. Go back to class. Teacher still has work." Qin was about to leave.

"Bobby" "Lu" smiled a little: "Mr. Ge Lei, did you sleep well last night?"

Qin paused, stopped, and looked back at ‘Bobby’, “Bobby, why are you asking that?”

"Because I feel that teacher Ge Lei's anger is not right. It must be that I didn't sleep well last night."

Qin Gan smiled and said, "Bobby, thank you for your concern, but I slept well."

"Really? The teacher must have dreamed last night."

Qin's face changed, "How do you know?"

"Generally speaking, the quality of sleep is not very good for dreamers."

"I didn't expect that Pop knew a lot more than you, but I'm really fine. Go to class." Qin Gan laughed.

"Bobby" came to Qin: "Teacher Ge Lei, don't be so anxious, I want to talk to you well."

"What to talk?"

"Talk about your dreams. I am very curious about the teacher's dreams. What dreams did you have?" "Bobby" looked evil.

Qin took a step backwards and said coldly, "You are not Bobby, who are you?"

"Qin, have you really let me down, have you only discovered it now?"

Qin's pupil contracted, "Wu Yang?"

"That's right, it's me."

A flash of white light flashed and Wu Yang appeared in front of Qin.

"You guy, how dare you appear here so brightly." Qin frowned, not expecting that Wu Yang could become someone else like the Witch Girl.

"Is there anything wrong? Don't pay attention to these details."

"You have become Bobby, where is Bobby?"

Bobby is dead, but Wu Yang wouldn't say that, and lied calmly: "He's fine now, in a safe place."

"What happened to him?"

"I let him go home. It's that simple. Don't believe me?"

"I will investigate clearly." Qin wanted to leave after speaking, she was already a little afraid of facing Wu Yang, especially after that spring dream.

Wu Yang's face was playful: "Qin, don't worry, I want to talk to you about the dream you had last night."

Qin turned and walked away: "I don't understand what you say. I didn't dream last night."

auzw.com Qin's heart is extremely sleepy and "confusing", how did Wu Yang know she was dreaming? This is impossible.

Wu Yang blocked in front of Qin for a moment, and smiled, "Really? Your eyes are so wrong. Is there anything to hide?"

"Wu Yang, you have to figure it out. I don't have to explain anything to you, let it go."

"No, Qin, it's no use if you don't admit it. I know what dream you had last night. I have it in my dream. Let's watch the sunrise in front of a beach together, and then ..."

"Shut up, you, how do you know which ones?" Qin's face "color" changed greatly, taking a step back, "Impossible, Wu Yang you ..."

Suddenly, Wu Yang got to Qin's ear and smiled evilly, "Qin, you're a little bored," Sao ", did you even do that kind of thing in a dream for a long time, and endocrine disorders? "

"Wu Yang ..." Qin took several steps back and forth, "Impossible, this is impossible, my dream, you, how did you know?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Because our hearts are together, what do you want, I naturally know."

"Don't pull it, you are shameless, you must have entered my dream, you can do it." Qin was a little out of control, and his heart turned over the river, as if he had lost his last support, and exposed all the violence / 'exposed' to Wu Yang .

Wu Yang spread his hands and said, "Well, you guessed it, I entered your dream."

"Asshole, asshole." Qin stepped forward and grabbed Wu Yang's collar. "How can you do this?"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Qin, don't you get excited, it's not a big deal for me to know."

"Wu Yang in my dream is your mental body, answer me."

"It wasn't me at first, it was made by your dreams. Later, I went to your dreams and replaced him. Isn't it better and more realistic?"

"Wu Yang, you are shameless home." Qin's shame and anger erupted at the same time.

Wu Yangxie said with a smile: "Qin, these are not the key points. The key point is why you dreamed like that? That's a spring dream. Even if I don't go to your dream, the spring dream still happens."

"I, I ..." Qin's hand slowly loosened Wu Yang's collar. "I don't know."

"Wu Yang, I hate you." Qin turned and ran forward.

"Qin, the world is so small, where can you escape? Let's face it." Wu Yang blocked Qin again.

Qin stepped backwards: "Wu Yang, don't come over."

Wu Yang stepped tightly: "Qin, hate me? Don't deceive yourself, you love me."

"I do not love you."

"Don't love? You told me so clearly in your dreams, you love me."

Qin shook his head and said, "Dream is false and untrue."

"That's your most sincere word, and your best dream, Chunmeng." Wu Yang stepped forward quickly, squeezing the piano against the wall with both hands.

Qin looked into Wu Yang's eyes: "Wu Yang, don't" force "me?"

"not good."

Looking at Wu Yang, who was aggressive like a wolf, Qin suddenly felt helpless. In front of this man, she had no resistance at all. Knowing that there was a big pit in front of her, and she was walking towards the pit step by step, she was about to fall.

Wu Yang's red hair was twirled gently in one hand, and said gently, "Qin, I want to kiss you."

"Can I refuse? You promised me before and won't touch me again."

"Have I said that? It doesn't matter, Qin, you really can't control myself." Wu Yang looked at Qin's lips.

"You never control yourself, don't say it's as if you controlled."

"Cough, cough ..." The sound of a cough came from behind the two of them, "What are you two doing?" ..