v13 Chapter 56: Wrong cast the wrong tire (two more)

Wu Yang said lightly, "Here is the boss."

The special forces descended from the manned aircraft quickly and quickly ran towards the three of Wu Yang, stopped at a distance of seven or eight meters, and pointed a gun at the three.

"It's amazing to have such a courageous mutant." A somber voice came.

The special forces gave way. A forty-five-year-old man with glasses and a fat body came over.

"Is Stryker?" Wu Yang came lightly.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to know me. Who are you?" Stryker looked at Wu Yang.

Wu Yang said with a smile: "Professor Professor and Ra" shot "never said to you. Is my name Wu Yang?"

"You are Wu Yang?" Stryker flashed a light in his eyes. "So you created the disaster in New York?"

"Made by Wu Yang?" Katie froze. New York's genetic infection was made by Wu Yang?

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Is it a disaster? I don't think so, I'm helping them."

"Help them? You are declaring war on humanity as a whole." Stryker frowned.

"Hahaha ..." Wu Yang laughed. "Declaration of war? You scared me. What about declaration of war?"

"I'll let you know what it is like to declare war. I'll grab you, grab all your mutants, and exterminate them completely." Stricker's eyes flashed madness.

Wu Yang's smile converged: "You just can't do it."

"Shoot!" Stryker waved his hand.

Special anesthesia needles were shot out and "shot" towards the three of Wu Yang.

"Do you think this thing really works for me?" Wu Yang's eyes flickered with disdain.

All the anaesthesia needles were stagnation, and one by one turned their trajectories, facing a group of Stryker.

Stryker calmly said: "Well worthy of Wu Yang, there is such a skill. But you will not think that you can subvert the entire human race."

"Why not?" Wu Yang said with a smile. "Striker, don't pretend to be in front of me. It will be easier for me to kill you than to kill an ant."

Stryker's gloomy face exclaimed, "Wu Yang, let me die."


Three helicopters in the sky fired two missiles and blasted towards the position of the three men of Wu Yang.

"Missile ..." Katie and Naughty raised their heads, eyes widening.

"Don't panic, it's just two missiles." Wu Yang's hands moved towards the sky.

The two missiles that were bombarded at high speed could no longer move forward when they were five meters away from the three, and they trembled fiercely in the air.

Stryker and a bunch of special forces eyes widened. "How is that possible?"

"That's great," Katie said incredulously.

"Wu Yang is the best. I'm not worried at all." Xiao Naughty pretended to calm down, but his heart rate has doubled.

Stryker shouted, "Send me a shot, kill him, kill him."

Missiles blasted from the sky.

Wu Yang's hands were held high, and slowly suspended, all the missiles hit were stagnant.

"Striker, I'll let you see what is the real power." Wu Yang shouted, and a missile in the air turned around, following the trajectory when it came.


Stryker shouted, "Hurry up!"

A helicopter in the sky quickly flew forward, but it was useless.


The missile hit the rear wing and gave a bang. The whole helicopter burst out in the air, and the flame fragments flew "disorderly" and exploded everywhere.

The piano, Storm Girl, and Wolverine, who were still dealing with special forces in the main building, heard the explosion loudly.

"Outside, let's go out and take a look." Stormwind ran towards the outside.

On the "fuck" field, Stryker and a group of special soldiers watched Wu Yang's eyes become frightened and went backwards.

Wu Yang's hand moved around, and a missile flew over his hand, spinning.

"Striker, what do you think now?" Wu Yang sneered, "This missile is for you, what do you think?"

Bang bang ...

Gatling's bullet swept away towards Wu Yang.

"I don't know whether to live or die." Wu Yang looked at the two remaining helicopters.

"Then send you to God." The two missiles headed for the remaining two helicopters.

Boom, boom ...

A helicopter exploded directly, and another propeller was blown off, dropped from the air, and crashed into the "operations" field.


Various body fragments were flying "disorderly", and several special forces were directly split into two by the "disorderly" flying debris.

Qin, Storm Girl, and Wolverine ran out of the main building. "Little naughty, Katie, why are you here?"

"He ..." Katie pointed to Wu Yang suspended in the sky.

"Wu Yang," cried Fengfeng, "how is all this going on?"

"What's the matter? If you ask me, you might as well ask this stupid" force. "Wu Yang gave a finger to Stryker.

Stryker stood up from the ground, looked at Wolverine and laughed, "Logan, I didn't expect to see you here."

Wolverine frowned. "Who are you? Do I know you?"

"Of course you know me. We haven't seen each other for a long time, fifteen years?" Stryker smiled, "I didn't expect you to be tamed as a beast, and stay here like a poultry."

Wolverine frowned, telling him intuitively that he knew the man, but could not remember it.

Qin looked at Wu Yang and said, "Wu Yang, who is he?"

"His name is Stryker. He came here to catch us." Wu Yang smiled. "There is nothing I can do."

"Striker? Why are you attacking here?" Storm Girl asked.

"Why? Because your threats are too great, you have to be locked up, and only then can the world be peaceful," Strike shouted.

"Mutants should not exist in this world. Your existence is an insult to humanity." Stryker said somberly, "Today, don't you want to run."

Wu Yang said lightly, "Did you hear the Storm Girl and Qin? This is human beings, and the slightest Ministry welcomes you. What's wrong with mutants?"

Stormwind clenched her fists: "What's wrong with us?"

"The wrong thing is that you cast the wrong tire." ..